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Kieron Dyer signs one-year contract extension with QPR


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Guest kingdawson

He's a big wrestling fan so therefore i have sympathy for him. Sadly he plays for West ham so i take 3/4 of the sympathy back.

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Massively massively overrated player.  Terrible technique.


This is what i love about these sort of places. No hint of irony at poo-pooh-ing Dyer's technique, one of our CL players while we are sitting in the Championship with players who can't string two passes together without tripping over their own feet.

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At least it proves something - voodoo dolls DO work.


Busy knocking up a Stephen Carr one as we speak.


Feed it pie and chips and he'll be back in his Newcastle era shape in next to no time.

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An excellent player. The ability off the ball was as good as we have had in years along with the (equally odious) Bellamy. Not sure we have anyone even close to the ability of those two since. Both had good technique although Dyer's the better of the two.

Some good moments from Leeds away where he never stopped all day and ran them into the ground to Feyenoord where Bellamy got the credit and rightly so but it was Dyer who had to nouse to get there.


Both good, hard working players who rarely stopped with running off the ball and both taken for granted whilst here I think, mainly due to their ability to play in difference position - something neither enjoyed in their time here either.


Must say, his right back performance against Villa was as good as I have seen from anyone in a Newastle shirt since Irving Nattrass.


Shame he had to be such a tit at times.

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Looking forward to finding out what his mystery condition was that caused all of these injuries.



Dyer wouldn't say, Souness said it wasn't his place to reveal and as far as I know we never had any good rumours on it.


My guess: Sickle Cell Anemia.

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Guest Stephen927

I don't think he ever really got the credit for how much running he did on the pitch, he was always looking to get into good positions to recieve the ball. Shame his legs are made of glass.


I am talking about Kieron Dyer the player, not the person. You can talk about the part he played in Robsons sacking, but without being in the dressing room when it happened you can't have an opinion on it, really.

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Dyer's technique great???  :mackems:


Seriously the guy had pace and that was about it.  His awareness of what was going on around him was terrible, he couldn't shoot or pass the ball over any kind of distance greater than 5 yards.


The fact he played for us when we were in the Champions League has absolutely no relevance to an analysis of him as a player.  I thought it at the time and I still think it now.  Or are you not allowed to criticise a player who played for us in that era on the basis that they are better than what we have now?  What kind of twisted logic is that??

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Guest Stephen927

Dyer was a very good dribbler of the ball, because of his technique. You often see fast players, like Obafemi Martins, who can't run with the ball anywhere near as fast as they can sprint without it, but Dyer was a very quick dribbler.

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Dyer was a very good dribbler of the ball, because of his technique. You often see fast players, like Obafemi Martins, who can't run with the ball anywhere near as fast as they can sprint without it, but Dyer was a very quick dribbler.


Whilst I appreciate what you are saying, you can't have great, or even good, technique if you can't control a ball, shoot or pass.  Dribbling fast with the ball does not make a player technically gifted.

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Dyer's technique great???  :mackems:


Seriously the guy had pace and that was about it.  His awareness of what was going on around him was terrible, he couldn't shoot or pass the ball over any kind of distance greater than 5 yards.


The fact he played for us when we were in the Champions League has absolutely no relevance to an analysis of him as a player.  I thought it at the time and I still think it now.  Or are you not allowed to criticise a player who played for us in that era on the basis that they are better than what we have now?  What kind of twisted logic is that??


Go back and watch some highlights, his passes were often pretty incisive. He was involved in a good number of our goals. Never had a huge range of passing but could certainly pick out a pass. I agree that "great" may be stretching it a bit like...


People's judgement of him as a player from his time here has always (generally) been clouded because of his personality and off-field behaviour, unfortunately.


Top quality player, but injured too often unfortunately. Real shame.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

He was a bit lazy as a player but i'm unsure as to why he's a 'horrible little t***'?


Because people read the papers and automatically know what they're like in the dressing room and in person.


I was in a shop one day and Dyer was there, and these two little kids went up to him with a pen and a bit of paper and asked him politely for his autograph and he told them in no uncertain terms to leave him alone. He was really nasty to them.


Used to see this all the time when I worked at Virgin. Him, Bramble and Jenas walked around with their noises in the air, and looked like they couldn't care less about anyone talking to them about football. Bramble seemed to buy a new GBA/DS every other week too, I'm sure the clumsy tit was dropping them.

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Didnt used to pay any attention to stories about players, my opinion of him was that he was largely a very good player. Had ups & downs, but the ability to worry any team on his day & he had lots under bobby.

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At the time, I think most of us wanted to upgrade Dyer to a fitter player with good end product, and a perfect attitude. We always want better than what we've got, so with those few easy to find limitations, Dyer was an easy scapegoat for people looking to progress the team further than we were at that stage.


However the top team we had was dismantled and not suffciently replaced and we were worse when he wasn't in the team, yet people forgot the relative success he bought to the club.


Without a doubt the best attacking midfielder we had in the last decade.

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