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John Terry reinstated as England captain


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Terry should not get it back after what he done.  It wasn't the behaviour of a captain, he's a total cunt.

Gerrard shouldn't be rewarded for years of sub standard performances by getting the armband.

Rooney is a moody, ill tempered little shit.  Never in a million years should he be captain.


Basically, England don't have anyone who is captain material.  Too many egos and general wankers in the squad.



I don't mind Ferdinand or Lampard, they come across as decent, but they're both on the way out and Ferdinand can't be relied upon due to injuries. However i'd agree that those three candidates you mention are...detestable.

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Would have been Lampard's, but he's well brought-up and perhaps a bit too nice to lead a group of peope he doesn't know too well. Rio is an excellent captain, very much someone who'll bring players together, but he's injured too much.

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Becoming more and more detached from the national team with each passing day. Just really struggle to give a s*** who or how they play anymore.


I'm the same. Always used to care as well, even though I know many never have done. The World Cup last year was disgusting, as were the lies about rejuvenating the squad in its aftermath.

Get rid of Terry,Cole,Ferdinand,Rooney and Lampard  and i will start believing we have a chance to build for the future but atm there is a bad stench when they are involved .


Ashley Cole has been nothing but great for England for a long time now.

Sorry my mistake it was Gerrard i left out and Cole has been great for club and country i just forgot Cole is a twat in general not football terms.
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I fucking hate the England team, and have done for about 6-7 years now.  I just can't give my backing to a group of players who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.


The World Cup was just the latest in a long line of embarrasments for the nation.  I hate Capello too, he's properly spineless and has absolutely no interest in upending the teams status quo.


I'd love to be England manager.  Rooney, Terry, Ferdinand et al would be getting to fuck off by me personally and that their international careers had ended for good.


But it won't happen because no one in the FA has any balls.

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Give him it back. So he shagged someone? He's a captain of a football team not in general life.


This tbh.


However much of a cunt he is he's a brilliant leader on the pitch and for goodness sake, all he did was have sex.


He isn't the first fella to cheat on his wife and certainly won't be the last but for fuck sake it really doesn't need to be plastered all over the press.

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It's all one big exercise in futility anyway. Capello and co will all say the right things, try a few new players but come crunch time it'll be same old bottling time again and Gerrard-Lampard out there together.


Edit: and probably Heskey too.

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My first thought was "fucking hell, really?!?"


My second thought was "Hang on, I didn't even click on BBC Football"


My third thought was "Oh, it's a picture on the forum"


My fourth thought was "Oh, it musn't be real then"



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Terry is damaged goods as far as the England captaincy is concerned. I think many of the squad are uncomfortable with him in that role. It's not just the issue with Wayne Bridge. There's a story which I reckon is credible that he wasn't supportive to Gerrard during the World Cup, and that episode where he went to the papers and said how he was going to speak up in a team meeting about what was going wrong, was just a part of that. We can't be doing with a power struggle within the team.


Terry doesn't understand why he was stripped of the captaincy and hasn't come to terms with it. If the senior players won't accept him as captain, and he won't accept being in a more junior role, then it's best to leave him out altogether.

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'Stockport: Poulsen released on free transfer'




That's kind of a running joke. A RAWK member called Alonso specialises in these fake BBC front pages (he made this one), and a previous one had Poulsen sold to Stockport for £6.50 and a packet of peanuts. Type "christian poulsen" in google.co.uk and it's the 2nd suggestion.

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Terry is damaged goods as far as the England captaincy is concerned. I think many of the squad are uncomfortable with him in that role. It's not just the issue with Wayne Bridge. There's a story which I reckon is credible that he wasn't supportive to Gerrard during the World Cup, and that episode where he went to the papers and said how he was going to speak up in a team meeting about what was going wrong, was just a part of that. We can't be doing with a power struggle within the team.


Terry doesn't understand why he was stripped of the captaincy and hasn't come to terms with it. If the senior players won't accept him as captain, and he won't accept being in a more junior role, then it's best to leave him out altogether.


From what I've heard, Terry is largely responsible for creating divisions in the England squad--both deliberately and incidentally as a result of fucking other players lasses--particularly with regard to LFC players. He likes to big himself up and create a them-or-me kind of atmosphere. Too much ego to be a good captain.


Then again, it's kind of understandable seeing as half of Carragher's family has allegedly had a ride on his mum.

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