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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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It was Owen who came out 1st talking about his contract and that he hadn't been offered one.


Honestly some people, any excuse to have a go.


That's different, they're in the middle of negotiations, no need to come out and say this 60/40 thing. I appreciate it if he thinks he's keeping the fans in the know but I think he should keep his mouth shut about this one.


It's only different because you want it to be different so you can have a go, its in fact quite the same and tit for tat which Owen started.


It's all part of the game, accept it and hope that JFK is telling the truth and Owen is 60/40, if he's not, its not a bad thing for our competitors to think that anyway meaning any fee were going to possibly receive in the winter window has now increased as were not as desperate to sell as some think and Owen isn't as desperate to leave as the media would imply. Owen's not exactly going to come out now and say he wants to leave, so all JFK has done is returned the serve from Owen and its now firmly in Owen's court.


Don't fucking pretend you know what I'm thinking, you haven't got a clue. I've defended him from the mongs on here when he's come out with comments before but this is totally different. What you're going on about in the second paragraph I do not know. Owen was asked a question about his contract and fobbed them off, he didn't come out of the blue saying it like Kinnear has now.



So what does a mong hater such as yourself really think about this contract situation? Because for myself seeing it from all POVs, and wanting what's best for the club, forcing Owen's hand is the best thing we can do right now for several reasons:


* We know where we are with him for the rest of the season

* We know what he's thinking

* We can actively look to sell if he wants to go without upsetting him

* We know how much he is wanting if at all

* If he wants to go we can look for a replacement

* If the club is still for sale we can let buyers know one way or another if he's staying.

* The fans know the club's position

* The players know the club's position

* Owen knows the club's position and that he's wanted

* Signing Owen quickly before the window will boost the club no end

* The longer he doesn't sign, the more chance we lose him for free

* Some info on what's happening stops the press writing anything they want getting the fan nervous and pressure building


If we can get some early answers to some difficult questions then our winter window will go a lot more smoothly since we won't have the noose that is this contract situation hanging around our necks, it would be sorted one way or another.



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JFK is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He says f*** all and people moan about the lack of communication from the club, he says this and people moan it's going to be counter productive.


I'd much rather he talked and told us what was going on, even if he does have a track record for spouting tosh. You'd have to be an idiot to think Owen is going to decide before January so I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the "72 hour" claim.


Thats what worries me though. Plenty of fans will believe the 72 hour claim whether its true or not, and if he doesn't sign in the next 3 days, are certain sections of fans going to start giving him a hard time?


I agree its good of him to tell us whats going on, but the timeframe could have been left out. Just say that we had some positive talks and he's been offered a very good contract.


Surely it's Owen's fault then for telling Joe he will let him know within that time frame?


Did Owen make it public? No. Things like that should stay private, because unfortunately certain fans are very quick to get on Owens back and this wont help.


Look this is getting out of hand. All I'm saying is, it would have been wise to hold off mentioning the time frame.


So it's ok for Owen to say to Kinnear that he will let him know within the next few days but it's not ok for Kinnear to pass this information on to the fans?

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JFK is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He says fuck all and people moan about the lack of communication from the club, he says this and people moan it's going to be counter productive.


I'd much rather he talked and told us what was going on, even if he does have a track record for spouting tosh. You'd have to be an idiot to think Owen is going to decide before January so I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the "72 hour" claim.


Is the point.


He's probably seen the fans want communication since we've been going acker since the summer for not getting any from the board, so he does his best to relay info, stop the press making things up and gets it in the neck for his troubles.


In agreement he needs to stay quiet about a few things he's said in the past, really don't think this is one of them unless it really pisses off Owen, which really JFK should know by now if it has or hasn't, and he obviously thinks Owen isn't going to mind.

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It was Owen who came out 1st talking about his contract and that he hadn't been offered one.


Honestly some people, any excuse to have a go.


That's different, they're in the middle of negotiations, no need to come out and say this 60/40 thing. I appreciate it if he thinks he's keeping the fans in the know but I think he should keep his mouth shut about this one.


It's only different because you want it to be different so you can have a go, its in fact quite the same and tit for tat which Owen started.


