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I don't find what they said funny. It's proper unacceptable (and unwitty, cliched) sexism.  :facepalm:



No it isn't. We live in an equal society, we should be treated equally. So please do shut up.


You're incredibly naive and ignorant, or stupid, if you can't see the difference in connotations of being sexist towards women and men. 


For some reason it's become very fashionable recently to make all these sexist jokes on facebook recently.



Sexism is sexism mate, don't really care about the connotations, all sexism is wrong. Just like racism is racism regardless of who it is towards and what form it is in.

I find everything funny, particularly things which are controversial, so sexist and racist jokes don't bother me.

Who said I couldn't see the difference in the connotations anyway?

You're obviously very ignorant yourself, if you think that just because someone has an opposing opinion they're stupid.


I didn't say you were stupid, I said you were ignorant or stupid, there is a difference.


Racism and sexism is all about connotations. No word is inherently offensive, it's the connotations. I'm not saying it's okay to be racist/sexist to white males, but making a remark about a black female is a whole different thing.  I'm not sensitive to racism or sexism towards me, but my 'group' has always been in a dominant position, doing the subjugating. A remark to me doesn't trigger thoughts of generations of being enslaved, objectified, lynched, treated like an animal and the still-existent residue of these practices and thoughts.

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I don't find what they said funny. It's proper unacceptable (and unwitty, cliched) sexism.  :facepalm:



No it isn't. We live in an equal society, we should be treated equally. So please do shut up.


You're incredibly naive and ignorant, or stupid, if you can't see the difference in connotations of being sexist towards women and men. 


For some reason it's become very fashionable recently to make all these sexist jokes on facebook recently.



Sexism is sexism mate, don't really care about the connotations, all sexism is wrong. Just like racism is racism regardless of who it is towards and what form it is in.

I find everything funny, particularly things which are controversial, so sexist and racist jokes don't bother me.

Who said I couldn't see the difference in the connotations anyway?

You're obviously very ignorant yourself, if you think that just because someone has an opposing opinion they're stupid.


I didn't say you were stupid, I said you were ignorant or stupid, there is a difference.


Racism and sexism is all about connotations. No word is inherently offensive, it's the connotations. I'm not saying it's okay to be racist/sexist to white males, but making a remark about a black female is a whole different thing.  I'm not sensitive to racism or sexism towards me, but my 'group' has always been in a dominant position, doing the subjugating. A remark to me doesn't trigger thoughts of generations of being enslaved, objectified, lynched, treated like an animal and the still-existent residue of these practices and thoughts.


Aye, I know that I'm not disputing that. All I'm saying is blokes wouldn't gan on the same way - which is what you've pretty much said too...



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I don't find what they said funny. It's proper unacceptable (and unwitty, cliched) sexism.  :facepalm:



No it isn't. We live in an equal society, we should be treated equally. So please do shut up.


You're incredibly naive and ignorant, or stupid, if you can't see the difference in connotations of being sexist towards women and men. 


For some reason it's become very fashionable recently to make all these sexist jokes on facebook recently.



Sexism is sexism mate, don't really care about the connotations, all sexism is wrong. Just like racism is racism regardless of who it is towards and what form it is in.

I find everything funny, particularly things which are controversial, so sexist and racist jokes don't bother me.

Who said I couldn't see the difference in the connotations anyway?

You're obviously very ignorant yourself, if you think that just because someone has an opposing opinion they're stupid.


I didn't say you were stupid, I said you were ignorant or stupid, there is a difference.


Racism and sexism is all about connotations. No word is inherently offensive, it's the connotations. I'm not saying it's okay to be racist/sexist to white males, but making a remark about a black female is a whole different thing.  I'm not sensitive to racism or sexism towards me, but my 'group' has always been in a dominant position, doing the subjugating. A remark to me doesn't trigger thoughts of generations of being enslaved, objectified, lynched, treated like an animal and the still-existent residue of these practices and thoughts.


Nail on the head! Well said.

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Women shouldnt be running the line in mens football anyway.


