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The Liverpool Thread


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Feel bad for the Adeyemi kid, and I know he's only young, but as a black man you can't allow such a thing to upset you so much. He has to know his worth, and not let it reduce him to tears like that. That is exactly what these idiots want, a reaction. Just calmly alert the ref, point them out, and then make sure you talk about it in the papers, interview after the match etc. Call tham all out completely. Give them no place to hide. One day he'll realise that most of these kind of people are really just envious of him deep down. It's really quite fascinating.


Do you think anyone would know about this if he'd done that? I don't, it'd just be swept under the carpet as per normal, there are two reasons that this is in the news, his genuine unrestrained reaction and the fact that it was Liverpool fans. It's easier said than done to behave in the way you describe in a situation like that and although you're right that most of the time it'd be better to stay calm and not show that it's bothered you, on occasion we need people to react like that to remind us all that there's a lot of bad shit going on that needs to be addressed, otherwise it's too easy for nothing to get done and for us all to keep our heads buried in the sand in blissful ignorance.

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Feel bad for the Adeyemi kid, and I know he's only young, but as a black man you can't allow such a thing to upset you so much. He has to know his worth, and not let it reduce him to tears like that. That is exactly what these idiots want, a reaction. Just calmly alert the ref, point them out, and then make sure you talk about it in the papers, interview after the match etc. Call tham all out completely. Give them no place to hide. One day he'll realise that most of these kind of people are really just envious of him deep down. It's really quite fascinating.


Do you think anyone would know about this if he'd done that? I don't, it'd just be swept under the carpet as per normal, there are two reasons that this is in the news, his genuine unrestrained reaction and the fact that it was Liverpool fans. It's easier said than done to behave in the way you describe in a situation like that and although you're right that most of the time it'd be better to stay calm and not show that it's bothered you, on occasion we need people to react like that to remind us all that there's a lot of bad s*** going on that needs to be addressed, otherwise it's to easy for nothing to get done and for us all to keep our heads buried in the sand in blissful ignorance.


I hear what you're saying. However, purely for his own good, he can't let such things affect him like that. It will fuck him up completely.


You really have to ask yourself why they are racially abusing such a young man, considering he hadn't done anything to rile up the crowd whatsoever, on the pitch or otherwise, and they were winning the game 5-1. What is it that gets to some people so much that they just have to have a go at someone about their race? What kind of complex or insecurity inside them causes this I wonder? Why do they feel so threatened? It's amazing to me.

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The Adeyemi incident is what you get when you summon the full forces of tribalism

By Oliver Holt in Mirror Football Blog

Published 00:01 07/01/12


There is no pleasure in saying this, but Liverpool have begun to reap a little of what they have sown.


New Liverpool racism row: Fan's abuse has Oldham player in tears


When you defend racist language, when you enter into angry denial and summon the full forces of tribalism, this is what you get.


It was only a couple of morons who abused Tom Adeyemi - allegedly using racist language, according to a complaint from the player himself - at Anfield. A couple of fools among a crowd of more than 44,000.


But the aggression with which Liverpool defended Luis Suarez over the last few weeks spread a paranoia and an anger among their fans that always threatened to lead to something like this.


Maybe now the Liverpool board will realise that their stance on Suarez has empowered people like whoever screamed vile insults at Adeyemi.


Maybe now they will realise it has empowered other so-called Liverpool fans to send messages to a blameless FA executive, saying they hoped his wife is raped.


Maybe now they will realise it has empowered people to shower black footballers and ex-footballers such as Stan Collymore with the most disgusting racist abuse on Twitter.


Maybe they will deny that Adeyemi was abused, too.


Some will no doubt return to conspiracy theories and say a modern-day version of the Salem Witch Trials is breaking out.


Perhaps they will blame collective anti-Liverpool hysteria, ignoring the fact that there is no anti-Liverpool hysteria and that outside Manchester, most people have only respect for such a great club.


The reality is that, thankfully, players such as Adeyemi are not prepared to suffer in silence any more.


They are not prepared to allow abuse like this to be classed as a necessary part of the game.


English football is desperate to put the Luis Suarez Affair behind it, but such is the bitterness and resentment that has grown up around the issue, it may take a lot longer than we think.


Olly Holt seems to have hit the nail on the head. Another nail in Dogleash's managerial coffin, with any luck...

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Guest optimistic nit

The Adeyemi incident is what you get when you summon the full forces of tribalism

By Oliver Holt in Mirror Football Blog

Published 00:01 07/01/12


There is no pleasure in saying this, but Liverpool have begun to reap a little of what they have sown.


New Liverpool racism row: Fan's abuse has Oldham player in tears


When you defend racist language, when you enter into angry denial and summon the full forces of tribalism, this is what you get.


It was only a couple of morons who abused Tom Adeyemi - allegedly using racist language, according to a complaint from the player himself - at Anfield. A couple of fools among a crowd of more than 44,000.


But the aggression with which Liverpool defended Luis Suarez over the last few weeks spread a paranoia and an anger among their fans that always threatened to lead to something like this.


Maybe now the Liverpool board will realise that their stance on Suarez has empowered people like whoever screamed vile insults at Adeyemi.


Maybe now they will realise it has empowered other so-called Liverpool fans to send messages to a blameless FA executive, saying they hoped his wife is raped.


Maybe now they will realise it has empowered people to shower black footballers and ex-footballers such as Stan Collymore with the most disgusting racist abuse on Twitter.


Maybe they will deny that Adeyemi was abused, too.


Some will no doubt return to conspiracy theories and say a modern-day version of the Salem Witch Trials is breaking out.


Perhaps they will blame collective anti-Liverpool hysteria, ignoring the fact that there is no anti-Liverpool hysteria and that outside Manchester, most people have only respect for such a great club.


The reality is that, thankfully, players such as Adeyemi are not prepared to suffer in silence any more.


They are not prepared to allow abuse like this to be classed as a necessary part of the game.


English football is desperate to put the Luis Suarez Affair behind it, but such is the bitterness and resentment that has grown up around the issue, it may take a lot longer than we think.


Olly Holt seems to have hit the nail on the head. Another nail in Dogleash's managerial coffin, with any luck...


hopefully not, i can see Kenny being the liverpool equivalent of Steve Bruce.

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Guest Stephen927

Bet Liverpool FC are frantically searching for the man who racially abused Tom Adeyemi so they can get his name printed on their t-shirts in time for their next match at Anfield.

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Guest Stephen927

Justice for the recycled gag.



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"You have to differentiate between and isolated person in the stands and club members and players" They said on ITV.


Normally you do. But the way LFC have acted over all this has put them on par with the morons.



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