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Alan Pardew


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Guest neesy111

We'd likely be in a champions league position right now if Saylor had stayed fit.


We'd certainly be on more points and conceded far less.

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Guest neesy111

I disagree, a settled and confident back four is the bedrock of any successful side. We've simply not had that since the Chelsea game. I'm not over stating Steven Taylor's ability but it's pretty much a given that he was playing well, had a good understanding with Colo and that confidence was evident throughout the side.


The whole side isn't settled imo, Pardew seems be changing formations every 2-3 games now and personnel to go with it.  3 different wingers in the last 3 months, 3 different left-backs etc.  Some of it is down to injuries but some of it is done to choice as well.

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We looked a much better football side with Steven, and for that matter, Ryan Taylor at the back.


Were we really that much better a side? I posted this on 12/09/2011 following the draw at QPR


another 90 minutes comes and goes without any attacking impetus or cohesion, not one move where we strung 3 passes together going forward, awful.


i hope he learns his lesson and shola doesnt start again while Ba's available, same with Raylor, he got bummed all day.


and what in the FUCK is going on with Tiote? still looks utterly appalling under pressure, he's reminding me of scott parker at his worst every time he gets the ball now, baffling.


still though, stole a point, nice one.

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Guest BooBoo

We were certainly a better side than we are now. Games at Villa, both Manchester clubs, home to Blackburn and Wigan were all examples of us playing much better football than what's being served up currently.

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I fail to understand how the people who see positives in our play this season (and there have been many) can't also see that those positives are getting more sporadic as the season goes on. If it was the other way around then everyone would be delighted, but it's not and that's the concern. On the whole we're actually devolving in terms of the style of play - something that Pardew himself has championed as a key point to watch this season. Yes, there have been injuries, suspensions and the ACoN to deal with but none of these are things that other clubs don't also have to deal with.


Qualifying for Europe would be an amazing success, but as others have suggested it might be way too early for us as a club.


I don't think that the negative Pardew posts are as objective and rational as they should be - certainly not as rational as your post.  Quite quickly they degenerate into either just plain abuse and name calling of Pardew or posts suggesting that he is clueless, tactically naive and a PR man (or all of the above).


you pipe up with this type of thing from time to time, i'm not seeing it myself - look at the last few pages, a rational discussion and analysis of things from both sides with no name calling

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Guest neesy111

We looked a much better football side with Steven, and for that matter, Ryan Taylor at the back.


Were we really that much better a side? I posted this on 12/09/2011 following the draw at QPR


another 90 minutes comes and goes without any attacking impetus or cohesion, not one move where we strung 3 passes together going forward, awful.


i hope he learns his lesson and shola doesnt start again while Ba's available, same with Raylor, he got bummed all day.


and what in the FUCK is going on with Tiote? still looks utterly appalling under pressure, he's reminding me of scott parker at his worst every time he gets the ball now, baffling.


still though, stole a point, nice one.


The contrast between the QPR and Villa game was ridiculous.  I went to that Villa game and we were awesome imo, Cabaye's best game for us.


That Villa game seemed to be the catalyst for a number of good performances in the next 6 weeks, Blackburn (h), Wolves (a) (1st half), Stoke (a), Spurs (h) IIRC.

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Yeah, I just posted that because although we were better at passing out from the back with Saylor fit I distinctly remember being really concerned at our lack of ability to put a few passes together going forwards earlier in the season, then Ba started scoring every week and I forgot about it.

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The summer and preseason will make it or break it for Pardew in my eyes.

We need to get the right players in, to fill the positions we are weak in pr now.

And we need to work on our play, not how to stop others.

We need to be able to take they game into our hands, set the tempo and dictate the play.


I dislike the way we play at the moment, its simply not good football. I think we are wasting a lot of potential.


I am a Pardew critic because of the way we have played this season, but are willing to give him a chance over the summer to put things right. We have showed great character and work rate this season, and won many matches we would have lost a couple of years ago.

But we want to see progression, we need to take a step forward and play football, this have to be Pardews job over the summer. Get us to play a system that benefit the players we have.


I hope we have a decent run in to the season, and if possible secure a European spot.

When this is completed, then Pardew and the lads get this season on a distance, reflect on the, to be fair, many positive things this season. (we are 6th tbh) and build on it. If we secure a top 7, i think a lot of weight will be off the players and especially Pardews shoulders.


