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Guest Howaythetoon

Why doesn't Pardew's previous career count towards how good a manager he is? Surely it's essential to judgement of him?


Its irrelevent when comparing Chris Hughton's time here as manager and Pardew's, given that's what we are talking about. Sam Allardyce pisses all over the pair of them with what he's achieved but Hughton and Pardew's time here pisses all over his.


Ah right, sorry, thought we were talking about who was the better manager.


We are, the better Newcastle manager. For me, Hughton was the better Newcastle manager and someone I believe given time and funds would achieve similar or better results than Pardew has done this far. That said, if we finish 6th I think Pardew will have equalled the achievements of Hughton and obviously would stand a better chance of far succeeding him thereafter.

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Guest Howaythetoon

We've made a profit with Pardew as manager, man. A significant one. :lol:


Carroll was sold before he came man, or rather the decision to sell was made well in advance.  We also made a profit on transfers under Hughton by the way.


No we didn't. We spent about £6m in both transfer windows he was in charge for.


Did we? Fair enough, Pardew has seen more investment though in terms of recruits and that cannot be denied. Carroll or no Carroll I think that was always going to be the case with Ashley and his man, something Hughton never was. Hughton was a stop-gap you feel, someone to man the ship for a while. The fact he took us up and started well in the top-flight was a huge bonus for Ashley but once he and the players started to question the order of ways (or rather not agree to them)... there's the door.

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Guest Howaythetoon

We've made a profit with Pardew as manager, man. A significant one. :lol:


Carroll was sold before he came man, or rather the decision to sell was made well in advance.  We also made a profit on transfers under Hughton by the way.


Giving you the benefit of hindsight, are you still 'blaming' Ashley for selling Carroll for £35m?


I never blamed him for selling Carroll. I never rated the player for a start unlike many. He's a championship striker at best. That was an insane price. :lol: I was unhappy with the sale though or rather the sentimental aspect of it, i.e. losing a local lad doing well, our number 9, to fucking Liverpool of all clubs.

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We've made a profit with Pardew as manager, man. A significant one. :lol:


Carroll was sold before he came man, or rather the decision to sell was made well in advance.  We also made a profit on transfers under Hughton by the way.


No we didn't. We spent about £6m in both transfer windows he was in charge for.


Did we? Fair enough


And that's why you're one of my favourite posters. Just cut out the fibs. :thup:

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Guest Howaythetoon

We're joint 5th with Pardew's much maligned team selections, that's the difference.


We won promotion and reached mid-table under the cowardice of Hughton.


Honestly, its as if you cannot have anyone doing better than Pardew or even getting close so you have to degenirate their achievements. Mind, didn't you once said Krul is going to be better than Schemichel so its no suprise to read that to you Pardew is the second coming of Mourinho or something :lol:


By the way, your man Pardew, that player he bought Obertan, in my humble, I'd rather see Alan Smith on the right than that f***ing ugly f***er. Mind, I remember when we were beating West Brom at home in the final game of last season, top 10 secured, and on comes Smith...


Only a coward would play him right!


Nice try. :lol:


To be fair Ronaldo, and I say this as someone who thinks you're one of the best posters on here, someone whose opinion I can respect even if I disagree, you do go from extremes.


I can talk like... :lol:


I think I once said out of the top 4 at the top, Fergie, Wenger, Mourinho, Rafa, we had the best manager in Big Sam so...


Its clear you rate Pardew and feel he's much better than Hughton which is fair enough but I feel Hughton's achievements are somewhat downgraded on here or by certain members and that's not on because he achieved a lot especially in the circumstances.


I won't lie or hide the fact I don't rate Pardew. He is clearly doing a good job by the way, I aknowledge that, but for me your top managers or better managers are the kind who can do well from nowt or reverse things massively. Pardew took over a decent set of lads, a good solid enough mid-table kind of side, and was charged with making it a little bit better. We are 6th now but we'll probably finish between 10-8, slightly better than when he first took over. All that with the backing of the board and some fine footballers.


That said if we finish 6th or even higher which I believe given the state of the league and indifference of those around us, and our quality players, we are more than capable of, then that's when I might start rating Pardew as something other than a lucky spinster on a good roll.


