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Our away support

Guest BooBoo

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I presume all members will now have to submit to CRB checks??




This forum would be a bit thin on members if so.

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Guest michaelfoster

Banning someone from a forum for something they did in 'real life' seems a bit wrong to me. Fair enough if he was on here as some kind of super hooligan, recruiting members for a firm or something like that on here, but he doesnt.


surely more to do with the image, the admins don't want to be associated with people who cause violence at football matches, plus i presume this forum is for people of all ages and they may not want the younger ones to interact with that sort of person.

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There's various members of N-O that entered the field of play on Friday, ban them an all.


Aye. I've heard Neesy was definitely there. This Asian tour's just an alibi, in reality he was one of the biggest radge packets on the pitch Friday night. :sadnod:

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True Faiths 2penneth on our away support...i must say i agree with most of what Michael says.


I suppose we have to deal with the aftermath of the scenes at Darlington as they have been in the headlines since Friday night. Let’s get one thing straight on the table. This was 100% the responsibility of those Mags who ran on the pitch. I have read reports from certain quarters which has sought to put some of the blame at the door of Darlington. That would be grotesquely unfair. Estimates vary but around 4 - 500 got on the pitch from the stand that had been allocated to us. I didn’t see Darlington move. I’ve heard some criticism of the stewarding and Police arrangements. That’s as may be but the responsibility lies with those who ran on the pitch. There were almost 7000 Mags at the game and they didn’t all leave their seats. A significant minority did however.


The shame in this is that Darlington should have been delighted so many Mags made their way to their stadium. Darlington are a North East club currently playing in the non-league. They are hardly flush with cash and a friendly game against us should have sent their tills jingling and given them a nice pay-day. For our part, Darlington have a good stadium that can deal with an influx of a large number of visiting fans. Its close to hand for us, the surface is PL standard and the facilities are great for the players too. For parents who want to take kids to see the first team play but struggle to find the dough to visit SJP, these kind of games are brilliant to give young children a real treat without breaking the bank. Basically, its ideal as a place for us to visit pre-season. Everyone’s a winner.

However, if a club like Darlington has to shell out a fortune on stewarding and Police costs, the attraction of playing us is going to wear off very quickly. For United’s part, they are going to lose a place which would be great for a pre-season stretch of the legs. Everyone loses.


Overall however, we have to acknowledge there is a bit of a problem with an element of our away support. Frankly, they are a pain in the arse. They aren’t funny. They are usually very young (15 - 20) but not exclusively so. If they aren’t being wacky with their shirts off, they are pissed up singing “I want to go home” when they have just got off the bus and they are, generally speaking boring, charmless and to be avoided like the plague. It may be me becoming a boring old fart but run the logic of spending a fortune on beer in some brick shed under a stand somewhere then throwing it all over your mates and any passers-by by me again. You crazy guys are so out there!


They are generally speaking, a minority and can be given a wide berth. I don’t think they have any idea however, how unpopular they are.


This element has been bubbling under the radar for a while now but with schools now having broken up, the availability of very cheap supermarket beer, a cheap first team game down the road easily accessible by public transport and it was obvious the muppet squad would be out in force. It is being wise after the event. I am certain there were those running on the pitch who were at their first ever away game. I witnessed a few of them getting a bollocking and the occasional slap from other Mags and I thought one was going to burst into tears. It will be interesting to see how this element behaves if they go to Leeds for the friendly at Elland Road. A severe arse-kicking might be coming their way if they show the same lack of respect to our hosts in West Yorkshire as they did to Darlington.



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Overall however, we have to acknowledge there is a bit of a problem with an element of our away support. Frankly, they are a pain in the arse. They aren’t funny. They are usually very young (15 - 20) but not exclusively so. If they aren’t being wacky with their shirts off, they are pissed up singing “I want to go home” when they have just got off the bus and they are, generally speaking boring, charmless and to be avoided like the plague. It may be me becoming a boring old fart but run the logic of spending a fortune on beer in some brick shed under a stand somewhere then throwing it all over your mates and any passers-by by me again. You crazy guys are so out there!


They are generally speaking, a minority and can be given a wide berth. I don’t think they have any idea however, how unpopular they are.


This element has been bubbling under the radar for a while now but with schools now having broken up, the availability of very cheap supermarket beer, a cheap first team game down the road easily accessible by public transport and it was obvious the muppet squad would be out in force. It is being wise after the event. I am certain there were those running on the pitch who were at their first ever away game. I witnessed a few of them getting a bollocking and the occasional slap from other Mags and I thought one was going to burst into tears. It will be interesting to see how this element behaves if they go to Leeds for the friendly at Elland Road. A severe arse-kicking might be coming their way if they show the same lack of respect to our hosts in West Yorkshire as they did to Darlington.