Hopefully Pardew are up for it, as if next season starts where we are now, i am afraid Pardew is not the right man to take us the next step.


Until then, lets get behind the manager and players, and keep the faith. There will be no good to get on the back of the players&manger at this stage.




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Guest Deadmau5

Its not Steven Taylor missing that is the reason we are playing gash IMO.

The signs where there for all to see long before he got injured, but our unbeaten run was papering over the cracks.

It is a bit unfair on the lad to credit the entire team playing well to his presence alone,he comes back from injury and we should all suddenly expect to play well?

Seems like grasping at straws a bit to try looking for missing first-teamers as a reason why we have played poor fotball for half a year now, a defender no less.

The inherent problem is with the current philosophy and coaching, not an injured CB.


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Its not Steven Taylor missing that is the reason we are playing gash IMO.

The signs where there for all to see long before he got injured, but our unbeaten run was papering over the cracks.

It is a bit unfair on the lad to credit the entire team playing well to his presence alone,he comes back from injury and we should all suddenly expect to play well?

Seems like grasping at straws a bit to try looking for missing first-teamers as a reason why we have played poor fotball for half a year now, a defender no less.

The inherent problem is with the current philosophy and coaching, not an injured CB.



Out of interest are you a Newcastle supporter ?

Nothing to do with your dislike of our manager but your style of argument seems similar to a couple of "non-Newcastle" fans who posted on here in the past.

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The summer and preseason will make it or break it for Pardew in my eyes.

We need to get the right players in, to fill the positions we are weak in pr now.

And we need to work on our play, not how to stop others.

We need to be able to take they game into our hands, set the tempo and dictate the play.


I dislike the way we play at the moment, its simply not good football. I think we are wasting a lot of potential.


I am a Pardew critic because of the way we have played this season, but are willing to give him a chance over the summer to put things right. We have showed great character and work rate this season, and won many matches we would have lost a couple of years ago.

But we want to see progression, we need to take a step forward and play football, this have to be Pardews job over the summer. Get us to play a system that benefit the players we have.


I hope we have a decent run in to the season, and if possible secure a European spot.

When this is completed, then Pardew and the lads get this season on a distance, reflect on the, to be fair, many positive things this season. (we are 6th tbh) and build on it. If we secure a top 7, i think a lot of weight will be off the players and especially Pardews shoulders.


Hopefully Pardew are up for it, as if next season starts where we are now, i am afraid Pardew is not the right man to take us the next step.


Until then, lets get behind the manager and players, and keep the faith. There will be no good to get on the back of the players&manger at this stage.


Top post and sounds completely fair on all parts  :thup:

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I fail to understand how the people who see positives in our play this season (and there have been many) can't also see that those positives are getting more sporadic as the season goes on. If it was the other way around then everyone would be delighted, but it's not and that's the concern. On the whole we're actually devolving in terms of the style of play - something that Pardew himself has championed as a key point to watch this season. Yes, there have been injuries, suspensions and the ACoN to deal with but none of these are things that other clubs don't also have to deal with.


Qualifying for Europe would be an amazing success, but as others have suggested it might be way too early for us as a club.


I don't think that the negative Pardew posts are as objective and rational as they should be - certainly not as rational as your post.  Quite quickly they degenerate into either just plain abuse and name calling of Pardew or posts suggesting that he is clueless, tactically naive and a PR man (or all of the above).


you pipe up with this type of thing from time to time, i'm not seeing it myself - look at the last few pages, a rational discussion and analysis of things from both sides with no name calling


I think I made one comment in a similar vein.


I think the last few pages have actually contained some good discussion, without any hyperbolic statements from either camp.  Would like it to stay like that, but it never does.

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For me he's become far too defensive in his thinking/tactics.  Not quite sure exactly when this change occurred tho he still likes to mention Saylor quite a lot!  Maybe he was surprised by our start to the season and seeing where we were sitting it became a case of protecting that position at all costs.  Apart from the 2nd half against the unwashed I can't think of when the last match was which we dominated.  Don't get me wrong, love it when we win but just think we're capable of much more in this overhyped league.


