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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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Not saying he won't get any games, but I feel that he won't get enough games to justify anyone spending more than £10-12m on him and when he does play he'll look mediocre due to the system that Rodgers plays. Nobody's going to be pinging 40-yard diagonals onto his head, even when they're chasing the game. He'll be playing a hold-up role, but they could buy any half-decent centre-forward to do that for far less than we're offering.


Carroll is a one-trick pony. He's the best in the business at that one trick, but that's something Liverpool won't allow him to demonstrate this year and he'll be nothing more than competent at any other role.

i disagree, i think he's a better player than that. when here he dominated by having the ball played to feet and chest outside the box, he wins loads of headers in that area but hasn't a clue where they are going, he's only good in the air in the box. liverpool had the plan of using the him in the air everywhere.


my worry about his return is off the field stuff and upsetting what seems like a very happy camp.

Totally agree with that madras, remember saying that a few times especially in the Championship that he wasn't that great at winning flick ons because he didn't really seem to have any specific direction on them.

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His form and fee won't improve, because he won't play. It's f***ing obvious. They can hang onto him until Christmas if they want but by then they'll have paid him about another £1.3m in wages. By next summer they'll have shelled out over £4m extra on wages for him, so even if they sell him for £16m next summer (which they won't, see earlier point about him not getting game time) then they're still worse off than if they sold him tomorrow for £12m.


Every year they hang onto him, they need to hope his value increases by more than £4m to make it worthwhile. How the f*** is that going to happen with him rotting on the bench? Or playing s*** when he does play because he's expected to be part of a passing team with the ball on the ground?


Rodgers is being a fool. That article above where he quotes the £35m to justify rejecting offers is just hilarious - How can you work out his value based on your predecessor paying WAY too much? That's just silly. His value, Brendan, is what people are willing to pay now.


Reject our offer by all means, it's your perogative to do so. Reject it because he's part of your plans for the future and that's actually reasonable enough. But to come out and say he's not part of your plans and that you're basically rejecting it because it's not close enough to the batshit crazy £35m paid by a bumbling, senile old Scottish drunk is frankly laughable.


He's worth £10-£12m, especially because he's not wanted. When he was with us he was worth perhaps nearer £20m because he was playing well and an integral part of the team. We took you to the f***ing cleaners, deal with it and move on. Nobody will pay £20m now, and it seems Carroll has his heart set on a return here.


All that said, I'm not even 100% sure I want him back. We've moved on from him and he'd not be a guaranteed starter by any means. I'd rather see Debuchy first, though perhaps one deal doesn't depend in the slightest on the other as it's not like Mike's short of a bob or 2. Plus, I trust the club now to do the right thing. I just worry slightly that this is Mike Ashley's idea rather than Pardew or Carr, and that he's just doing it to point-score.



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Yep, Rodgers has handled this appallingly throughout. First he writes off Carroll's chances of playing regularly at Liverpool, then he fails to arrnage a deal to let him leave.


His biggest mistake was not to come in and say "Andy is a major part of my plans, he can be a success here" - because that's the only way that Liverpool are going to get anything out of this situation.


I don't want Carroll back here mind, so overall I'm happy.

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Openly defending a racist to the hilt, to the extent that you wear t-shirts in public in support of him, despite his being found guilty is taking a liberty. This is a piece of business opportunism made to look cheeky by your display of business ineptitude.

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Guest Stephen927

Didn't Rogers say he was happy for Carroll to go out on loan? Hence why West Ham made a loan with an option to buy bid?

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Guest neesy111

Didn't Rogers say he was happy for Carroll to go out on loan? Hence why West Ham made a loan with an option to buy bid?


Wasn't that bid accepted as well.

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Don't really want him back tbh. As people have said, we've moved on from him, we aren't the same team we were when he did well for us and I don't think it would work as well the second time around. Plus there's all the uncertainty about whether or not he really decided to fuck off to Liverpool and leave us in the lurch because he thought the grass was greener, of course.

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Didn't Rogers say he was happy for Carroll to go out on loan? Hence why West Ham made a loan with an option to buy bid?


Wasn't that bid accepted as well.


Probably that's why he added the "especially Newcastle" bit.

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Rodgers is effectively begging us to come up with a half decent bid so he can let him go and the club saves some small amount of face - seems clear the only options are us or he stays put.


In his first big test he's failed at football management 101, never talk down your assets, especially your most fucking expensive one! How hard would it have been for him to say on day 1 "Carroll is a great player, I'm looking forward to working with him and watching him score loads of goals for Liverpool". Even if everyone knows you don't mean it, you've still got to say it.

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Still have to say for 12 mio - especially considering how much we got for him in first place - it would be a good deal. He'll be a great addition to our strikeforce. We need someone like him as a plan B, when the like of Ben Arfa, Ba and Cisse fail to create any magic.

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We need a striker who can work the channels. Ba and Cisse both like to stay central and rely on their movement in and around the box, Ameobi will hopefully be a 4th choice. I think the lesson learned from Spurs and much of last season is that 4-3-3 works better, but it's good to have options. A striker who can double up on the full back with the help of a winger can help us get balls into the box for his partner. When we play 4-4-2 with Ba and Cisse central that just doesn't happen and we see a total lack of service. Case in point being the first half against Spurs.


As a target man, Carroll doesn't fit the profile of what we need. It is also silly money to spend on a 'rotation' player who spends most of his time on the bench.


Having said all that, we do still play plenty of longer balls and I can't say I'd be disappointed at strengthening the squad, but if it's at the expense of a first team right back then it's a strange way to spend all of our budget.

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If we can recapture his form from when he was here. Not just the goals but the overall play and joy he had. He was literally everywhere in attack taking it down, making the ball move to the wingers, storming back into the box ready for the massive header. Carroll really has something both Ba and Cisse lacks and that is brute strength in his hold up play. He can keep the ball in positions where I've often seen both Ba and Cisse struggle to keep it. Whilst they most definetly got that extra pace and deadly finishing attributes. More often comes with a piece of brilliance. Carroll just takes it down and passes it on without the fuzz around it. He just offers something else we don't have, wich is the main reason I'm positive.


Anyway, I really do think Ba and Cisse are to alike to play together up top, as against spurs, I just felt the linkup play between themself and down to midfield was quite nonexistant.

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Really praying that what Pards has said in the past about targets that were previously thought to be out of reach/too expensive suddenly coming out of the woodwork and being available or cheaper in the final few days - so if we want a striker (and I think the fact that Campbell is so close to the first team might give Pards a bit more leverage with it to Ashley) we can get a better one than Carroll for the money. I hope.

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