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I used to think O'Neill would be a good manager, but he has caused problems one way or another in his last few jobs. Its a tough job at Sunderland for anyone, just not sure O'Neill would be the best choice. I'm not a huge fan of his but I would much prefer Mark Hughes as manager, think he dropped a bollock leaving Fulham like he did. His Blackburn team were horrible but he got results to be fair to him, and even though Mancini is a better manager than him I do think Man City pulled the trigger a bit too quickly on him, in hindsight it was a good decision but at the time I think it was a bit harsh.

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mind, brummie must be getting very excited to see who O'Neill takes off their hands in January.






I would love that to happen too :fwap:

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My mate sent an email to them applying for the job, citing all his experience in Football Manager.  He actually got a reply!


Thank you for your recent letter regarding the vacant managerial role at Sunderland.


I’m sure you will understand that the calibre of candidates for the role has been very high and we will therefore unfortunately be unable to progress your application further.


Thank you for your interest in Sunderland AFC and may we take this opportunity to wish you every success in your career in the future.


Yours sincerely,


Sunderland AFC

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My mate sent an email to them applying for the job, citing all his experience in Football Manager.  He actually got a reply!


Thank you for your recent letter regarding the vacant managerial role at Sunderland.


I’m sure you will understand that the calibre of candidates for the role has been very high and we will therefore unfortunately be unable to progress your application further.


Thank you for your interest in Sunderland AFC and may we take this opportunity to wish you every success in your career in the future.


Yours sincerely,


Sunderland AFC



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Guest Roger Kint

Gary SAFC Lamb the 'Sunderland Super Fan' just been on TS. Was offered a choice of O'Neill & Hughes.......he said why not Hiddink or Anchelotti?  :idiot2:



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Gary SAFC Lamb the 'Sunderland Super Fan' just been on TS. Was offered a choice of O'Neill & Hughes.......he said why not Hiddink or Anchelotti?  :idiot2:




I think they forget that the poor bloke who gets the job will have to spend time in Sunderland.

Granted he won't live there, or even spend one second there longer than he needs to, but he will have to go there occasionally.

Not an attractive proposition.

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I remember applying for the job after Roeder went. Freddy never replied, but I still have the letter....


Who am I? I’m an 18 year old A-Level student at Park View Community School. Hailing from Chester-le-Street, I’m a simple guy from a simple place who has big ambitions and aspirations. But enough with this, you want to see my qualifications and here they are. Amongst my GCSEs, I got an A in German, therefore helping me communicate with German players. I'm going to University to do a Mathematics degree, which shows I am logical; now I’m automatically better than previous managers. Titus Bramble?? Give me a break!


Several years ago, I received an autograph from Alan Shearer and I currently have an NUFC duvet. A few years ago I gained a Junior Sports Leader Award qualification – the first step on the ladder to coaching! Additionally I am an avid shopper at Tesco who spends hours hunting for bargains and great deals. In this way, I’m a lot like Sam Allardyce, but better.


OK, I’m 18 years old, so experience is minimal and I have no coaching badges as of yet.  I have, however, started a Mourinho-style coaching bible; it’s not very good at the moment, but in a few years it will revolutionise the world and people will aspire to have it. But they can’t. At this point, I would like to reveal my ace card – I have 10 years experience of Football Manager! During this time I’ve forged a legacy of great man management (like Keegan) and transfer market skills. I’d like to think my tactical skills have improved and the game itself is a great scouting tool. Ever heard of Sherman Cardenas? I have now, and he’s fantastic. My main prophecy is that youth is the future of football and I prefer to buy young, British talent – even in the currently inflated transfer market. In this way, I’m a lot like Arsene Wenger, but better.


Before you throw this away, you probably want to hear what separates me from other candidates. At this stage, my hand hurts, so I’ll just bullet point these:

I’m a Newcastle fan, my passion is like Sir Alex and I know what the fans want.

I go to a pub quiz, so I’m knowledgeable.

I do Media Studies at school so I know how they work. I can even play mind games like Jose Mourinho (though I could never be better than him).

I think long-term, and don’t waste money.

My Personal Skills: Enthusiastic, dedicated and motivated.

I have books on management techniques, so I’m definitely prepared.

As part of my 10 point plan, I will set up a new scouting network to rival the world’s elite.

I don’t buy newspapers, so I won’t be fazed by them.

Also, I have courage, as shown by me sending this letter.


So, in a final attempt to persuade you to appoint me as ‘gaffer’, I will summarise what I’ve already said. I’m like Allardyce. I’m like Mourinho. I’m like Ferguson. I’m like Wenger. I’m like Keegan. But I’m better. You know what to do: choose right, choose Jobling.



I think what let me down was a lack of ambition.

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"I have, however, started a Mourinho-style coaching bible; it’s not very good at the moment, but in a few years it will revolutionise the world and people will aspire to have it. But they can’t."


:lol: :lol:

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

I remember applying for the job after Roeder went. Freddy never replied, but I still have the letter....


Who am I? I’m an 18 year old A-Level student at Park View Community School. Hailing from Chester-le-Street, I’m a simple guy from a simple place who has big ambitions and aspirations. But enough with this, you want to see my qualifications and here they are. Amongst my GCSEs, I got an A in German, therefore helping me communicate with German players. I'm going to University to do a Mathematics degree, which shows I am logical; now I’m automatically better than previous managers. Titus Bramble?? Give me a break!


Several years ago, I received an autograph from Alan Shearer and I currently have an NUFC duvet. A few years ago I gained a Junior Sports Leader Award qualification – the first step on the ladder to coaching! Additionally I am an avid shopper at Tesco who spends hours hunting for bargains and great deals. In this way, I’m a lot like Sam Allardyce, but better.


OK, I’m 18 years old, so experience is minimal and I have no coaching badges as of yet.  I have, however, started a Mourinho-style coaching bible; it’s not very good at the moment, but in a few years it will revolutionise the world and people will aspire to have it. But they can’t. At this point, I would like to reveal my ace card – I have 10 years experience of Football Manager! During this time I’ve forged a legacy of great man management (like Keegan) and transfer market skills. I’d like to think my tactical skills have improved and the game itself is a great scouting tool. Ever heard of Sherman Cardenas? I do now, and he’s fantastic. My main prophecy is that youth is the future of football and I prefer to buy young, British talent – even in the currently inflated transfer market. In this way, I’m a lot like Arsene Wenger, but better.


Before you throw this away, you probably want to hear what separates me from other candidates. At this stage, my hand hurts, so I’ll just bullet point these:

I’m a Newcastle fan, my passion is like Sir Alex and I know what the fans want.

I go to a pub quiz, so I’m knowledgeable.

I do Media Studies at school so I know how they work. I can even play mind games like Jose Mourinho (though I could never be better than him).

I think long-term, and don’t waste money.

My Personal Skills: Enthusiastic, dedicated and motivated.

I have books on management techniques, so I’m definitely prepared.

As part of my 10 point plan, I will set up a new scouting network to rival the world’s elite.

I don’t buy newspapers, so I won’t be fazed by them.

Also, I have courage, as shown by me sending this letter.


So, in a final attempt to persuade you to appoint me as ‘gaffer’, I will summarise what I’ve already said. I’m like Allardyce. I’m like Mourinho. I’m like Ferguson. I’m like Wenger. I’m like Keegan. But I’m better. You know what to do: choose right, choose Jobling.



I think what let me down was a lack of ambition.



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