Yesterday for example we had Ba, Cisse, Ben Arfa, Cabaye and Jonas on the pitch.  No offence intended to Norwich but we should have won that match comfortably.  Pardew seems to concentrate a lot on how to stop the opposition and not enough on what we can do. I'm not trying to advocate a return to the 'you score three, we'll score four philosophy' but would like to see him set out out our attacking players where they should be played (eg. Cabaye needs to be further up the pitch) instruct them to get the ball on the deck and say to the opposition 'you worry about us!'.


Was just thinking we're on course to have our best season since SBR but I'm not going to be rushing out to buy the season review DVD.  I'll buy the Man U game instead!

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Its encouraging at least that he acknowledges that we arent playing well I guess. At least we are still picking up points and are sitting pretty in the league.


Of course, if we were playing like this and sitting in the bottom half, then it'd be a different matter.

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people been making some grumbles about how tired our squad look, it's no surprise going by how we play. 


What we do is we run our selves to the ground because we choose to.  Because we refuse to even try to keep the ball and pass it around, we prefer to let the opposition do that instead, whilst we run around like headless chickens trying to break up their play lol


when we finally do get the ball we hoof it aka lose the ball or let the opposition have it and then we try to break up their play again, when we finally get the ball, hoof,


and then process repeats and rinse repeat.

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come on lads lets not use Saylor's injury as a reason for the lack quality of football we play lol


Really?  One centreback can really dictate that much play?  Besides our most technical defender by a large margin is Colo not Saylor.


Saylor is decent, Williamson is shit.  That a big difference.


btw, LLB, you really sounds like we are a top4 team and playing shit football that didn't utilize our players and as a result we are not in contention for the 4th spot. Am I getting it wrong?

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people been making some grumbles about how tired our squad look, it's no surprise going by how we play. 


What we do is we run our selves to the ground because we choose to.  Because we refuse to even try to keep the ball and pass it around, we prefer to let the opposition do that instead, whilst we run around like headless chickens trying to break up their play lol


when we finally do get the ball we hoof it aka lose the ball or let the opposition have it and then we try to break up their play again, when we finally get the ball, hoof,


and then process repeats and rinse repeat.


We're running too much cause we don't keep a hold of the ball when we get it and that isn't due to having bad players it's cause they are INSTRUCTED to hit the front early.

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come on lads lets not use Saylor's injury as a reason for the lack quality of football we play lol


Really?  One centreback can really dictate that much play?  Besides our most technical defender by a large margin is Colo not Saylor.


Saylor is decent, Williamson is s***.  That a big difference.


btw, LLB, you really sounds like we are a top4 team and playing s*** football that didn't utilize our players and as a result we are not in contention for the 4th spot. Am I getting it wrong?


are you nuts? how did you get that impression.


my point is, having saylor in the team is not going to change the style of our gameplay.

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people been making some grumbles about how tired our squad look, it's no surprise going by how we play. 


What we do is we run our selves to the ground because we choose to.  Because we refuse to even try to keep the ball and pass it around, we prefer to let the opposition do that instead, whilst we run around like headless chickens trying to break up their play lol


when we finally do get the ball we hoof it aka lose the ball or let the opposition have it and then we try to break up their play again, when we finally get the ball, hoof,


and then process repeats and rinse repeat.


We're running too much cause we don't keep a hold of the ball when we get it and that isn't due to having bad players it's cause they are INSTRUCTED to hit the front early.


that is exactly my point Parky  O0

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Guest Deadmau5

Alan Pardew told the Chronicle: “I am glad to mark it with a win.


“I am absolutely delighted – it is probably the happiest I have felt after a win.


We did not have a balanced side – we had people playing out of position – and eight senior players missing.


“It was a very difficult game. Now, It gives us nine games and we have to win four of them. That is possible.


“If we had not have won, we would have had to win five, and I don’t think we would have done that.”



Read More http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2012/03/19/alan-pardew-delighted-with-victory-over-norwich-city-72703-30567951/2/#ixzz1pZdtob8q



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Alan Pardew told the Chronicle: “I am glad to mark it with a win.


“I am absolutely delighted – it is probably the happiest I have felt after a win.


We did not have a balanced side – we had people playing out of position – and eight senior players missing.


“It was a very difficult game. Now, It gives us nine games and we have to win four of them. That is possible.


“If we had not have won, we would have had to win five, and I don’t think we would have done that.”



Read More http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2012/03/19/alan-pardew-delighted-with-victory-over-norwich-city-72703-30567951/2/#ixzz1pZdtob8q





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