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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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To be honest, I would take him missing the entire Christmas and New Year programme if it meant that he wasn't rushed back and risked making it worse for the rest of the year.


Perch, Simpson and Kadar in the middle with Santon and Jonas as wing backs??!!




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At lest we've got points in the bag to keep us comfortable and safe in the league for now. Nooone expected this streak but you be daft not to expect these sorts of injuries. We've done well to get this far without something severe happening. It'll be reet.


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Crutches maybe or a limp... I guess we could take t as good news if the scan had shown a tear he would be resting surely? ?


yeah you've gotta think if he's walking around today that it's nothing serious


Aye, it's encouraging signs. But I'm sure we'll know more later in the week.....

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Guest icemanblue

I saw him on his way out of the Metro Centre and by that point he was crawling on the floor, pleading with his wife to go get the car and roll him into it...


Think I must have arrived on the scene just after you. Did you see the ambulance arrive? They were having a hell of a job finding the remaining shards of bone, after the explosion.

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What do people expect? :lol: When I did my knee in, I could walk fine but as soon as I started running/playing football, it seized right up and I had to stop. It means nowt.


Were you Captain of a Premier League football team who had just lost their other CB for the season and had a game in another 7 days ?

It may mean nothing or it could be a good sign that after his scan it showed no tear, if he did have a tear I would expect him to be having complete rest in order for him to have the best chance of healing and I am sure as a professional footballer its what he would do.

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Ive had a slight tear in my quadriceps before and its a difficult injury. I could walk and jog perfectly fine, but as soon as I sprinted or attempted to kick the ball, there was a sharp pain and it almost felt like

the muscle was about to snap. It took around 6 to 8 weeks to get back to normal. But it was hard to tell how well the injury was recovering.

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What do people expect? :lol: When I did my knee in, I could walk fine but as soon as I started running/playing football, it seized right up and I had to stop. It means nowt.


Were you Captain of a Premier League football team who had just lost their other CB for the season and had a game in another 7 days ?


That has literally nothing to do with his post, congratulations.

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What do people expect? :lol: When I did my knee in, I could walk fine but as soon as I started running/playing football, it seized right up and I had to stop. It means nowt.


It means it's deemed ok for him to be walking around when it's not absolutely necessary, e.g. going shopping. Which is obviously more positive than being told to keep off it as much as possible.


You're a much better poster when you're not on your high horse.

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What do people expect? :lol: When I did my knee in, I could walk fine but as soon as I started running/playing football, it seized right up and I had to stop. It means nowt.


It means it's deemed ok for him to be walking around when it's not absolutely necessary, e.g. going shopping. Which is obviously more positive than being told to keep off it as much as possible.


You're a much better poster when you're not on your high horse.


I'm not on my high horse. I just know there's a difference between walking on something and running on it (especially when its something as intense as a PL game). Oh, and that there probably isn't a Doctor in the world that would have him up on his arse and not moving. He would have been told to keep putting pressure on it, otherwise it'll never heal.

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Are we not meant to look for positives i the fact he is out walking about two days after he was taken off injured? I am sure if it was serious he would be getting medical attention or sat on his arse at home.


And yes he will have to use it but that will be done at the training ground with the clubs medical staff, its not like he popped into the walk in centre at the RVI.

Massive difference between what a doctor tells your average Joe to how a football clubs medical staff deal with footballers.

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