Time will tell...

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It is quite sad some folks won't quite be able to enjoy the progress the team is making at the moment due to this Mike Ashley stuff.


Oh well, sucks for them I guess.


Yup, can't deny I'm loving the team we have now. It's been a great season so far.

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It is quite sad some folks won't quite be able to enjoy the progress the team is making at the moment due to this Mike Ashley stuff.


Oh well, sucks for them I guess.


Yup, can't deny I'm loving the team we have now. It's been a great season so far.


:thup: to both. On a slightly related note there is a poster on another forum who admitted he didn't enjoy the 4-4 with Arsenal because he had "seen it all before". If you can't enjoy moments like that any more why would you bother? ???

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Guest sicko2ndbest

We've made a profit with Pardew as manager, man. A significant one. :lol:


Carroll was sold before he came man, or rather the decision to sell was made well in advance.  We also made a profit on transfers under Hughton by the way.


No we didn't. We spent about £6m in both transfer windows he was in charge for.


Did we? Fair enough, Pardew has seen more investment though in terms of recruits and that cannot be denied. Carroll or no Carroll I think that was always going to be the case with Ashley and his man, something Hughton never was. Hughton was a stop-gap you feel, someone to man the ship for a while. The fact he took us up and started well in the top-flight was a huge bonus for Ashley but once he and the players started to question the order of ways (or rather not agree to them)... there's the door.


That HTT is where you are wrong!


The board trust the current structure and are very secure with it. They like Pardew, they are comfortable with Pardew which is why they back him so much. Pardew got through the whole selling of Barton Carroll and Jose well, Hughton wouldnt have. The players eventually would have seen through him that he was also mearly a puppet grateful for the opportunity he received


There is no way in this world we would have been where we are had CH stayed in charge.


Pardew IS the better manager, the board were right, as they have been for practically the last 2 seasons!

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That HTT is where you are wrong!


The board trust the current structure and are very secure with it. They like Pardew, they are comfortable with Pardew which is why they back him so much. Pardew got through the whole selling of Barton Carroll and Jose well, Hughton wouldnt have. The players eventually would have seen through him that he was also mearly a puppet grateful for the opportunity he received


There is no way in this world we would have been where we are had CH stayed in charge.


Pardew IS the better manager, the board were right, as they have been for practically the last 2 seasons!


They have backed him so much that we are in profit on transfers since Pardew arrived, is that really backing?

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That HTT is where you are wrong!


The board trust the current structure and are very secure with it. They like Pardew, they are comfortable with Pardew which is why they back him so much. Pardew got through the whole selling of Barton Carroll and Jose well, Hughton wouldnt have. The players eventually would have seen through him that he was also mearly a puppet grateful for the opportunity he received


There is no way in this world we would have been where we are had CH stayed in charge.


Pardew IS the better manager, the board were right, as they have been for practically the last 2 seasons!


They have backed him so much that we are in profit on transfers since Pardew arrived, is that really backing?

be interesting when the accounts come out.


i wonder what the league would be like if clubs could only spend what they brought in via transfer fees.

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be interesting when the accounts come out.


i wonder what the league would be like if clubs could only spend what they brought in via transfer fees.


I guess we'll see the accounts anytime between next week and a couple of months time.  Last year they were out at the end of March but we have had them in January at least a couple of times.

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That HTT is where you are wrong!


The board trust the current structure and are very secure with it. They like Pardew, they are comfortable with Pardew which is why they back him so much. Pardew got through the whole selling of Barton Carroll and Jose well, Hughton wouldnt have. The players eventually would have seen through him that he was also mearly a puppet grateful for the opportunity he received


There is no way in this world we would have been where we are had CH stayed in charge.


Pardew IS the better manager, the board were right, as they have been for practically the last 2 seasons!


They have backed him so much that we are in profit on transfers since Pardew arrived, is that really backing?

be interesting when the accounts come out.


i wonder what the league would be like if clubs could only spend what they brought in via transfer fees.


