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The other games today - 2010/11


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God I really really hate man u


good result for us this man :thup:


How? You can't think Blackpool are going to take a relegation spot now? Don't care either way though, I like Blackpool, every single game of theirs I've watched has been fantastic. Want them to stay in this league.


Still happier letting them lose so we can gain an extra spot in the league. Relegation or not, they're still a closer rival than Man Utd right now.

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God I really really hate man u


good result for us this man :thup:


How? You can't think Blackpool are going to take a relegation spot now? Don't care either way though, I like Blackpool, every single game of theirs I've watched has been fantastic. Want them to stay in this league.


Still happier letting them lose so we can gain an extra spot in the league. Relegation or not, they're still a closer rival than Man Utd right now.



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