It's all part of the game, accept it and hope that JFK is telling the truth and Owen is 60/40, if he's not, its not a bad thing for our competitors to think that anyway meaning any fee were going to possibly receive in the winter window has now increased as were not as desperate to sell as some think and Owen isn't as desperate to leave as the media would imply. Owen's not exactly going to come out now and say he wants to leave, so all JFK has done is returned the serve from Owen and its now firmly in Owen's court.


Don't fucking pretend you know what I'm thinking, you haven't got a clue. I've defended him from the mongs on here when he's come out with comments before but this is totally different. What you're going on about in the second paragraph I do not know. Owen was asked a question about his contract and fobbed them off, he didn't come out of the blue saying it like Kinnear has now.



So what does a mong hater such as yourself really think about this contract situation? Because for myself seeing it from all POVs, and wanting what's best for the club, forcing Owen's hand is the best thing we can do right now for several reasons:


* We know where we are with him for the rest of the season

* We know what he's thinking

* We can actively look to sell if he wants to go without upsetting him

* We know how much he is wanting if at all

* If he wants to go we can look for a replacement

* If the club is still for sale we can let buyers know one way or another if he's staying.

* The fans know the club's position

* The players know the club's position

* Owen knows the club's position and that he's wanted

* Signing Owen quickly before the window will boost the club no end

* The longer he doesn't sign, the more chance we lose him for free

* Some info on what's happening stops the press writing anything they want getting the fan nervous and pressure building


If we can get some early answers to some difficult questions then our winter window will go a lot more smoothly since we won't have the noose that is this contract situation hanging around our necks, it would be sorted one way or another.


I don't disagree to most of that, but to go public is stupid.


To be honest this is a stupid argument, might as well just see what happens. If he's on the verge of signing and told Kinnear and Kinnear wants to give the fans some good news then great.

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JFK is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He says f*** all and people moan about the lack of communication from the club, he says this and people moan it's going to be counter productive.


I'd much rather he talked and told us what was going on, even if he does have a track record for spouting tosh. You'd have to be an idiot to think Owen is going to decide before January so I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the "72 hour" claim.


Thats what worries me though. Plenty of fans will believe the 72 hour claim whether its true or not, and if he doesn't sign in the next 3 days, are certain sections of fans going to start giving him a hard time?


I agree its good of him to tell us whats going on, but the timeframe could have been left out. Just say that we had some positive talks and he's been offered a very good contract.


But those few fans are fucking idiots.


This is a complete non-argument. There is nothing to be discussed. It will not effect 99.9% of fans or the press in any way.

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It was Owen who came out 1st talking about his contract and that he hadn't been offered one.


Honestly some people, any excuse to have a go.


That's different, they're in the middle of negotiations, no need to come out and say this 60/40 thing. I appreciate it if he thinks he's keeping the fans in the know but I think he should keep his mouth shut about this one.


It's only different because you want it to be different so you can have a go, its in fact quite the same and tit for tat which Owen started.


It's all part of the game, accept it and hope that JFK is telling the truth and Owen is 60/40, if he's not, its not a bad thing for our competitors to think that anyway meaning any fee were going to possibly receive in the winter window has now increased as were not as desperate to sell as some think and Owen isn't as desperate to leave as the media would imply. Owen's not exactly going to come out now and say he wants to leave, so all JFK has done is returned the serve from Owen and its now firmly in Owen's court.


Don't f***ing pretend you know what I'm thinking, you haven't got a clue. I've defended him from the mongs on here when he's come out with comments before but this is totally different. What you're going on about in the second paragraph I do not know. Owen was asked a question about his contract and fobbed them off, he didn't come out of the blue saying it like Kinnear has now.



So what does a mong hater such as yourself really think about this contract situation? Because for myself seeing it from all POVs, and wanting what's best for the club, forcing Owen's hand is the best thing we can do right now for several reasons:


* We know where we are with him for the rest of the season

* We know what he's thinking

* We can actively look to sell if he wants to go without upsetting him

* We know how much he is wanting if at all

* If he wants to go we can look for a replacement

* If the club is still for sale we can let buyers know one way or another if he's staying.