Especially if they're owt like that wife from Ashington or Bedlington or wherever. Foul mouthed f***er. We were only like 12...


Heedtheball that woman was, I thought she was gonna slap you.

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Women shouldnt be running the line in mens football anyway.


Especially if they're owt like that wife from Ashington or Bedlington or wherever. Foul mouthed f***er. We were only like 12...


Heedtheball that woman was, I thought she was gonna slap you.



I did give her a canny bit of South Park-esque abuse like. She deserved it though.



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They should be fired for being shit at their job though. Seriously, what do they bring to the party?


Both are far from oil paintings, have limited knowledge on the game (Keys in particular) and are absolute shitcunts. Their on screen capabilities are barely groundbreaking either.


Despite being a twat, Gray is probably one of the best pundits around imo.


It could be worse and Sky could employ pundits completely void of any personality and insight i.e Southgate, Townsend, Earle....


:thup: :thup: :thup:


Exactly. Both of them are tits and both of them have fucked up royally, but i'd be disappointed to see them lynched for ,it cos they actually generate engaging football debate. Unlike every single other football television network. Townsend's alright though imo. Gray's second only to Hansen, when it comes to punditry, imo. The rest of BBC's pundits is just a big quagmire of shit.

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Gray's so volatile though and Keys knows how to spark a debate between the pundits, even if he isn't contributing to the discussion himself. There's a vid on Youtube of Gray going absolutely off-it with Redknapp over this Mascherano sending off. Great TV.

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:thdn:Considering theres so much valid criticism that can be leveled at some of the hapless officials game change, it's pretty pathetic to slate one of them just because shes a woman. A male official gave that goal that never was against watford for fucks sake and his cock didn't seem to help him there. Don't the pundits all say they don't understand the offside rule anyway in terms of phases?e.

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Guest guinness_fiend




Keysy and Gray are no sexists. These accusations are disgraceful.


We once had a couple of slags in the Sky studios and Keysy point-blank refused to let Martin Tyler piss on their tits. He's a gentleman.


"I want to piss all over these slaaaaags," roared a shroomed-up Tyler.


"Not on my watch," Keysy retorted before threatening Tyler with his spanking paddle.


Andy Gray is a prince too. He always hold doors open for women and tells them when their hair smells good. He's very old-fashioned.


Jesus. Keysy has a pair of knickers in his pocket. Claims they belong to that lineswoman. Never known anyone who lives so close to the edge.



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Don't the pundits all say they don't understand the offside rule anyway in terms of phases?e.


Easy fix for that....make all the pundits certify as a referee and complete a dozen games or so as referee/assistant referee in a U16+ Boys league.  They'd soon know the LOTG and also have a whole new perspective on the role of the referee.

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Guest toonlass

There's sense in men getting certain jobs and positions, you can't compare it to racism.

which jobs and positions ?


He won't be able to give a good answer to that question.

Fireman. A woman can't be a fireman, because if they did it they would be a firewoman. See also, policeman. :pow:


No such job as a fireman any more. It's a firefighter and has been for a while.

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There's sense in men getting certain jobs and positions, you can't compare it to racism.

which jobs and positions ?


He won't be able to give a good answer to that question.

Fireman. A woman can't be a fireman, because if they did it they would be a firewoman. See also, policeman. :pow:


No such job as a fireman any more. It's a firefighter and has been for a while.


No job as a policeman andymore it's a policemanofficer.



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Guest toonlass

Bollocks this lad is called a FIREMAN not FIREFIGHTER




Hate to break this to you, but he's not real.

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Bollocks this lad is called a FIREMAN not FIREFIGHTER




Hate to break this to you, but he's not real.



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I like to see female assistants in the game, if they can do the job (and she did a good job) who cares?

I don't like female commentators on MOTD because, in general, they don't sound very good.

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I like to see female assistants in the game, if they can do the job (and she did a good job) who cares?

I don't like female commentators on MOTD because, in general, they don't sound very good.


So, seen and not heard? I like it.

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