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Shola Ameobi


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Guest firetotheworks

It's his lack of desire to win that gets me. I can just about stomach a player being shit if I see that they care and try as much as I would. It's when they're shit and don't give a shit that I get really, really angry.

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Maybe we as fans can raise the cash to buy him in the summer? Ashley would probably accept 500k, if not less for him, given his age and how he has deteriorated. Could be proper old school - Blue Peter-esque bring and buy sales throughout the North-East to raise the cash. We could then give him to some non-league club.


Only real flaw that I can see in the plan is his wages.

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The Toffees are always looking for a "striker", pity they aint got any cash and probably can't afford his wages. How much is he on anyway? between 30K and 45K ?


F**king hell, we should lay a complaint with the PFA about this sh*t  ;D

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He's put on too much bulk.


Does'nt run at all...no surprise then. He should be charged a bit more than the price of ticket for having the best seat in the house to watch the game.

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The part that really p*ssed me off was in the last few minutes when we got a corner. Ok the corner wasn't perfect but in that situation, you would have expected him to clamor for the ball and do all he can to make the most of it. Instead he didn't even bother a half hearted jump! He just stood fixed to the ground and then later look behind as if wondering why there was no other striker behind him. That to me sums up Shola, he rarely goes for the ball, all he does is just stand there and expect others to pass to him and even then it has to be a super pass, or else he won't bother! 

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