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Given Having His Say On SSN

Crumpy Gunt

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The club he'd stayed loyal to had been taken over by a w*****, he f***ed KK over, had showed zero ambition or intent and we had just been absolutely humiliated at home by Lpool. MC got him on the cheap but he was a great servant and sometimes you have to leave something you love.


Owen on the other hand...........

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Guest guinness_fiend

Harper's s****, though. And if staying loyal means 'sitting on your arse being happy you're being paid for doing f*** all' then Harper's obviously very loyal. I'd prefer to have a player with the ambition of Given over Harper any day of the week.



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I didn't boo when his name was announced at SJP. But it doesn't stop me feeling happy that he's rotting on the bench now.




Wouldn't boo him as a thanks for his many years of good service.

but its hilarious that he moved and got benched and is now to man city what harper was to us, when given was here.

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Harper's s****, though. And if staying loyal means 'sitting on your arse being happy you're being paid for doing f*** all' then Harper's obviously very loyal. I'd prefer to have a player with the ambition of Given over Harper any day of the week.


ha ha - you clown.

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The club he'd stayed loyal to had been taken over by a w*****, he f***ed KK over, had showed zero ambition or intent and we had just been absolutely humiliated at home by Lpool. MC got him on the cheap but he was a great servant and sometimes you have to leave something you love.


Owen on the other hand...........

stick a transfer request in when you want to leave then instead of trying to engineer a move in such a way as to gain the maximum financially from a club that had paid him well. shocked when he done it and my hatred is undimmed.
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"The window closes soon. For us it would be impossible to find another goalkeeper like Shay. He must stay here.


"If we lose another player we need to bring in someone different. It is impossible if we have 19-20 players for the next four months."

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Gutted when he left, angry at the timing. I find it mildly amusing that he's not getting games and that it's backfired, only because he left in such shit circumstances.


That said, I wouldn't boo him. OK, he made one shit decision but he was one of our best players for over a decade. That's got to count for something. Would I take him back? Probably got another 4 years or so left as a top goalkeeper, so maybe. Probably not though, Forster and Krul need to be shown confidence and given a chance.


Personally I think it would be hilarious if on his return Given walked onto St James' Park to utter silence.

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Who cares, he abandoned us when we needed him the most.  Harper, on the other hand, could walk into most teams in England (and probably increase his salary) and has stuck with us through thick and thin.  It's about time that people give Harper the credit that he quite clearly deserves and stop banging on about Given as if he is the Prodigal Son.


'Most teams in England' being the ones outside of the Premier League im guessing  :shifty:

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  • 2 weeks later...
SHAY GIVEN today told the Toon Army: "Your support meant the world to me."


Given is set to lift the lid on his treasure trove of memories after helping transform Newcastle from relegation candidates into Champions League material and title contenders.


The Toon legend will be back on Tyneside tomorrow night when a packed crowd will hang on his every word at the Irish Centre on Gallowgate.


Given left Newcastle two years ago for Manchester City, but feels he never had a chance to say an emotional goodbye to the loyal supporters who backed him during his 12 year stint at St James’ Park.


Some will always question Given’s decision to go, but the majority of Toon fans will appreciative for his sterling efforts between the posts during an era in which he played in the Champions League, the FA Cup final and helped challenge for the title.


Now he hopes to see Newcastle make another step towards getting back to such days.


Given told the Chronicle in an exclusive interview: “I never really got the chance to say a proper goodbye when I left and this will allow me to do exactly that.


“The fans were just incredible behind me when I was with Newcastle and all I ever got was 100% support.


“That will live with me forever.


“No matter what anybody says, I enjoyed every second of my time at Newcastle.


“Whatever happens my affection for the club won’t change.


“People will come and go but the club and the supporters will always be there.


“It doesn’t seem like two years ago when I left, but I had some fantastic memories.”


Given enjoyed some glory nights in the Champions League and helped the Mags to three top five finishes in consecutive years.


He said: “It was just fantastic to play in Europe and be travelling around the continent with the backing of those fans.


“It was great to see in different cities all of those black and white shirts.


“To come back will be great to experience it again.


“I was up on Boxing Day but only on the bench and you don’t really get a chance to say goodbye unless you are playing.”


Given will take questions from the floor on what should be an unforgettable night for Toon fans.


The event has been organised by Steve Wraith of after dinner big guns Players Inc with proceeds going to the NSPCC and Given said: “I’m happy to support such a worthy charity and looking forward to seeing some old friends.


“It will be nice to see people again.


“I’m sure there will be some friendly faces and not so friendly faces.


“It could be a difficult time for me on the night, but I will answer any questions people have got for me.”


Fans interested in going to event now face a mad scramble to get their hands on the remaining tickets and can do so by telephoning 0191 229 9631


Read More http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2011/02/08/given-thanks-toon-faithful-for-their-backing-72703-28133437/2/#ixzz1DQ3B26Dt







^Anyone from here going?

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What do you make of the idiot football fans who have tried to completely overlook your legacy at the club just because you were (rightly) desperate to get away from the moronic management that was clearly sending the club down the shitter?

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