Spot on. The main reason I turned down the chance to go, it was inevitable it'd be full of charva kids who've never been to proper away game in their life and who've watched far too much Green Street/Football Factory.

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Don't disagree with it as such but I think people don't tend to look at this sort of scenario with a level head due to their age. I.e. Old people have been there, done it and seen the violence. Young people haven't and think it's all a laugh. People in between sway one way or another depending on their level of soberness and/or personality.

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Idiots that do not know what it means to support our club.. we will get a massive fine but at least these brain dead little cunts will get a ban.

Embarrassing for the club and us loyal fans, I bet our new signings are wondering what the fuck they have done coming here..

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Banning someone from a forum for something they did in 'real life' seems a bit wrong to me. Fair enough if he was on here as some kind of super hooligan, recruiting members for a firm or something like that on here, but he doesnt.


I agree with this actually.


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I know one of the f***ing mongs on the pitch in the fighting.


Same here. :lol: Know him canny well too despite him being a grade A moron. Embarrassing.


Ditto :lol:


I was speaking to him before the match, didn't realise he was fighting til I saw him tagged in a photo with the kid in the green t-shirt who got arrested.


Aye, he was all over SSN and I spotted him straight away in this picture as well:





Which one do you lot know like?

I know the lad in the white baseball cap.

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ROFL at the ban. whatajoke.com


Who the fuck are you?


Anyway, I guess I'll chip in... The ban isn't a "joke" at all. The people who run this place have two relevant responsibilities here: (1) protecting the interests and reputation of the forum, (2) protecting our users. The first one is self-explanatory - I'm sure I don't need to explain (at least, not to anyone who isn't being contrary just for the sake of it) why it isn't good for the forum to have a hooligan-element associated with it. As for the second, one thing I'd like to bring up is the fact that we have a ticket exchange system on here which the user in question has used in the past to purchase tickets from other users - the fact that people could be selling tickets to somebody like this, to me, is completely unacceptable.


There are other issues that come into play as well, but for me those are the two most important ones.

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ROFL at the ban. whatajoke.com


Who the f*** are you?


Anyway, I guess I'll chip in... The ban isn't a "joke" at all. The people who run this place have two relevant responsibilities here: (1) protecting the interests and reputation of the forum, (2) protecting our users. The first one is self-explanatory - I'm sure I don't need to explain (at least, not to anyone who isn't being contrary just for the sake of it) why it isn't good for the forum to have a hooligan-element associated with it. As for the second, one thing I'd like to bring up is the fact that we have a ticket exchange system on here which the user in question has used in the past to purchase tickets from other users - the fact that people could be selling tickets to somebody like this, to me, is completely unacceptable.


There are other issues that come into play as well, but for me those are the two most important ones.




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ROFL at the ban. whatajoke.com


Who the f*** are you?


Anyway, I guess I'll chip in... The ban isn't a "joke" at all. The people who run this place have two relevant responsibilities here: (1) protecting the interests and reputation of the forum, (2) protecting our users. The first one is self-explanatory - I'm sure I don't need to explain (at least, not to anyone who isn't being contrary just for the sake of it) why it isn't good for the forum to have a hooligan-element associated with it. As for the second, one thing I'd like to bring up is the fact that we have a ticket exchange system on here which the user in question has used in the past to purchase tickets from other users - the fact that people could be selling tickets to somebody like this, to me, is completely unacceptable.


There are other issues that come into play as well, but for me those are the two most important ones.




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ROFL at the ban. whatajoke.com


Who the fuck are you?


Anyway, I guess I'll chip in... The ban isn't a "joke" at all. The people who run this place have two relevant responsibilities here: (1) protecting the interests and reputation of the forum, (2) protecting our users. The first one is self-explanatory - I'm sure I don't need to explain (at least, not to anyone who isn't being contrary just for the sake of it) why it isn't good for the forum to have a hooligan-element associated with it. As for the second, one thing I'd like to bring up is the fact that we have a ticket exchange system on here which the user in question has used in the past to purchase tickets from other users - the fact that people could be selling tickets to somebody like this, to me, is completely unacceptable.


There are other issues that come into play as well, but for me those are the two most important ones.

Will he be reinstated if found not guilty?
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