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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)   

186 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you / do you intend to pledge to the 1892 Pledge scheme orchestrated by the NUST?

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2 hours ago, Rich said:

@Joey Linton, where are ya?

Been really busy at work / got a girlfriend / moved to London / been out for a few beers with @Fantail Breeze


I wonder if the Trust can work out why they can't attract people to be on the board any more? Or even if they care.


I'm sure some will defend the state of them now though. @LFEE any thoughts?

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True Faith board, fuck me do we get weekly emails about games they went to in the 70’s-80’s which is basically a love letter to football hooliganism?


Alex Hurst, I mean the guy is literally just a less successful version of Steve Wraith.

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26 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

Been really busy at work / got a girlfriend / moved to London / been out for a few beers with @Fantail Breeze


I wonder if the Trust can work out why they can't attract people to be on the board any more? Or even if they care.


I'm sure some will defend the state of them now though. @LFEE any thoughts?

I didn’t vote for anyone or even see who was up for nomination. Would’ve quite happily voted for you as promised.


As for attracting people my guess is it’s a lot of hassle for little to no reward. Not looked that closely but guessing @Greg has finally escaped?


Not a massive MM fan and unlike AH I’ve actually met him a couple of times. Having said that clearly a NUFC stalwart and I’d imagine a bit more militant in his approach than AH so might not be such a bad appointment.


Does anyone know if there’s a maximum term you can serve? As you don’t want a FIFA style NUST ?

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28 minutes ago, LFEE said:

I didn’t vote for anyone or even see who was up for nomination. Would’ve quite happily voted for you as promised.


Not sure why you think I'd have any interest in joining such a terribly run organisation, let alone wish to get myself on the board when board members have left due to not being allowed a voice.


28 minutes ago, LFEE said:

As for attracting people my guess is it’s a lot of hassle for little to no reward. Not looked that closely but guessing @Greg has finally escaped?


They've never had problems with people wanting to do it in the past. The answer to why they do now is above. Escaped is an odd one, he was happy to welcome back Alex and lose other decent members in the process.


28 minutes ago, LFEE said:


Not a massive MM fan and unlike AH I’ve actually met him a couple of times. Having said that clearly a NUFC stalwart and I’d imagine a bit more militant in his approach than AH so might not be such a bad appointment.


Oh you're going to be surprised.


28 minutes ago, LFEE said:


Does anyone know if there’s a maximum term you can serve? As you don’t want a FIFA style NUST ?


We already have that.

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15 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:


Not sure why you think I'd have any interest in joining such a terribly run organisation, let alone wish to get myself on the board when board members have left due to not being allowed a voice.



They've never had problems with people wanting to do it in the past. The answer to why they do now is above. Escaped is an odd one, he was happy to welcome back Alex and lose other decent members in the process.



Oh you're going to be surprised.



We already have that.

So you could change it from within.


I think fans happy just enjoying the football now and with better owners less importance placed on the NUST.


Not sure what you mean by surprised but not asking you to explain as I take very little notice of the NUST.


Thats the danger though really they don’t have any power as such so not that big a concern. Would be good to have a clear answer though.

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I feel like there’s something lacking in the process here. The first time I gave read any of the applicant statements was after they’d been shooed in. Now if they were public ally available before then I apologise. But in a democratic process the electorate need to know what they’re voting for. In this case that doesn’t seem to be the case. I think their process, accountability and mandate as fan reps could be improved if statements were published then there was further time for challengers with new ideas / vision to enter the ballot. 

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2 hours ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Are you a member? Worrying if you didn’t know who the candidates were. 

I am. I received an email from the trust on 25th November advising me of the election process but not advising if any declared candidates (I suppose you could predict certain members would be applying for re-election but surely this should have been set out in [pun intended] black and white). 

I then received an email yesterday, 9th December, advising of the result. 

I find the lack of transparency more worrying mate but each to their own. 

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3 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Yeah, that’s what I meant. Worrying if they didn’t make members properly aware. 

sorry mate thought you were having a dig (Stella, red wine and tonight’s disappointment to blame)!!


I 100% agree with you. 



Edited by OCOCOL

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It’s not worth getting wound up about in any way, shape or form.  I’ve always found self-appointed ‘voices of the supporters’ weird full stop.  They’re no different to the whoppers you get on Big Brother etc, only through the more limited lens of supporting a football club.  

Let them get on with it would be my take.  There’s little which could be of less importance than this stuff - this is all about people deluding themselves into thinking millionaires and billionaires give the smallest of shites about anything they have to say. 

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On 09/12/2022 at 17:43, Dokko said:

Hope Paul is a canny guy, because the other 2 are epic cunts.


How do I cancel the DD? Only a quid a year, but I'm not paying to be associated with MM.

Aye, I'm cancelling my membership like. I believe in a trust but not this one. Need to work out how to do it.

