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Alan Pardew


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I do hope you're not serious mentioning Perch in this sense, as he is completely utter shit. I'd like to think Guthrie could continue where he left off, but the main concern with him is that he's had a hard time actually getting a successful pass. Although it seems his passing skills had increased in the last few games he played. Giving away the ball in your own half is never a good idea :o

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I do hope you're not serious mentioning Perch in this sense, as he is completely utter shit. I'd like to think Guthrie could continue where he left off, but the main concern with him is that he's had a hard time actually getting a successful pass. Although it seems his passing skills had increased in the last few games he played. Giving away the ball in your own half is never a good idea :o



Before the injury, I'd say Guthrie's passing and range of passing was almost on par with Cabaye.

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I do hope you're not serious mentioning Perch in this sense, as he is completely utter shit. I'd like to think Guthrie could continue where he left off, but the main concern with him is that he's had a hard time actually getting a successful pass. Although it seems his passing skills had increased in the last few games he played. Giving away the ball in your own half is never a good idea :o


Before the injury, I'd say Guthrie's passing and range of passing was almost on par with Cabaye.


Have to agree, but I would say that that's not exactly normal for wor Danny.

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I do hope you're not serious mentioning Perch in this sense, as he is completely utter s***. I'd like to think Guthrie could continue where he left off, but the main concern with him is that he's had a hard time actually getting a successful pass. Although it seems his passing skills had increased in the last few games he played. Giving away the ball in your own half is never a good idea :o


You kidding me? Im not saying Id play Perch there, im wondering if thats what AP will do....Id prefer Guth or Abeid next to Cabaye personally.

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Deserves just as much credit for last night as he did criticism for our form leading up to the game. Everything came together for him, the long ball worked a treat but our players were also superb in possession and he had them right up for it. Fair play. :thup:

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The most important difference for me was that we got stuck into them for 90 minutes and didn't stand off them in awe like we did against a significantly poorer Liverpool team. Much, much better. Interesting about the 'we had our best team out' comments. I could be wrong but couldn't we have fielded that team against Liverpool?


The attitude was the main difference for me. Against Liverpool we laid out the red carpet and allowed a much worse team to dictate play. Pardew was rightly criticised for his part in that. At least we put that right last night. Even though we had two big lads up front, the most impressive players were still the ones who held the ball under pressure and passed it. Tiote, Coloccini, Santon, Cabaye and Ba were all outstanding.


I agree with Bender, some very good points made here from our shiny metal friend.


I do hope you're not serious mentioning Perch in this sense, as he is completely utter s***. I'd like to think Guthrie could continue where he left off, but the main concern with him is that he's had a hard time actually getting a successful pass. Although it seems his passing skills had increased in the last few games he played. Giving away the ball in your own half is never a good idea :o


You didn't watch Guthrie when he played with Cabaye then?  His passing was superb and actually showed Cabaye up at times with some pin point long diagonal balls out wide.  Passed and moved very well also, build up to Heitanga's OG vs Everton comes to mind. 


Hopefully he can play some part vs QPR if he gets a full week of training in.  If not, I'm not sure of the alternatives.  Abeid is unproven at this level, Vuckic doesn't look mobile enough to play in the centre of a 4, Perch is shite and Smith should be nowehre near the team.  Gosling isn't even getting on the bench since the suspension finished, so either Pards' has had enough of him, or he's injured (again).


Some tough decisions for AP to make in the coming weeks.

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Guthrie looked good, only trouble (not enough not to play him alongside him) is that he's probably a bit of a similar player to Cabaye, not enough of a  destroyer. When they played alongside each other Cabaye dropped deeper and did more of the Tiote role iirc, which he's not as good at (though is pretty dilligent, can never fault his work rate)


I'd like to see Abeid given a chance. Vuckic needs to be played behind a striker or not at all probably.

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Pleased with him today for making the Obertan change really early in the second half and making us a better team. Just remember what happened when you're picking the team next week Alan.




Made the right call bringing Obertan off when he did. Meant that Ben Arfa got to play on the right, a position from which he was so influential. Now, hopefully Pardew will now reassess his options.

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Credit to Pards for realising fairly early that our right side was the glaring weakness. We looked light years better when he replaced Obertan and Simpson; it also freed Gutierrez and Santon up because they were getting all of the ball before Pards hooked the two clowns who started for us on the opposite side.

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