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Demba Ba (now retired)


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If he's telling the truth then Pardew has some serious questions to answer  :hmm:


If Ba doesn't care where he plays as long as we win then why change something that was working so well?


Think pardew believes a manager of the year award gives you license to act like a cock.


Because if he had moved Ba out on the wing with Cisse in the goalscoring form he has shown this season we would have been flying? :lol:

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If he's telling the truth then Pardew has some serious questions to answer  :hmm:


If Ba doesn't care where he plays as long as we win then why change something that was working so well?


Think pardew believes a manager of the year award gives you license to act like a cock.


Because if he had moved Ba out on the wing with Cisse in the goalscoring form he has shown this season we would have been flying? :lol:


Might have panned  out like that yes. The negative formation and tactics he replaced it with has slowly eroded the players confidence.

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Cisse's goalscoring form this season is mainly due to lack of service and the most creative players being a lot deeper than they was during his goalscoring exploits.


Of course now confidence comes into play but that wasn't the case when the season started and we can't magically change back now due to the shift in morale, injuries and lack of coaching to play that way.


We will just have to plod along ( for lack of a better term) and hope we can pick up points until the players are back fit and hopefully we bring some new blood in January and Pardew grows a set.

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Yep Cisse has definitely missed the chances he has had down to formation :lol:


Never said formation.... i said tactics.


Besides what chances? i have hardly seen him in the box all season long and has been constantly isolated.


He was probably 1 on 1 with the GK more times in his first 5 games for the club than he has been all season.

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He has missed a few sitters and been offside a stupid amount of times. Not sure how that is down to formation.


I think he is a quality player who is too good not to find form but let's not get silly.

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He has missed a few sitters and been offside a stupid amount of times. Not sure how that is down to formation.


I think he is a quality player who is too good not to find form but let's not get silly.




Can't argue with infuriating offsides. Last season he was doing them as well.

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It has, as has it been to Ba. Changing formation wouldn't have changed that either imo. It would have just meant our in form forward is playing out of position.


Playing 4-3-3/4-5-1 wouldn't suddenly stop the players from their pathetic passing this season, they haven't failed because they are having to try more adventurous passes, they have just failed to make simple passes and look lazy putting in half arsed attempts without bother to look up.


That is down to the management and coaches to snap them out of but moving our only real goalscorer this season wouldn't have done any good, we just wouldn't have scored as many as we have.

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Ba is someone who can make something out of nothing and is better at scoring from flicks on and crosses.... Cisse can't do that.


Cisse needs service and quite frankly the service has been abysmal and i never said anything about formation i use to complain about the formation but quite frankly the tactics and rigid set up of the team and our most creative players acting as defensive players which have been the reason why Ba and Cisse have been isolated.


I think 2 strikers can work but not in the rigid set up with no off the ball movement and telling Cabaye and Ben Arfa to do more tacking than dribbling and passing.



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Ba is someone who can make something out of nothing and is better at scoring from flicks on and crosses.... Cisse can't do that.


What?! :lol: You miss the last 6 months of last season?


Prepare to get battered, Cajun. That's not a popular view.

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Ba is someone who can make something out of nothing and is better at scoring from flicks on and crosses.... Cisse can't do that.


What?! :lol: You miss the last 6 months of last season?


Prepare to get battered, Cajun. That's not a popular view.


Comparing this season where you have extremely deep crosses with hardly any one in the box to distract defenders to last season where Cisse Ba and Cabaye would all be in the box and Ben Arfa wasn't standing on the half way line protecting Simpson is hardly the same thing.


As i said i have hardly seen Cisse in the box all season and we all know the reason for that....

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Maybe so but i'd argue Ba is much more adept than Cisse at scoring from crosses especially deep crosses where he has to beat a defender in the air or/and outmuscle him that's not Cisse's game.







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Maybe so but i'd argue Ba is much more adept than Cisse at scoring from crosses especially deep crosses where he has to beat a defender in the air or/and outmuscle him that's not Cisse's game.







struggling to remember that happening even once.
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For example.... those two goals against Reading.... Cisse wouldn't have scored in my view.



the first one was straight down the middle (not back post) and i can't remember any challenge. the only back post header either has scored was cisse v liverpool. the second goal wasn't outmuscling anyone, he read it better and was there first.
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For example.... those two goals against Reading.... Cisse wouldn't have scored in my view.



the first one was straight down the middle (not back post) and i can't remember any challenge. the only back post header either has scored was cisse v liverpool. the second goal wasn't outmuscling anyone, he read it better and was there first.


If we go back to my original post on the matter i talked about crosses and flicks on which regards to long ball.... Ba is better at all that in my view.


Anyway i'll leave it at that i stated my opinion on it and that's about all there is to it really.

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