* The fans know the club's position

* The players know the club's position

* Owen knows the club's position and that he's wanted

* Signing Owen quickly before the window will boost the club no end

* The longer he doesn't sign, the more chance we lose him for free

* Some info on what's happening stops the press writing anything they want getting the fan nervous and pressure building


If we can get some early answers to some difficult questions then our winter window will go a lot more smoothly since we won't have the noose that is this contract situation hanging around our necks, it would be sorted one way or another.




I agree to an extent, but I think it's counter productive to PUBLICLY force his hand. The last thing we need at the minute are fans turning on our best player, which could feasibly happen if there is no news in the next week.


Possibly. I've not been Owen's biggest fan since he's got here, and always knew this situation was going to happen, but i honestly wouldn't hold it against him if he wanted to leave.


If he either helps us up the league with his goals, or allows us to sell him this window for a chunk towards his replacement then i'm going to be neutral about Owen.


If he stays i'd be delighted, and tbh, for some reason im more confident in him staying now than i ever have been, up to 19% 

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It was Owen who came out 1st talking about his contract and that he hadn't been offered one.


Honestly some people, any excuse to have a go.


That's different, they're in the middle of negotiations, no need to come out and say this 60/40 thing. I appreciate it if he thinks he's keeping the fans in the know but I think he should keep his mouth shut about this one.


It's only different because you want it to be different so you can have a go, its in fact quite the same and tit for tat which Owen started.


It's all part of the game, accept it and hope that JFK is telling the truth and Owen is 60/40, if he's not, its not a bad thing for our competitors to think that anyway meaning any fee were going to possibly receive in the winter window has now increased as were not as desperate to sell as some think and Owen isn't as desperate to leave as the media would imply. Owen's not exactly going to come out now and say he wants to leave, so all JFK has done is returned the serve from Owen and its now firmly in Owen's court.


Don't fucking pretend you know what I'm thinking, you haven't got a clue. I've defended him from the mongs on here when he's come out with comments before but this is totally different. What you're going on about in the second paragraph I do not know. Owen was asked a question about his contract and fobbed them off, he didn't come out of the blue saying it like Kinnear has now.



So what does a mong hater such as yourself really think about this contract situation? Because for myself seeing it from all POVs, and wanting what's best for the club, forcing Owen's hand is the best thing we can do right now for several reasons:


* We know where we are with him for the rest of the season

* We know what he's thinking

* We can actively look to sell if he wants to go without upsetting him

* We know how much he is wanting if at all

* If he wants to go we can look for a replacement

* If the club is still for sale we can let buyers know one way or another if he's staying.

* The fans know the club's position

* The players know the club's position

* Owen knows the club's position and that he's wanted

* Signing Owen quickly before the window will boost the club no end

* The longer he doesn't sign, the more chance we lose him for free

* Some info on what's happening stops the press writing anything they want getting the fan nervous and pressure building


If we can get some early answers to some difficult questions then our winter window will go a lot more smoothly since we won't have the noose that is this contract situation hanging around our necks, it would be sorted one way or another.


I don't disagree to most of that, but to go public is stupid.


Yes and no, i can see the negatives for going public, but in this time, i reckon right now its needed to be handled like this, and i think it will honestly work in our favour.


Just a feeling or hunch, nothing really to go off, the offer will get football people talking, it will give those thinking he'll sign for nowt in the summer a shock, and other more level headed people around him saying in the current climate, really, its a canny deal. Captain for the rest of his career, paid handsomely, living in this Country, and do the top 4 really want him, or have they other options than a 29 years old with a dodgy injury record?


tbh, Owen is more suited to us than ever, bit of loyalty from him could be the boost in this tight league the club needs.

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JFK is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He says f*** all and people moan about the lack of communication from the club, he says this and people moan it's going to be counter productive.


I'd much rather he talked and told us what was going on, even if he does have a track record for spouting tosh. You'd have to be an idiot to think Owen is going to decide before January so I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the "72 hour" claim.


Thats what worries me though. Plenty of fans will believe the 72 hour claim whether its true or not, and if he doesn't sign in the next 3 days, are certain sections of fans going to start giving him a hard time?


I agree its good of him to tell us whats going on, but the timeframe could have been left out. Just say that we had some positive talks and he's been offered a very good contract.


