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Considering the next nearest is Ameobi whose legs have evidently fallen off, I think it's between these three now. At the time of posting they all have 13 goals for the season.


I would have included Leon Best who has 10 but he's not going to score any more so what's the point.


Who gets your vote?

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Toss up between Big Andy and McLoven. Don't think Nolan will get more than one or two before the end of the season whereas the other two should get 4/5 each.


I'll go for Carroll.

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Said it before, if Best scores more than three times for us over the course of his lifetime I'll be amazed.


I reckon Carroll will probably just edge it from Lovenkrands.

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Carroll. He's got one quality that no one has mentioned much so far and that is he's mentally pretty tough. That might just be because he's thick as pig shit but nevertheless it 's a plus in his relentless quest for goals.

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Carroll. He's got one quality that no one has mentioned much so far and that is he's mentally pretty tough. That might just be because he's thick as pig shit but nevertheless it 's a plus in his relentless quest for goals.


Aye, he has self-belief which is important at St. James'.

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