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Gabriel Obertan signs for Anzhi


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Guest firetotheworks

It's definitely time for him to at least be phased out. I'd start him next match to keep up the belief he perhaps needs to bring out the best in him, but sub him at half time for Marveaux, from now until Pardew feels he's given him a fair crack at the whip.

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Didn't see anything yesterday to suggest he "needs to be dropped"... he had a decent game with a couple of sloppy errors, that's all.


He didn't do anything of note. That's the problem. He has speed, but just refuse to use it effectively. There's no reason this showing should keep him in the team. Especially not when you look at the alternatives.

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Swear I saw him tracking back a bit more, bit of a walcott, will one day race away from a defence, but does it frustratingly little. I think he could be pretty effective against a much inferior defence, and wonder if his presence did pin Kotto back more than he's given credit for, but would want more than just nullifying attacking threat from their fullback. Doubt Marveaux will be on for him against Wigan, and him running against their terrible defence is his chance to prove he can terrorize an inferior backline.

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Don't understand this bloke, he is absolutely lightening fast he even kept up with Bale when he was on the break away. Thinking back to someone like Gillespie - he made a career out of just knocking the ball past the defender then pegging it after it. Obertan has the same pace and more ability, yet every time hes one on one with the full back he just slows the ball right down and shuffles up to the defender not seeming sure what to do. Just doesn't seem to have the confidence or the competitive edge to be a top player at the moment.


Ludicrous comment.


Gillespie had a terrific ability to cross the ball in at full pace. Obertan struggles to match that quality from a static position.


I remember Gillespie as a dreadful crosser with the exception of one game v Barcelona. Obertan is also poor but seems to have better close control and more skill.


Don't understand this bloke, he is absolutely lightening fast he even kept up with Bale when he was on the break away. Thinking back to someone like Gillespie - he made a career out of just knocking the ball past the defender then pegging it after it. Obertan has the same pace and more ability




Typical Mackem comment that, "came from Man utd so he must be good" is all I see there.


Not following you here mate, I'm comparing one player who signed from Man U with another player who signed from Man U. And I do think that Obertan has loads of ability.


Solano aside, Gillespie is the best consistent crosser of a ball we've had at this club in the past 20 years. Gillespie was 100 times the player Obertan ever will be.

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I really think people should keep more faith in him. He got tons of talent going forward. And according to last game he does have qualities tracking back aswell. Hopefully with a few more games and more directions from the coaching staff they can get more out of him. He will skin almost every below top6 winger in the league. He poses an arial treath aswell and got trickery. He drifts inside alot though and often got cought out with two or more persons around him. Despite this happening alot last I really think we will see a better Obertan come spring when his manure farse is totally over and he's enjoying himself again.


Don't know if you've seen it in his lost eyes but to me it looks like he's enjoying himself more and more. And its better that he actually tries and looses the ball then hide himself where people can't pass it to him. Afterall he got the pace and trickery, one day it will just say click in his head and he will terrorize alot of fullbacks.

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Alan's got a real hard on for his pace, he sees it as a key asset in stretched games. I don't mind him, think he's done some decent things since he got here but isn't a good enough player to be starting games for us. I think he's the perfect attacking supersub with half an hour to go and that's what he should be for the foreseeable future.

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Got a feeling some people might be reconsidering their brash statements once the player has settled into the club fully.


Looks to have something - not sure how much he's got. Can see why Fergie couldn't afford to let him develop in the Utd first team though.

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He's a bit like Oba Martins. He's got plenty of pace and quality on the ball, but he's not got the brain to use it.


I think he'll definitely turn out better than Martins. I'd love to see Marv in the team and Obertan out at the moment but I still think Obertan has many of the pieces necessary to be a very good winger. He's young, has pace, can whip a ball in and is developing into that role. The only problem is, Marveaux is the better player.

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He's a bit like Oba Martins. He's got plenty of pace and quality on the ball, but he's not got the brain to use it.


I think he'll definitely turn out better than Martins. I'd love to see Marv in the team and Obertan out at the moment but I still think Obertan has many of the pieces necessary to be a very good winger. He's young, has pace, can whip a ball in and is developing into that role. The only problem is, Marveaux is the better player.


But if you drop obertan it may dent the confidence he is now rebuilding with a good run in a side, it's a tricky situation like because I'm fully expecting marveux to be a great player when he eventually gets a look in

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He's a bit like Oba Martins. He's got plenty of pace and quality on the ball, but he's not got the brain to use it.


