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And it's no surprise to find Liverpool's number 2 racist conspirator getting involved with the key witness...

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Guest NobbyOhNobby

Disappointingly I've heard a fair bit of casual racism at st james' directed towards our own players in the last couple of matches. It's fucking terrible and a massive shame that we're afflicted by the same parasites in our 'support' as every other club. The Suarez and Terry incidents should have reinforced the resolve of all fans, players, clubs etc to have a massive push to kick it out. I really hope it doesn't go the other way and give the idiots an excuse to think that it's acceptable to air racist views, opinions and insults.


I'll get off my soapbox now, but felt it worth saying. It's not just their fans

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Sadly, Dalglish and LFC have made that sort of behaviour acceptable.


They've noone to blame but themselves. Absolutely laughable they haven't been penalised for their behaviour. Especially after what it is leading to with their fans etc.

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Still only allegations yet BUT IF they turn out to be true and these 2 wankers have used foul, racist language to abuse a black lad then I'm assuming that the club will ban them from entering Anfield again....Hasn't Suarez also been found guilty of using similarly offensive and racist language? So are they going to ban him too?



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Disappointingly I've heard a fair bit of casual racism at st james' directed towards our own players in the last couple of matches. It's f***ing terrible and a massive shame that we're afflicted by the same parasites in our 'support' as every other club. The Suarez and Terry incidents should have reinforced the resolve of all fans, players, clubs etc to have a massive push to kick it out. I really hope it doesn't go the other way and give the idiots an excuse to think that it's acceptable to air racist views, opinions and insults.


I'll get off my soapbox now, but felt it worth saying. It's not just their fans

What's been said like?

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Guest ykmkmdd

Article about last night's incident in the Telegraph:




Some of the article's comments almost defy belief:


Adeyemni of Oldham but on loan from Norwich,almost  nobody has ever heard of this player until yesterday, now after his tears he will be known to all and sundry as the subject of racial abuse. Has he been taking lessons from Dianne Abbot??


Shock horror! Scouser football fan shouts nasty names at opposition player. Get a grip. For 50,000 quid a week you can call me everything in the farmyard.

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