Surely it's Owen's fault then for telling Joe he will let him know within that time frame?


Did Owen make it public? No. Things like that should stay private, because unfortunately certain fans are very quick to get on Owens back and this wont help.


Look this is getting out of hand. All I'm saying is, it would have been wise to hold off mentioning the time frame.


So it's ok for Owen to say to Kinnear that he will let him know within the next few days but it's not ok for Kinnear to pass this information on to the fans?


Not thats its not OK for him to do that, just that its unneccessary, and could potentially lead to problems. I've already heard three different people at work today say that we'll know by Monday how much he doesn't want to be here. Is that helpful, really? Do you not think the media will be all over it if there is no news by Monday?


If you listen to the interview with Kinnear, he says that Owen told him that he would have an answer for him hopefully within 3 days. Later in the interview, Kinnear mentions that there will still be negotiating to be done between the club and the player. So if there is still negotiating to be done, how can Owen feasibly give him a definitive answer.


It just seems unneccessary.


Personally I couldn't care less, I just find it funny that people are making such a big deal about it all.

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What an unmitigated farce this discussion has turned into :lol:


From some people on here you'd think Andrew Gilligan had just been on Radio 4 and quoted a St. James' Park insider who says Kinnear "sexed up" the press conference.


Where's the dodgy dossier, that's waht I want to know?

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What an unmitigated farce this discussion has turned into :lol:


From some people on here you'd think Andrew Gilligan had just been on Radio 4 and quoted a St. James' Park insider who says Kinnear "sexed up" the press conference.


Where's the dodgy dossier, that's waht I want to know?


"The Hitzfeld Dossier"


Apparently HTT over stated the brilliance of the golf courses in the region. There's hell on.

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It was Owen who came out 1st talking about his contract and that he hadn't been offered one.


Honestly some people, any excuse to have a go.


That's different, they're in the middle of negotiations, no need to come out and say this 60/40 thing. I appreciate it if he thinks he's keeping the fans in the know but I think he should keep his mouth shut about this one.


It's only different because you want it to be different so you can have a go, its in fact quite the same and tit for tat which Owen started.


It's all part of the game, accept it and hope that JFK is telling the truth and Owen is 60/40, if he's not, its not a bad thing for our competitors to think that anyway meaning any fee were going to possibly receive in the winter window has now increased as were not as desperate to sell as some think and Owen isn't as desperate to leave as the media would imply. Owen's not exactly going to come out now and say he wants to leave, so all JFK has done is returned the serve from Owen and its now firmly in Owen's court.


Don't fucking pretend you know what I'm thinking, you haven't got a clue. I've defended him from the mongs on here when he's come out with comments before but this is totally different. What you're going on about in the second paragraph I do not know. Owen was asked a question about his contract and fobbed them off, he didn't come out of the blue saying it like Kinnear has now.



So what does a mong hater such as yourself really think about this contract situation? Because for myself seeing it from all POVs, and wanting what's best for the club, forcing Owen's hand is the best thing we can do right now for several reasons:


* We know where we are with him for the rest of the season

* We know what he's thinking

* We can actively look to sell if he wants to go without upsetting him

* We know how much he is wanting if at all

* If he wants to go we can look for a replacement

* If the club is still for sale we can let buyers know one way or another if he's staying.

* The fans know the club's position

* The players know the club's position

* Owen knows the club's position and that he's wanted

* Signing Owen quickly before the window will boost the club no end

* The longer he doesn't sign, the more chance we lose him for free

* Some info on what's happening stops the press writing anything they want getting the fan nervous and pressure building


If we can get some early answers to some difficult questions then our winter window will go a lot more smoothly since we won't have the noose that is this contract situation hanging around our necks, it would be sorted one way or another.


I don't disagree to most of that, but to go public is stupid.


Yes and no, i can see the negatives for going public, but in this time, i reckon right now its needed to be handled like this, and i think it will honestly work in our favour.


