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Jonás Gutiérrez (now managing Club Almagro)

Crumpy Gunt

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Guest Howaythetoon

He shouldn't be anywhere near a NUFC side if we are talking about ability, but he deserves his place in the side more than most based on the fact that since joining he has given more than most and lastly because of what he has overcome with the cancer. It's two fingers up to cancer and two fingers up to the ever increasingly cynical and win at all costs game in a way. If NUFC or football cannot find room for Jonas to get some game time then what is this sport, what is our club, what's it about? We lost, I didn't care, I don't care, but I was over the moon to se Jonas in our colours and I was likewise over the moon for Jonas personally. Good on him and hopefully this is the restart of his career if you like, I although hopefully not at The Toon because he's not good enough. Having said that none of them or, well, most aren't and do you know what, this club in its current guise isn't fit for a Jonas, a top guy, a remarkable charachter, a fighter and winner and a bloody good professional. Fuck NUFC and fucking kudos Jonas!

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Looked a little rusty in the first 5 minutes of coming on (that tackle on Januzaj :lol:) but really grew into the game after that and I thought he played really well for the last 20-25  minutes.


The ovation he got was bloody magnificent, amazing support.

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This put me in a good mood. I know he's not good enough, but this guy is just impossible not to like, and root for.


I agree, we're shit and he's the least of our problems.

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Glad to see him healthy and get his moment but the fact he's still an NUFC player is a symptom of how utterly finished this club is. Ditto for Williamson, Coloccini, that shithouse Ryan Taylor and others.

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Just another example of him shirking responsibility tbh. Sick of the stranglehold these banana republic loving Thatcher haters have on our English stewardship. Sickening.

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Glad to see him healthy and get his moment but the fact he's still an NUFC player is a symptom of how utterly finished this club is. Ditto for Williamson, Coloccini, that shithouse Ryan Taylor and others.

Yip, and 2 players totally shit at left back playing there. Carver seems to want all the cloggers in the team. Nice to see Jonas but that's what he is, wasn't good enough 2 year ago

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As we are so s*** and if we had to decide between Jonas and Obertan, Jonas would be my choice all day long. Heck, Jonas did more than what Gouffran has done in his last 3 sub appearance.


Yes he ain't that good anymore but he definitely plays with all his heart compared to some of the crackhead others that we have. So play him until the end of the season.


Fantastic and moving reaction, put that overrated Januzaj on the deck, and fantastic dribbling at the end. Love seeing him back.

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Was nice to see the captain's armband on someone who gives a shit as well when he came on. His introduction also meant I didn't have to watch Raylor anymore so was really happy to see Jonas back.

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