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Michael Owen gets injured; rejoice!


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He's actually gone?


Yeah his contract has expired


FM-ish here, but isn't he on a week to week until he leaves or something?


I think he gets weekly wages until the end of July, not sure.


Fucking guy.

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Guest Roger Kint

Another Anne Drew McKenna exclusive i see, the most twattish, patronising knob in the media!


This wouldnt be too bad for Man Utd actually if they can get him to accept a hefty drop in wages, lets face it we all know a sudden change in attitude and performance is guaranteed!



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Guest helios_centric



Really shows how far his stock has fallen.  The clubs that can afford him can also afford better, the clubs that he might improve can't afford him or even take the gamble.


Be really surprised if he finds anything domestic. 


He can clean my flat 2 mornings a week for a couple of hours. £6 an hour and all the tea he can drink.

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What a kick in the nuts it would be for Newcastle fans to see him grinning away as Man U unveil him.


Not a cat in hell's chance.

What's strange about a cat in Hell? Should it not be a snowball's chance in Hell?

Its fur would catch on fire.

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What a kick in the nuts it would be for Newcastle fans to see him grinning away as Man U unveil him.


Not a cat in hell's chance.

What's strange about a cat in Hell? Should it not be a snowball's chance in Hell?

Its fur would catch on fire.

I've heard people say it before and never understood it. I assumed it was just people mixing up the 'Cat on a hot tin roof' or 'Cat on hot bricks' with 'not a snowball's chance in Hell'. Maybe Satan has a air rifle and hates cats?

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making a robbie fowler-like move to a big club was always his best shot, play 15 mins here or there, start against a couple of weaker sides. tad suprised it is man u though. if i was a man utd fan i'd be fuming.

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