Just a feeling or hunch, nothing really to go off, the offer will get football people talking, it will give those thinking he'll sign for nowt in the summer a shock, and other more level headed people around him saying in the current climate, really, its a canny deal. Captain for the rest of his career, paid handsomely, living in this Country, and do the top 4 really want him, or have they other options than a 29 years old with a dodgy injury record?


tbh, Owen is more suited to us than ever, bit of loyalty from him could be the boost in this tight league the club needs.


I said it earlier, if Owen commits to us rather than run down his contract it will mean a hell of a lot to the supporters, some like me who have always wondered whether he really wants to be here. He'll become an instant St James hero, something he's never quite managed here so far.

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Kinnear shouldn't have put pressure on Owen by talking about a decision within three days, but if Owen doesn't sign in January - or even before - then the whole situation becomes very difficult. Everyone will assume that he just wants to see out his contract and then move, or perhaps move earlier. It'll be a public statement of non-committment that will make his position as Captain rocky, and won't have a good effect on team spirit for the rest of the season.


I'm not blaming Owen here. It's down to the club. When a player is approaching the final year of his contract, he should either sign a new one or be sold on. Because there was a power struggle and no clear direction over transfers over the last year, the situation has just drifted on.



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Good article from yesterday's Mirror...


A plea to Michael Owen to take Newcastle's contract offer in solidarity with the fans



By John Cross 18/12/2008


I really worry about the way my beloved game of football is going.


Everybody is feeling the credit crunch this Christmas - apart from, it would seem, millionaire footballers.


Michael Owen is likely to turn down Newcastle's offer of a three-year £80,000-a-week contract because it would mean taking a £25,000-a-week pay cut.



We in journalism seem to have lost touch a bit too as "Why would he accept a pay-cut?" screamed one clever sub-deck in a newspaper.


Er, because everyone else has faced up to the stark reality that this country is in financial meltdown but footballers seem to think that they are the exception to the rule.


While the fans that pay hundreds and often thousands of pounds to watch them are being made redundant left, right and centre, footballers believe they should live in their own little bubble, exempt from the financial misery which is hitting the man in the street.


They have long since forgotten what it's like to be hard up with their mock Tudor mansions, Baby Bentleys and pink champagne at Christmas parties.


I've already been told by my employers that they want to impose a pay-freeze next year to safeguard jobs and I earn a tiny fraction of what Michael Owen gets paid.


If Michael Owen signs on the dotted line then he will earn £12m over the next three years. That's not bad for a player who is 29, doesn't play as much as he used to, has lost his England place and is clearly in decline. A good player, certainly. In fact, I'd still have him in an England squad to be our supersub. But he's not the player he was.


Owen has been earning millions since he was 18 and scored THAT goal against Argentina in the World Cup. But he's not capable of scoring THAT sort of goal anymore. He's a prolific poacher and his goal at Portsmouth on Sunday proved that.


But more than not being the player he once was, Owen and a few other players should face up to the stark reality of real life and realise that football is going to be hit hard by the credit crunch in the next 12 months.


I wouldn't mind betting that we see a sharp fall in the money spent in January. OK, you can point to Lasanna Diarra's £20m move to Real Madrid but only a few very big clubs, the crazy clubs like Manchester City and the very top players will be the exception to the rule.


The Cristiano Ronaldos of this world can still command big pay rises. Manchester United can still dig deep for players. But you know something's wrong when even Roman Abramovich - himself a massive loser in the credit crunch - has insisted that Chelsea will have to sell before they can buy.


That's a world away from last January's £15m move for Nicolas Anelka. Now Big Phil is looking at Wigan's Amr Zaki. A good player, but not exactly a Champions League striker in my book. And they'll only be able to bid for Zaki if they sell someone first. That's quite some change around.


Even the Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy, who normally performs football's answer to Supermarket Sweep in the transfer window, told his club's AGM that they would have to be spendthrift in January - much to the annoyance of their wheeler and dealer manager Harry Redknapp.


The point is that almost all of football is feeling the pinch even though footballers seem to be oblivious to the troubles of the outside world.


The next TV deal could even go down and that is extremely bad news for clubs who have mortgaged themselves to the hilt on the promise of a never ending gravy train of cash.


You only had to look at the crowd at Middlesbrough against Arsenal and big empty gaps to know that the Premier League cannot take things for granted.


