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Alan Pardew


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We're not that f***ing lucky




Read Mantis' posts, man, every single one sounds like he's in the process of opening up his wrists:lol:


He takes the negative poster mantra to a whole new level.




Glad you've taken such an interest.  It's a forum, for opinions.  Didn't realise I had to amuse you.


Come on man. Go back pages and pages of your posts and every single one is a bitter, twisted snipe at something or other regarding the club. Not a single ounce of positivity whatsoever. Infact, not even that, but you don't come on the forum and do anything other than these identikit posts.


Not to say you're not right on some points, but I did find the consistency of your gloom amusing. I double dare you to post something positive. Infact, doesn't even have to be positive, just something balanced would do.

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Based on a couple of recent Nufc.com and 'True Faith' articles and a few posts on here you'd think some people would be happy if Pardew left just to prove he's got his principals. I say bollocks to that. I want him to stay. For one thing we've had a decent start to the season and for another, he's probably the best we could get who can work for Mike Ashley. It's s*** that we didn't buy a new striker but I don't want the club to be thrown into disarray because of it.


If a disappointing transfer window and failure to sign another striker was something a manager would resign over then about 3/4 of Premiership managers and most in the Football League will be handing in their notice.

.com and especially True Faith are becoming boringly repetitive with articles that sound like they've been written by moody or hysterical schoolgirls.



Generally I enjoy reading .com and true faith, but the latter especially have the most depressing of reads! Most of the time I agree with the general concept of what they say, but by god can it make you depressed!

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Guest TheSummerOf69

He won't quit.




he didn't front the board's decisions as a (very distraught looking) KK did over Milner, and Pardew himself did over Hughton's sacking, Carroll's sale, and the bore-hole.


He had been making noises about Barton staying even as it was obvious the board were hell bent on getting rid, and now Lambias has been forced to issue a statement over the lack of re-investment. Maybe he'll be sacked? He's fronting for them less in public now than Hughton was when he was heave-ho-d.

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Based on a couple of recent Nufc.com and 'True Faith' articles and a few posts on here you'd think some people would be happy if Pardew left just to prove he's got his principals. I say bollocks to that. I want him to stay. For one thing we've had a decent start to the season and for another, he's probably the best we could get who can work for Mike Ashley. It's s*** that we didn't buy a new striker but I don't want the club to be thrown into disarray because of it.


If a disappointing transfer window and failure to sign another striker was something a manager would resign over then about 3/4 of Premiership managers and most in the Football League will be handing in their notice.

.com and especially True Faith are becoming boringly repetitive with articles that sound like they've been written by moody or hysterical schoolgirls.



The club has not crossed the line as far as a striker is concerned, but AP has definetely crossed The Line - he has lied 3 times in a row re. major themes [AC, reinvestment, striker] - he has to take responsibility. If he is dignified enough, he has to resign. No matter if JFK is waiting on the wings [defo hope not], but AP exposed himself - we can't trust him anymore. And this is an essential part of the manager's job - to have a certain rapport with the club's fans.


Are you for real?


Pardew may be a liar and a cock to boot, but frankly you'd have to be insane to support his resignation. It would virtually condem us to relegation, further turmoil and more time for Ashley and Dekka at the helm. Crazy.

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Pardew has to stay. He's not everyone's cup of tea but I dont think he's a bad manager.


I simply don't accept that he was complicit in us not signing a striker, he'll be mortified, especially considering his comments all summer.

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Wasn't good enough for the job when he got it, but if he left we'd be in real s**t. That's how low we've gotten with Ashley & Dekka at the helm :(

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Looking on the positive side, Pardew was a kick in the arse away from a top half finish last year with a poorer strike force than he has this year.


He stays we'll be okay, he goes and we'll be up shit creek.

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I’d be over the moon to see the back of Pardew, in isolation.  Llambias though would almost certainly screw up appointing his replacement so for now I don’t see any point in Pardew going.  He’s either a liar or a deluded fool but that’s more his problem than ours, just ignore anything he has to say.

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I love how all the usual lot keep saying Pardew's a liar and that and yet completely refuse to provide an opinion on his ability to garner points from football matches. It's because they know they'll sound silly if they continue to stick the knife in on that front, and therefore go with what they know.


Probably shouldn't have pointed that out mind, because I suspect I'll get to see Wullie's usual stat about him not beating a top-half team or some other boring drivel that puts Pardew in a needlessly bad light.

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Based on a couple of recent Nufc.com and 'True Faith' articles and a few posts on here you'd think some people would be happy if Pardew left just to prove he's got his principals. I say bollocks to that. I want him to stay. For one thing we've had a decent start to the season and for another, he's probably the best we could get who can work for Mike Ashley. It's s*** that we didn't buy a new striker but I don't want the club to be thrown into disarray because of it.


If a disappointing transfer window and failure to sign another striker was something a manager would resign over then about 3/4 of Premiership managers and most in the Football League will be handing in their notice.

.com and especially True Faith are becoming boringly repetitive with articles that sound like they've been written by moody or hysterical schoolgirls.



