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Guest ObiChrisKenobi
  On 05/07/2010 at 12:54, Fenham Mag said:

Hadaway Owen you twirp.

He could be a politician with the amount of crap he talks to try and save face.

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  On 05/07/2010 at 13:21, ObiChrisKenobi said:


Hadaway Owen you twirp.

He could be a politician with the amount of crap he talks to try and save face.


Christ that's given me ideas... can just see the horrible little bastard becoming a tory mp.

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Guest palnese

From Villatalk: Falling out of love with the beauiful game


There was no breaking point, no tipping point, I've no idea when I reached the threshold it was more a creaping realisation a gradual dawning over weeks, months, even the last couple of years.


I no longer love football. Or rather I'm no longer in love with football.


Sure I still have an affection for the game, the sort of affection that will last with me until the day I die. The game no longer consumes me though, it no longer grips me the way it used to.


I grew up living, breathing football, loving the absolute essence of the game. Even as it was in dark days of Hillsborough, Heysal's and Bradford some of the darkest days the game has and will ever know in this country the game was still magnificent, it was simple and it was ours.


It was the peoples game still, footballers weren't out of touch with reality, they lived near the fans, I grew up on a street with Kevin Gage a then Villa full back. He drove either his club sponsored Rover with logo's all over it or his misses Escort.


They were normal people, earning more than the average guy but not so much that they earnt more in a week than most earned in a year.


Players weren't plastered all over the papers for rape, for spit roasts and battering people in McDonalds or because some DJ wouldn't play some fucking over paid arseholes favourite song.


The game wasn't perfect, I'm not kidding myself or trying to kid others. It had its issues, plenty of them. I know people have a tendancy to look back with rose tinted glasses, to only remember the good and think everything was more pure in the past.


Well this isn't rose tinted glasses, I remember clearly the issues and the problems of football back then but I still prefered it. I'd swap todays game for it in a heart beat without a moments second thought.


So much of the game now turns my stomach, makes me sick, distgusts me that I find it impossible to love the game the way I once did. Sure people aren't dying on the terraces any more which is a wonderful thing, not everything that has changed about the game is bad.


Yet so much is, how can you love the game the way you used to when the game is so sick and detached from those who remain the life blood of the sport?


We have a national team that looks like it couldn't give a fuck.


We've a league packed full over players who earn a fortune but appear to care little about the game.


We have players in courts every other week on all kinds of charges.


We have semi finals at Wembley because of money.


We have as many corporate fans as real fans from each side at our cup final.


We have a player reported to be earning over 200k a week at Man City. Man fucking City.


We have kids all over the country growing up sporting Utd or Chelsea without a fucking care about their local club thats going to the fucking wall.


The game isn't the same, its been polluted by money and greed.


I still love it, I will always love it, but in love with it? The way I used to be, the way I always thought I would be? No, not even close any more.


The passion has faded and I can only see it getting worse.


In 1990 we had Terry Butcher, in 2010 we had John Terry. Kind of says it all doesn't it.



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Guest ObiChrisKenobi
  On 05/07/2010 at 19:23, 80 said:



Hadaway Owen you twirp.

He could be a politician with the amount of crap he talks to try and save face.


Christ that's given me ideas... can just see the horrible little bastard becoming a tory mp.



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  On 05/07/2010 at 19:46, palnese said:

From Villatalk: Falling out of love with the beauiful game


There was no breaking point, no tipping point, I've no idea when I reached the threshold it was more a creaping realisation a gradual dawning over weeks, months, even the last couple of years.


I no longer love football. Or rather I'm no longer in love with football.


Sure I still have an affection for the game, the sort of affection that will last with me until the day I die. The game no longer consumes me though, it no longer grips me the way it used to.


I grew up living, breathing football, loving the absolute essence of the game. Even as it was in dark days of Hillsborough, Heysal's and Bradford some of the darkest days the game has and will ever know in this country the game was still magnificent, it was simple and it was ours.


It was the peoples game still, footballers weren't out of touch with reality, they lived near the fans, I grew up on a street with Kevin Gage a then Villa full back. He drove either his club sponsored Rover with logo's all over it or his misses Escort.


