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2010 World Cup - England in group C with USA/Algeria/Slovenia (full draw in OP)

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I fancy CIV getting out of the group and playing us at R2 really. They seem better than Portugal to me, who are massively overrated (decent defense + Cronaldo and that's pretty much all they have, and he really doesn't perform at the same level when playing for them).


Also, Minister, will sub-Saharian teams enjoy "home team" status while playing in South Africa? Or are there rivalries that would prevent that?


To be honest, Argentina won the World Cup in '86 with the same set-up. (solid defence & Maradona) That could be all they need to win the World Cup. Doubt they will, but they're the sort of team I could see frustrate the hell out of someone like Brazil or Spain, and Ronaldo would pop up with something.

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Am I the only one who's a bit worried about all the triumphalism over how "easy" the group is supposed to be? Watching the news reports about it has been seriously cringeworthy, where the fuck are these places where hundreds of people go to the pub to watch the draw like it's a game and celebrate Algeria coming out of the hat like a goal!?! Anyway, we've been here before, whenever we get cocky about our chances it always ends in disaster, have people learned nothing over the years?

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Guest schmuck

Am I the only one who's a bit worried about all the triumphalism over how "easy" the group is supposed to be? Watching the news reports about it has been seriously cringeworthy, where the fuck are these places where hundreds of people go to the pub to watch the draw like it's a game and celebrate Algeria coming out of the hat like a goal!?! Anyway, we've been here before, whenever we get cocky about our chances it always ends in disaster, have people learned nothing over the years?


alternatively: the general public getting cocky or defeatist has no bearing whatsoever on Capello, his staff, or his 23 and people should just enjoy what they perceive to be good news while they can if they feel so inclined

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Am I the only one who's a bit worried about all the triumphalism over how "easy" the group is supposed to be? Watching the news reports about it has been seriously cringeworthy, where the fuck are these places where hundreds of people go to the pub to watch the draw like it's a game and celebrate Algeria coming out of the hat like a goal!?! Anyway, we've been here before, whenever we get cocky about our chances it always ends in disaster, have people learned nothing over the years?


They've been some arrogant bastards on SSN ever since the group was drawn. It's ridiculous.

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Am I the only one who's a bit worried about all the triumphalism over how "easy" the group is supposed to be? Watching the news reports about it has been seriously cringeworthy, where the fuck are these places where hundreds of people go to the pub to watch the draw like it's a game and celebrate Algeria coming out of the hat like a goal!?! Anyway, we've been here before, whenever we get cocky about our chances it always ends in disaster, have people learned nothing over the years?


alternatively: the general public getting cocky or defeatist has no bearing whatsoever on Capello, his staff, or his 23 and people should just enjoy what they perceive to be good news while they can if they feel so inclined


Because the England players have never believed their own hype in the past!?! :lol: Not watch football that much then?

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I don't think the USA should be playing football at all, really. It's un-American. Yanks should stick to sports that can only be played professionally by people who are freakishly tall or wide, and which have plenty of time for commercial breaks. The sooner they're gone from the World Cup, the better.

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For teams like England the groups are basically a warm-up anyway.


There was no way that draw could have gone that would have left England with a group that they'd have had any real trouble getting out of tbh.


Should be handy enough path to the last 8 if groups C and D go as I'd expect.

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I don't think the USA should be playing football at all, really. It's un-American. Yanks should stick to sports that can only be played professionally by people who are freakishly tall or wide, and which have plenty of time for commercial breaks. The sooner they're gone from the World Cup, the better.


Dear Jesus/Allah/Batman: Please let this be worth a bump on June 13th.

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I don't think the USA should be playing football at all, really. It's un-American. Yanks should stick to sports that can only be played professionally by people who are freakishly tall or wide, and which have plenty of time for commercial breaks. The sooner they're gone from the World Cup, the better.


Dear Jesus/Allah/Batman: Please let this be worth a bump on June 13th.


Which Batman? If it's Adam West you might have a chance, but if it isn't you're praying to a false idol.

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It should be easy for us. We have absolutely every right to come out of that group with nine points; we played better teams in Croatia and Ukraine in the qualifiers - than all of them three (though i concede to not knowing a great deal about Algeria).


That said; i still wished we'd got a better side in the groups; cos i do believe that playing nowt but shite before a big boy is a bit of a disadvantage.

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It's different altogether in the World Cup, man. The Sun were an absolute embarrassment today with their "easy" headline.  It's arrogant tbh. We could easily slip up, especially with this attitude.

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