The club has not crossed the line as far as a striker is concerned, but AP has definetely crossed The Line - he has lied 3 times in a row re. major themes [AC, reinvestment, striker] - he has to take responsibility. If he is dignified enough, he has to resign. No matter if JFK is waiting on the wings [defo hope not], but AP exposed himself - we can't trust him anymore. And this is an essential part of the manager's job - to have a certain rapport with the club's fans.


You know what's the most essential part of the managers job?, picking up points.  You're advocating Pardew going even if it means relegation because you think his rapport with the fans isn't good, fucking amazing!

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Guest Rainforest

Should Pardew choose to resign, is there no  remote chance at all that we would actually end up with a better manager? I see JFK thrown around, but the point made by several people here is that we have no clue who they might bring in. In all likelyhood they will bring in someone s***, but mightnt we just as well end up with someone slightly better? Shouldnt be hard, Pardew has got a rather unimpressive record...

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Should Pardew choose to resign, is there no possibility at all that we would actually end up with a better manager? I see JFK thrown around, but the point made by several people here is that we have no clue who they might bring in. In all likelyhood they will bring in someone s***, but mightnt we just as well end up with someone slightly better? Shouldnt be hard, Pardew has got a rather unimpressive record...


The following statement doesn't apply to everything, but it certainly applies to football managers: You pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Ashley will not be paying anything above peanuts.

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The problem is, Ashley has such a bad rep in football after the KK shambles, that anyone of credit will choose not to work with him. Ashley has shafted publically Keegan, Hughton and now Pardew. Who would think they could come here and do a good job?

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What can he do? He's either been sent out to say that shit or has been told it. Hopefully he will stay quiet regarding transfers from now on? Then again he'll probably get stick for that.


If Pardew went I think we'd be lumbered with a JFK type or Dave Wanking Bassett.


I don't think so really. The signings these days are mostly from the continent so I would imagine the next manager would also be foreign. I said so a long way back in this thread even before the season started. Pardew's preference of Shola over Ba and inclusion of Barton while he was here also suggests he is more comfortable with British players he knows. It's too early to say though, but our early games have been a bit long ball based so far. Pardew has to be more like Keegan in getting his message across about passing football.

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The problem is, Ashley has such a bad rep in football after the KK shambles, that anyone of credit will choose not to work with him. Ashley has shafted publically Keegan, Hughton and now Pardew. Who would think they could come here and do a good job?


Someone who is looking to prove their name in the higher league and manage a big club. Loads of people would be interested in it unfortunately probably not many of the calibre most would like to take the club forward. It wouldn't be popular due to past experiences but a foreign coach would actually be more suitable to the "system" we have in place.


However AP won't leave and nor should he, he knew what he was getting in to when he Dekka and Mike brought him in from the wasteheap.

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What can he do? He's either been sent out to say that shit or has been told it. Hopefully he will stay quiet regarding transfers from now on? Then again he'll probably get stick for that.


If Pardew went I think we'd be lumbered with a JFK type or Dave Wanking Bassett.


I don't think so really. The signings these days are mostly from the continent so I would imagine the next manager would also be foreign. I said so a long way back in this thread even before the season started. Pardew's preference of Shola over Ba and inclusion of Barton while he was here also suggests he is more comfortable with British players he knows. It's too early to say though, but our early games have been a bit long ball based so far. Pardew has to be more like Keegan in getting his message across about passing football.


Or it could just be because Ba/Marveaux weren't fit while Shola and Barton were.  I certainly hope so anyway.

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What can he do? He's either been sent out to say that shit or has been told it. Hopefully he will stay quiet regarding transfers from now on? Then again he'll probably get stick for that.


If Pardew went I think we'd be lumbered with a JFK type or Dave Wanking Bassett.


I don't think so really. The signings these days are mostly from the continent so I would imagine the next manager would also be foreign. I said so a long way back in this thread even before the season started. Pardew's preference of Shola over Ba and inclusion of Barton while he was here also suggests he is more comfortable with British players he knows. It's too early to say though, but our early games have been a bit long ball based so far. Pardew has to be more like Keegan in getting his message across about passing football.


Or it means that Ba wasn't fit while Shola was and Marveaux wasn't fit while Barton was.


That might be all it was. I just read in one of our local papers that Pardew leaned towards British based strikers this transfer window, remembered how he left out Mascherano and Tevez from his West Ham teams and witnessed the long ball tactics in the first three games this season. It might just be a bedding in period and hopefully the football will come with more games. I'm just throwing it out there that Tim Krul blasting the ball into the sky towards Shola and Best isn't likely to get the best out of Cabaye and Marveaux over the course of the season.

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I certainly hope he's not like that because a board that looks to the continent for almost all of their signings and a manager who doesn't like foreigners is a pretty terrible combination.


I don't think he doesn't like foreigners, I just don't know whether he actually knows how to use them yet. Watching us try to battle with Scunthorpe didn't inspire confidence tbh. It was noticeable that once we introduced flair players like Sameobi and Vukic they couldn't live with us.

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Looking on the positive side, Pardew was a kick in the arse away from a top half finish last year with a poorer strike force than he has this year.


He stays we'll be okay, he goes and we'll be up s*** creek.


In a nutshell.

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