They were normal people, earning more than the average guy but not so much that they earnt more in a week than most earned in a year.


Players weren't plastered all over the papers for rape, for spit roasts and battering people in McDonalds or because some DJ wouldn't play some f***ing over paid arseholes favourite song.


The game wasn't perfect, I'm not kidding myself or trying to kid others. It had its issues, plenty of them. I know people have a tendancy to look back with rose tinted glasses, to only remember the good and think everything was more pure in the past.


Well this isn't rose tinted glasses, I remember clearly the issues and the problems of football back then but I still prefered it. I'd swap todays game for it in a heart beat without a moments second thought.


So much of the game now turns my stomach, makes me sick, distgusts me that I find it impossible to love the game the way I once did. Sure people aren't dying on the terraces any more which is a wonderful thing, not everything that has changed about the game is bad.


Yet so much is, how can you love the game the way you used to when the game is so sick and detached from those who remain the life blood of the sport?


We have a national team that looks like it couldn't give a f***.


We've a league packed full over players who earn a fortune but appear to care little about the game.


We have players in courts every other week on all kinds of charges.


We have semi finals at Wembley because of money.


We have as many corporate fans as real fans from each side at our cup final.


We have a player reported to be earning over 200k a week at Man City. Man f***ing City.


We have kids all over the country growing up sporting Utd or Chelsea without a f***ing care about their local club thats going to the f***ing wall.


The game isn't the same, its been polluted by money and greed.


I still love it, I will always love it, but in love with it? The way I used to be, the way I always thought I would be? No, not even close any more.


The passion has faded and I can only see it getting worse.


In 1990 we had Terry Butcher, in 2010 we had John Terry. Kind of says it all doesn't it.




Got to admit i agree with most of that.

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Kadar looks like he's put on a load of weight (and not in a good way!) over the summer from the clip they showed of the squad training on SSN there!

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  On 05/07/2010 at 21:36, N.U.T Chris said:

Kadar looks like he's put on a load of weight (and not in a good way!) over the summer from the clip they showed of the squad training on SSN there!

anyone see nolan?

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  On 05/07/2010 at 20:54, binnsy said:


From Villatalk: Falling out of love with the beauiful game


There was no breaking point, no tipping point, I've no idea when I reached the threshold it was more a creaping realisation a gradual dawning over weeks, months, even the last couple of years.


I no longer love football. Or rather I'm no longer in love with football.


Sure I still have an affection for the game, the sort of affection that will last with me until the day I die. The game no longer consumes me though, it no longer grips me the way it used to.


I grew up living, breathing football, loving the absolute essence of the game. Even as it was in dark days of Hillsborough, Heysal's and Bradford some of the darkest days the game has and will ever know in this country the game was still magnificent, it was simple and it was ours.


It was the peoples game still, footballers weren't out of touch with reality, they lived near the fans, I grew up on a street with Kevin Gage a then Villa full back. He drove either his club sponsored Rover with logo's all over it or his misses Escort.


They were normal people, earning more than the average guy but not so much that they earnt more in a week than most earned in a year.


Players weren't plastered all over the papers for rape, for spit roasts and battering people in McDonalds or because some DJ wouldn't play some f***ing over paid arseholes favourite song.


The game wasn't perfect, I'm not kidding myself or trying to kid others. It had its issues, plenty of them. I know people have a tendancy to look back with rose tinted glasses, to only remember the good and think everything was more pure in the past.


Well this isn't rose tinted glasses, I remember clearly the issues and the problems of football back then but I still prefered it. I'd swap todays game for it in a heart beat without a moments second thought.


So much of the game now turns my stomach, makes me sick, distgusts me that I find it impossible to love the game the way I once did. Sure people aren't dying on the terraces any more which is a wonderful thing, not everything that has changed about the game is bad.


Yet so much is, how can you love the game the way you used to when the game is so sick and detached from those who remain the life blood of the sport?


We have a national team that looks like it couldn't give a f***.


We've a league packed full over players who earn a fortune but appear to care little about the game.


