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Should Harper be our number 1 in the Premier League - Next Season

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IMO he will be a liability in the Premier League and needs replacing. His clean sheets this season might see him keep his role though, which I dont think is fair, yes he made some brilliant saves this year but our defence has been a class above any other in this league and are largely responsible for the clean sheets. I would be looking to replace Harper this summer, but im not sure Hughton will be. What would you do?

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To say it again.






Its a reasonable question for a team moving up a league. Ive thought he might need replacing for weeks now by the way.

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If he keeps making these mistakes I HAVEN'T EVEN FUCKING SEEN YET, then no he definitely shouldn't.


It makes me so FUCKING ANGRY assuming he has fucking up again!




Absolutely embarrassing.

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If he keeps making these mistakes I HAVEN'T EVEN FUCKING SEEN YET, then no he definitely shouldn't.


It makes me so FUCKING ANGRY assuming he has fucking up again!




Absolutely embarrassing.


Are yous assuming this thread is based on tonights game alone like? :lol:

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Considering it was started about 4 minutes after his "latest clanger" then you can see why people would assume such things :lol:


He has been making mistakes recently, and you only need to listen to the commentary and see people's reactions to see he may have made another one tonight. Even if he didnt, this is still a reasonable question to ask, ive seen a lot of people on here being torn on him lately.

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