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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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Guest NobbyOhNobby

Are you not more concerned about the fact that we've lost the brawn from our brains and brawn combo? I'd be keener to get a big bastard like samba to play alongside colo. I think our backline is rather weak in terms of physical strength without Taylor and they can be bullied a bit - see elmander and Davies last year

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Will be back in time for Norwich according to the man himself, he also says Taylor will be out for 6 months and was ranting on about how poor the Luiz decision was :lol:




Edit: Nee disrespect Guv, but bobbydazzla broke forum hearts once already when Tiote told him he'd be back for Manure. Seems players are always more optimistic about comebacks than medical staff/decision-makers.


Also the idea of him berating the "shit Colo" is quite funny too. Can imagine eventually going off on a rant about how shit his hair is, and how crap the volume is in it.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Fucking hope so!


It's remarkable how the presence of one player can change moods so quickly. I reckon we could win it with Colo. :lol:

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Will be back in time for Norwich according to the man himself, he also says Taylor will be out for 6 months and was ranting on about how poor the Luiz decision was :lol:




Really hope this is so but I'd rather he take it easy if there's a risk of aggravating the injury, even if it means sitting out the next couple of fixtures or so. If the physios and Colo himself think there's no risk in playing, then woop!

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Just saw Steve Stone in Starbucks. He basically said the same.


I genuinely did speak to Stone prior to the Man Utd game, just in case this is a piss take.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Will be back in time for Norwich according to the man himself, he also says Taylor will be out for 6 months and was ranting on about how poor the Luiz decision was :lol:



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f***ing hope so!


It's remarkable how the presence of one player can change moods so quickly. I reckon we could win it with Colo. :lol:


When Colo went off on Saturday the atmosphere noticeably nose-dived,was horrible.


I'd struggle to think of any individual in the PL who is as important to his team as Colo is to Newcastle.

52,000 people probably thought the same thing at the same time.

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f***ing hope so!


It's remarkable how the presence of one player can change moods so quickly. I reckon we could win it with Colo. :lol:


When Colo went off on Saturday the atmosphere noticeably nose-dived,was horrible.


I'd struggle to think of any individual in the PL who is as important to his team as Colo is to Newcastle.

52,000 people probably thought the same thing at the same time.


As has already been mentioned, RvP. Suarez too.

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Will be back in time for Norwich according to the man himself, he also says Taylor will be out for 6 months and was ranting on about how poor the Luiz decision was :lol:




To cut a long story short one of the lads i coach with coaches Colo's son and has done for a while.


I was talking to him today about various coaching topics and Colo popped into the conversation and he was saying how he was waiting for his scan results (this was yesterday evening) and how the staff and himself felt he should be fine for Norwich as it wasn't as bad as they first thought.


Saylor will be out for 6 months and he was also still in a mood over the whole Luiz/sending off debacle.



Isn't Guv the one that's always hanging around SJP? Sounds plausible, though I'd say even if he did say it it's possible he's left out for a week.


Still, I'm going to get excited until this is debunked.  :frantic:


And no i don't hang around the ground :lol:


Just i sometimes pop into the offices there for work realted stuff :thup:

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