We have players in courts every other week on all kinds of charges.


We have semi finals at Wembley because of money.


We have as many corporate fans as real fans from each side at our cup final.


We have a player reported to be earning over 200k a week at Man City. Man f***ing City.


We have kids all over the country growing up sporting Utd or Chelsea without a f***ing care about their local club thats going to the f***ing wall.


The game isn't the same, its been polluted by money and greed.


I still love it, I will always love it, but in love with it? The way I used to be, the way I always thought I would be? No, not even close any more.


The passion has faded and I can only see it getting worse.


In 1990 we had Terry Butcher, in 2010 we had John Terry. Kind of says it all doesn't it.




Got to admit i agree with most of that.

i've felt like that about football in general for a while. i have my partisanship to NUFC and i'll watch if possible games i have money on. outside of that i don't watch and have little desire to.
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  On 05/07/2010 at 19:46, palnese said:

From Villatalk: Falling out of love with the beauiful game


There was no breaking point, no tipping point, I've no idea when I reached the threshold it was more a creaping realisation a gradual dawning over weeks, months, even the last couple of years.


I no longer love football. Or rather I'm no longer in love with football.


Sure I still have an affection for the game, the sort of affection that will last with me until the day I die. The game no longer consumes me though, it no longer grips me the way it used to.


I grew up living, breathing football, loving the absolute essence of the game. Even as it was in dark days of Hillsborough, Heysal's and Bradford some of the darkest days the game has and will ever know in this country the game was still magnificent, it was simple and it was ours.


It was the peoples game still, footballers weren't out of touch with reality, they lived near the fans, I grew up on a street with Kevin Gage a then Villa full back. He drove either his club sponsored Rover with logo's all over it or his misses Escort.


They were normal people, earning more than the average guy but not so much that they earnt more in a week than most earned in a year.


Players weren't plastered all over the papers for rape, for spit roasts and battering people in McDonalds or because some DJ wouldn't play some fucking over paid arseholes favourite song.


The game wasn't perfect, I'm not kidding myself or trying to kid others. It had its issues, plenty of them. I know people have a tendancy to look back with rose tinted glasses, to only remember the good and think everything was more pure in the past.


Well this isn't rose tinted glasses, I remember clearly the issues and the problems of football back then but I still prefered it. I'd swap todays game for it in a heart beat without a moments second thought.


So much of the game now turns my stomach, makes me sick, distgusts me that I find it impossible to love the game the way I once did. Sure people aren't dying on the terraces any more which is a wonderful thing, not everything that has changed about the game is bad.


Yet so much is, how can you love the game the way you used to when the game is so sick and detached from those who remain the life blood of the sport?


We have a national team that looks like it couldn't give a fuck.


We've a league packed full over players who earn a fortune but appear to care little about the game.


We have players in courts every other week on all kinds of charges.


We have semi finals at Wembley because of money.


We have as many corporate fans as real fans from each side at our cup final.


We have a player reported to be earning over 200k a week at Man City. Man fucking City.


We have kids all over the country growing up sporting Utd or Chelsea without a fucking care about their local club thats going to the fucking wall.


The game isn't the same, its been polluted by money and greed.


I still love it, I will always love it, but in love with it? The way I used to be, the way I always thought I would be? No, not even close any more.


The passion has faded and I can only see it getting worse.


In 1990 we had Terry Butcher, in 2010 we had John Terry. Kind of says it all doesn't it.




Meh, I still fucking love football, and will continue to watch it whenever it's on.

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  On 05/07/2010 at 23:12, Cajun said:

Some of his recent Facebook books also suggest he is carrying a bit for a lad his age.




Wouldn't say it's "bad" yet, he's a defender after all so mass is a good thing as long as it doesn't become too much.

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Nigeria has managed to avoid a FIFA ban through a last second decision to reverse a self-imposed decision banning Nigeria from FIFA tournaments.


I love my country. I really do.


Anyway, the insanity has eventually led to a very sound decision. drastic changes and sackings in the corrupt and incompetent NFF, plans to install a long term manager, and certain players being omitted. 

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