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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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We bought Westwood after compiling a 30 game dossier on him (according to the Crewe manager, who hadn't even realised we were watching him). He cost 1m plus a pre season friendly. That's exactly the sort of new approach we need, especially as we are still paying off MON's huge money, no scouting approach.


fucking hell

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Theyll just find some other brazilian gems and then flog them in 3 years for rediculous money.

They are buying Fernando and Wellington Nem.


Exactly what i mean. There are no visa restrictions for players in ukraine ?

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Probably not with them being outside the EU and also being high income earners.


In other news Porto have replaced Moutinho with Hector Herrera, young Mexican int'l.

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Ancelotti to be unveiled next week as RM's new manager, according to Onda Cero.


Aye, a few journo's reporting it on Twitter.


€4m, could be signing of the season.

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Another boring manager at Real then...

Ancelotti's Chelsea and Milan sides very creative.


You're out of your mind. Don't know why I'm even responding to this. Very creative ffs :lol:

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Ancelotti's Chelsea were just a neat and mean counter-attackin outfit, which fits Madrid's squad anyway.


His teams are exactly like you say, counter-attacking teams. Score the first goal and they'll sit back and wait to kill the game by counter-attacking. Good manager, but horrible philosophy (does get him the results though) in my opinion.

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Problem with Ancelotti is he struggles with the 38 game marathon of a league campaign.


That great Milan team everyone raves about only won 1 league title in 9 years under Ancelotti.


He's brilliant on the KO format which is why the CL suits him and his tactical prowess can be shown off to its potential.


He's the exact opposite to Mancini, who is very good at the 38 game marathon of a league campaign but awful at the KO format of the CL because he's crap tactically.


If Madrid get him it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he wins a CL before he wins a league.



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Think he's a brilliant manager personally, easily one of the best of the past 15 years.


He's definitely a good manager, but to tell me his teams are very creative is beyond me.


He's a great guy too. Have a bit of a man crush on Carlo I must admit.  :smitten:


Basically you fall for the eyebrow, right?

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Ancelotti's Chelsea were just a neat and mean counter-attackin outfit, which fits Madrid's squad anyway.


Disagree tbh. They constantly got caught on the counter in the CL and against top sides.


In the league winning season they scored over 100 league goals and routinely spanked teams 4-5-6 at the Bridge. You would expect CT teams to sometimes struggle to break sides at home and perhaps be very good away. But Ancelotti's teams steam rolled em at home but struggled away.

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Also his Milan side fielded the most attacking/creative players i've ever seen. Shevchenko, Rui Costa, Kaka, Seedorf, Pirlo, Cafu all in the one team. Often playing 3 playmakers in the one side.


They rarely won the league under him as defensively they where not strong enough. Not enough tackle in midfield if you will.

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