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Report: Alan Smith to leave NUFC in January?


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Guest Howaythetoon

Sorry but I have seen him back out of shooting or making a tougher passing choice than his typical 5 yard square passes too many times. I remember a game against Arsenal a few years back which he actually played well in, the ball fell to him outside their box ready to be struck goalwards, he actually turned his back and passed it backwards much to the groans of fans. There was actually a huge gap there for him to strike the ball without any pressure and he did that. Even his team-mates were like WTF. I just thought "did he really pass up a chance to shoot"? Even Shola would have snapped up that kind of chance.

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Whilst I wouldn't have wished this injury to happen it's going to mean he can't (attempt to) play for us for the rest of the season. This is a good thing. :)


Someone else will step in and I'm 99.9% sure they'll be better than Smith. Personally I'd like us do an insurance job on him and recoup something for him because no-one else is going to touch the useless cripple now.



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HTT is bang on the money. Evidently putting in a ridiculous challenge followed by a bit of squaring up convinces folk that he's wholehearted and passionate about NUFC. He hides on the field, and has done for a while.

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Smith is a fucking coward, hides from responsibility when it comes to shooting and making any kind of pass other than a 5 yard square pass. He doesn't even tackle well either, in fact he's awful in that area, just like he is awful in every other department. I used to rate him when he was at Leeds as well but after joining Man Utd the footballer in him simply disappeared. I remember watching him against Lazio once, he was playing up front on his own for Leeds and he was very Shearer like, what has happened since is amazing thinking about it. It just goes to show you what an injury, loss of form and being played out of position can do to your game. Being a selfish fan these days who cares little for the plight of your modern day footballer I see his injury as a good thing for my club, but for Smith himself, who seems to be a good professional, it is a shame, along with his fall from promise which he displayed aplenty for Leeds.



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There is an interview out there somewhere that Alan Smith did with one of the papers (maybe Times or Telegraph) where he described the effect that the bad injury he got at Man Utd. was having on his career. He admitted he'd lost pace and mobility and would never be the player he was before he was injured. It's hardly then his fault that we bought a player who hadn't recovered from a bad injury and in fact never could fully recover, or that managers have continued to pick him to carry out a role that physically he is not capable of doing. The same applies to Nicky Butt, once rated one of the best midfielders in the world, but continually picked by managers of NUFC, when once again physically he could no longer do the job they asked him.


The club signed these players up to long lucrative contracts what is the player meant to do, say I retire, i'm now useless and don't worry about paying me for the next couple of years?

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There is an interview out there somewhere that Alan Smith did with one of the papers (maybe Times or Telegraph) where he described the effect that the bad injury he got at Man Utd. was having on his career. He admitted he'd lost pace and mobility and would never be the player he was before he was injured. It's hardly then his fault that we bought a player who hadn't recovered from a bad injury and in fact never could fully recover, or that managers have continued to pick him to carry out a role that physically he is not capable of doing. The same applies to Nicky Butt, once rated one of the best midfielders in the world, but continually picked by managers of NUFC, when once again physically he could no longer do the job they asked him.


The club signed these players up to long lucrative contracts what is the player meant to do, say I retire, i'm now useless and don't worry about paying me for the next couple of years?



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Well, no matter how consistently weak their performances, or how non-existent their footballing ability, I genuinely find it utterly distasteful to celebrate the injury of any of our own players... Apart from Alan Smith. Fucking fantastic news tbh, it's like a new signing.

Spot on :lol:



This puts the likes of Vuckic and Ferguson nearer to the first 18, I see this as good.

Is Vuckic injured?

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The only way Smith can redeem himself here is request his contract be terminated asap. He's already robbed the club of millions, he can find some lower league club in the summer if he likes, and yes he has enough to live in luxury for the rest of his life. Short of that, he deserves all the abuse he can get.

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Good bloke and key for us in our promotion season.  Yeah he's gash, but his hearts in the right place and he didn't decide to pay himself 60k a week at the end of the day, and it's not like it's coming out of your pocket either.


Anyone who would celebrate him getting a long term injury when he's already had one that ruined his career is a bit of a t*** really.


Thats almost like someone saying they will do something and then never doing it!

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Echo the stuff HTT says too about the guy. Maybe I'm remembering things wrong but at the back end of last season he was just about as much of an on field liability as he is now. Showed against Stevenage that we have no idea how low his level actually is.


It might be a shame that we have to rely on this sort of injury for him not to play any more but if that's what it takes: good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was arguing with somebody the other day. I said to him I think Smith is the worst player I've ever seen in an NUFC shirt. He thought I was an idiot.



We've had a lot worse than Smith



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