I think he'll definitely turn out better than Martins. I'd love to see Marv in the team and Obertan out at the moment but I still think Obertan has many of the pieces necessary to be a very good winger. He's young, has pace, can whip a ball in and is developing into that role. The only problem is, Marveaux is the better player.


But if you drop obertan it may dent the confidence he is now rebuilding with a good run in a side, it's a tricky situation like because I'm fully expecting marveux to be a great player when he eventually gets a look in


vice versa, he might think he's been great that's why he's still in the team if you don't drop him.

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He's a bit like Oba Martins. He's got plenty of pace and quality on the ball, but he's not got the brain to use it.


I think he'll definitely turn out better than Martins. I'd love to see Marv in the team and Obertan out at the moment but I still think Obertan has many of the pieces necessary to be a very good winger. He's young, has pace, can whip a ball in and is developing into that role. The only problem is, Marveaux is the better player.


But if you drop obertan it may dent the confidence he is now rebuilding with a good run in a side, it's a tricky situation like because I'm fully expecting marveux to be a great player when he eventually gets a look in


vice versa, he might think he's been great that's why he's still in the team if you don't drop him.


I think 40 odd thousand toon fans reminded him he isn't 'great' when he fucked about with the ball too long and didn't try and win it back once he lost it, it's his first real run in a team since bordeux more than likely, needs to be given benefit of the doubt I think, but yes I would also like to see marveux soon

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He just lacks intellegence at times, that little bit of killer instinct/confidence/bravery/desire/aggression especially in the final third. Has so much natural ability and blistering pace though. In flashes he's really good and other times completely takes the wrong option. More coaching may well bring him on another level. Not sure if some of the things he's lacking can be drummed into him. If he had that little bit more confidence/bravery/killer instinct/desire/aggression he could be an incredible player.


Woulden't be gutted if he played V Wigan as long as Ben arfa came in for Best and Santon came in for Simpson. I am really keen on seeing how Marveaux does for us. He looks a real talent who will score goals, create alot also. Against Spurs for all our hard work and possesion we were lacking that bit of quality in the final third until Jonas brilliantly skipped round modric and another spurs player to set up Ba from a few yards out. That really was a great turning point, our confidence soared and they knew we were not going to take this lying down. Not sure what Marveaux is like tracking back as we haven't seen enough of him yet. Obertan is a little hit and miss in that area too though. 

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Does seem strange that in a team playing so confidently he doesn't look that confident. There were a few occasions when he could've taken people on with his pace but chose not too and he's very careless in possession at times. That said his pace scares the s*** out of sides and that is particularly effective away from home. Can see him working well with Ben Arfa too. A game coming off the bench would do him no harm though and Marveaux deserves a chance.

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Does seem strange that in a team playing so confidently he doesn't look that confident. There were a few occasions when he could've taken people on with his pace but chose not too and he's very careless in possession at times. That said his pace scares the s*** out of sides and that is particularly effective away from home. Can see him working well with Ben Arfa too. A game coming off the bench would do him no harm though and Marveaux deserves a chance.


His best game for us has been off the bench as well, looked very lively against tiring legs when he came on against Arsenal. That said, I don't think he's been as bad as some have made out and while I'd like to see Marv get a run out on the right, I wouldn't be too disappointed to see Obertan there again.

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When i think of "weak" areas in a team, i think of players who could cost us a game or someone who is so shit upfront that it doesn't matter what chances you create for them. With that in mind, i think Obertan is far from a "weakness" in our side. He's also far from a great footballer but he's very quick, covers his full-back and has clear technical ability.


We definately need to get more out of him though or he may lose his place in the side. However, i'm not suprised that Pardew hasn't brought him out of the team, for two reasons. Firstly, i don't think he sees Marveaux as a right sided midfielder (who would be his obvious replacement) and secondly it's unwise to bring recently signed players out of the team, what does that say about his confidence in his new signing?

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How many games does Obertan need to build his confidence?  I don't think it's even down to confidence and that's just an excuse for his lack of intelligence and that will take some turning around.  He doesn’t seem able to read the game and far too often does the wrong thing and his passing can be a bit wild.  I know he’s foreign but that’s no excuse as he’s been in this country for long enough to understand what English football is about, even if he’s played mainly reserve games.  He’s got pace but doesn’t know how to use what he’s got and he's keeping a player out of our team who looks to be just as fast but is much better at using the ball.



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