West Ham are a prime example of a club which is close to financial meltdown and will stage a January fire sale. There will be quite a few with reduced for quick sale tags on them, although their mega wages begs the question as to who will buy them and will the players take a pay cut to join other clubs? Not likely.


Which brings us back to Michael Owen. I would love him to sign a new deal and stay at Newcastle. Not least because I love Newcastle. I love their fans, the crazy soap opera that is St James's Park and even that ****ing ****er Joe Kinnear. He's been brilliant fun. Always has been long since before the day, just recovering from a heart attack, he once chased me down his front path, hurdling a wall in the process. He's mad, but brilliant.


Owen has found a little niche. He is a God on Tyneside and Everton, Chelsea and the other clubs looking at him may be keen but, please Michael, do us all a favour: stay at Newcastle.


Show everyone that footballers have an affinity with real people, with real fans. You'll get this argument of people saying it's a short career, footballers should earn while they can. Michael has been earning millions since he was 18. Multi-millionaire? You betcha! He'll be a billionaire soon.


So show some humility. Make the Toon Army's dreams come true and show that, while everyone else suffers in the credit crunch, you will take a pay-cut and sign on for a cool £80,000-a-week, taking a pay-cut in the process.


Footballers are a world away from the fans that worship them on the terraces. What does it really matter if Owen earns £50m or £60m in his career? It's money that you and I can only dream of. In fact, with my socialist tendencies on show here, it's a bit sick really while we've got so many people in this country below the poverty line. Anyway, enough about real life and back to football.


Please show some compassion, Michael. Swallow that £25,000-a-week and sign on for £80,000-a-week. It's a hard life. The rest of the world is feeling the crunch so please give a tiny sign that footballers are not as divorced from the fans who pay their wages as we currently think they are.




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Michael Owen is set to dash Newcastle's hopes of him signing a new contract this weekend.


Manager Joe Kinnear was convinced the England striker would end weeks of speculation by agreeing a deal before Christmas. But it is believed Owen is planning to wait until the summer.


The news is a huge blow to Kinnear, who is on the verge of being confirmed as manager on a full-time basis. Only last week he reckoned it was '60-40' in favour of Owen, 29, signing an extension to his contract, and even spoke of securing him for the remainder of his career.


Now Owen, who has scored nine times this season, wants to regain complete match fitness after countless spells out of the game and will consider his options at the end of the season.


That should alert several Premier League clubs, with Everton and Manchester City among those who would be keen to sign him.


As for Kinnear, he has already been given a three-month contract extension following his appointment after Kevin Keegan's exit and a win over Tottenham today may persuade owner Mike Ashley to appoint him permanently.


'Mike has already mentioned the possibility of staying if the club are not sold,' he said. 'He told me: "You will always be with me as long as I'm here". I'm optimistic.'




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Kinnear has made a big blunder by revealing this though hasn't he. Surely now, if there is no news on him signing in the next few days, the press and our fans will be all over it, which could potentially lead to him getting a hard time from our fans.


I've defended Kinnear, but this has been his biggest mistake so far imo for the reasons you say. And why put Owen under pressure? Needless comments.


Its Joe Kinnear, he brings a whole new meaning to the word moron

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Jesus christ, what is this "Kinnear, who is on the verge of being confirmed as manager on a full-time basis" fucking HORSE SHIT?


He is here until the end of the season, why even give his contract a 2nd thought? I know its stupid to take paper talk as gospel, but who would have thought Kinnear would be here until the end of the season? It wouldnt surprise me if that fat prick gave Kinnear a 3 year deal or something.


I also dont blame Owen, part of me wants rid of him so we can have a squad without this shit week in week out. Really cant blame Owen and imo hes on his way out, this club is a joke from top to bottom, why would a player like him want to be here?


PS: I also know my grammer etc isnt great there, but who cares :aww:

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Is there any other player where there is so much written about his contract status and whether he will stay or not.


I feel sorry for the lad.


I want Owen to stay but don't expect him to do so and think he would be mad to sign a contract at this stage of the season and with the club in the mess it is in.  However as Decky said above, I will be glad when this whole farce is over as we have had this from the day he signed and it has been a huge distraction and he must be as frustrated as we are about the whole thing.


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