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I know I’ve harped on about it a few times, but the second that NUST backtracked on the loyalty point retention scheme meant I was done with them.


They promised to lobby the club on behalf of those who gave up their ST in protest and backtracked on it. They’ve got a list of those who were part of the scheme and let all those who trusted it down.


Its not the principle about whether we got the points back or not (if the club decide not to give them back then fair fucks, that’s their call), but for the Trust to openly promise to actively lobby on our behalf, and then have a number of people give up season tickets with hundreds of loyalty points on the back of this promise, for the trust to then go “nah actually we’ve changed our mind”, is shitty as fuck.



Edited by bowlingcrofty

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Weirdly enough, this should be the most productive time for a trust to operate. 

Engaged fans, a club which is more likely to listen. 

Of course we don’t need them to get rid of an owner etc, but they weren’t interested in that anyway. What they should be focusing on is everyday fan engagement issues. 

From the outside it seems like communication and transparency is the thing they struggle with the most. They are also fighting an uphill battle since everyone has such a negative view of them. 

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58 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Weirdly enough, this should be the most productive time for a trust to operate. 

Engaged fans, a club which is more likely to listen. 

Of course we don’t need them to get rid of an owner etc, but they weren’t interested in that anyway. What they should be focusing on is everyday fan engagement issues. 

From the outside it seems like communication and transparency is the thing they struggle with the most. They are also fighting an uphill battle since everyone has such a negative view of them. 

I think this is an echo chamber of predominantly one view mind. With regards to certain individuals and the trust. There are probably far more that hold a different view.

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18 hours ago, OCOCOL said:

I feel like there’s something lacking in the process here. The first time I gave read any of the applicant statements was after they’d been shooed in. Now if they were public ally available before then I apologise. But in a democratic process the electorate need to know what they’re voting for. In this case that doesn’t seem to be the case. I think their process, accountability and mandate as fan reps could be improved if statements were published then there was further time for challengers with new ideas / vision to enter the ballot. 

I might be wrong as I don’t follow things that closely but had a 2nd glance at email and is it not implying that only 3 people bothered to put their names forward so there was no need for a vote as they had just enough to fill the board? So therefore no need for members to judge candidates as all guaranteed to join due lack of numbers and no alternatives.


“Following the first stage in the election process (Registrations of Interest: 25th Nov – 2nd Dec) we can now confirm that there were three (3) candidates, and as a result we do not need to proceed to next stages as outlined in our election process.”


Might be wrong mind ??‍♂️ Does anyone know anyone who put their name forward and miss out?

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8 minutes ago, LFEE said:

I might be wrong as I don’t follow things that closely but had a 2nd glance at email and is it not implying that only 3 people bothered to put their names forward so there was no need for a vote as they had just enough to fill the board? So therefore no need for members to judge candidates as all guaranteed to join due lack of numbers and no alternatives.


“Following the first stage in the election process (Registrations of Interest: 25th Nov – 2nd Dec) we can now confirm that there were three (3) candidates, and as a result we do not need to proceed to next stages as outlined in our election process.”


Might be wrong mind ??‍♂️ Does anyone know anyone who put their name forward and miss out?

No, that was my interpretation too. Most tellingly though - is that only three TFers have put forward for it, thus suggesting that not many others want to be involved or see the benefits of the trust. I think many are probably documented members but actually aren't arsed enough about it to cut off their membership. Hardly any people are actually active members so to speak. This has always been the case I reckon but probably none moreso than now.

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12 hours ago, bowlingcrofty said:

I know I’ve harped on about it a few times, but the second that NUST backtracked on the loyalty point retention scheme meant I was done with them.


They promised to lobby the club on behalf of those who gave up their ST in protest and backtracked on it. They’ve got a list of those who were part of the scheme and let all those who trusted it down.


Its not the principle about whether we got the points back or not (if the club decide not to give them back then fair fucks, that’s their call), but for the Trust to openly promise to actively lobby on our behalf, and then have a number of people give up season tickets with hundreds of loyalty points on the back of this promise, for the trust to then go “nah actually we’ve changed our mind”, is shitty as fuck.




It didn’t matter to a lot of them in key positions who are career opportunists or would appear to be imho 

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There was four places available and only three applied hence elected unopposed (but I don’t think that was made clear anywhere). 
I genuinely thought about trying to change it from within, had some initial plans for an engagement strategy and sub groups so the board was more strategic and accountable etc but genuinely couldn’t be arsed with the thought of being a lone voice and I couldn’t bring myself to be associated with something that has no real integrity. 
Where I’ve raised issues in the past it was with a genuine desire to help the trust but I just feel apathetic toward it at the moment. I even flagged they hadn’t followed their own rules with the pledge scheme and the lack of consultation of members but they clearly don’t give a fuck and would rather bury their heads in the sand than deal with an (or even any) real issue. 

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