And HAD to spend what they brought in via transfer fees.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Did I just read that right...if Pardew gets us 6th he EQUALS Hughton's achievements? WUM or pillock? Can't decide.


I consider what Hughton achieved given the circumstances to be quite the achievement. He inherited a wrecked side if you like on the back of an unprecdented relegation and took us to promotion and mid-table solidarity all in his first ever spell as a full-time manager. Finishing 6th would be quite an achievement but not massively so given this is the best first-team we've had since Sir Bobby's side finished 5th.


I don't think people trully appreciate just what an achievement it was to get promotion under Hughton and what followed after that as a top-flight side. If Hughton took over say Derby as a caretaker then a full-time manager and won promotion at the first-time of asking and then going on to hammer sides like Villa and the mackems as well as winning away to Arsenal, he'd be hailed as the next big thing.


At this point in time, I think finishing 6th, given our players and form, and of course the radge league, is more than achievable and is something we must strive to achieve. So yes it would be a big achievement but not more so than winning promotion and getting to a good solid position in the league under Hughton. I remember back in the summer of that year many were tipping us to either get relegated to the league below or to struggle to win promotion. The fact we fucking walked the league and got into a string position in the top-flight speaks volumes of the the kind of achievement under Hughton.

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Guest Howaythetoon

The next big thing aged 53?


Age aside...


What he achieved deserves recognition full stop. I find it incredably sad that a number of Toon fans gloss over what he achieved. I reckon, because we are a big club and a recognised Premier League club, that many fans feel what he did, winning promotion and attaining a mid-table position, was or should have been a formality at least and that would be wrong.


He has achieved far more than Pardew thus far. Again, if we finish 6th under Pardew, he would have equalled what Hughton achieved . IMO of course...

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The next big thing aged 53?


Age aside...


What he achieved deserves recognition full stop. I find it incredably sad that a number of Toon fans gloss over what he achieved. I reckon, because we are a big club and a recognised Premier League club, that many fans feel what he did, winning promotion and attaining a mid-table position, was or should have been a formality at least and that would be wrong.


He has achieved far more than Pardew thus far. Again, if we finish 6th under Pardew, he would have equalled what Hughton achieved . IMO of course...

We did have possibly the best squad to have played in the Championship for a long time mind, no matter how you look at it. Tremendous achievement yes, but your continued denouncing of Pardew is tedious.

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Did I just read that right...if Pardew gets us 6th he EQUALS Hughton's achievements? WUM or pillock? Can't decide.


I consider what Hughton achieved given the circumstances to be quite the achievement. He inherited a wrecked side if you like on the back of an unprecdented relegation and took us to promotion and mid-table solidarity all in his first ever spell as a full-time manager. Finishing 6th would be quite an achievement but not massively so given this is the best first-team we've had since Sir Bobby's side finished 5th.


I don't think people trully appreciate just what an achievement it was to get promotion under Hughton and what followed after that as a top-flight side. If Hughton took over say Derby as a caretaker then a full-time manager and won promotion at the first-time of asking and then going on to hammer sides like Villa and the mackems as well as winning away to Arsenal, he'd be hailed as the next big thing.


At this point in time, I think finishing 6th, given our players and form, and of course the radge league, is more than achievable and is something we must strive to achieve. So yes it would be a big achievement but not more so than winning promotion and getting to a good solid position in the league under Hughton. I remember back in the summer of that year many were tipping us to either get relegated to the league below or to struggle to win promotion. The fact we fucking walked the league and got into a string position in the top-flight speaks volumes of the the kind of achievement under Hughton.


Agree with most of that.

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Did I just read that right...if Pardew gets us 6th he EQUALS Hughton's achievements? WUM or pillock? Can't decide.


I consider what Hughton achieved given the circumstances to be quite the achievement. He inherited a wrecked side if you like on the back of an unprecdented relegation and took us to promotion and mid-table solidarity all in his first ever spell as a full-time manager. Finishing 6th would be quite an achievement but not massively so given this is the best first-team we've had since Sir Bobby's side finished 5th.


I don't think people trully appreciate just what an achievement it was to get promotion under Hughton and what followed after that as a top-flight side. If Hughton took over say Derby as a caretaker then a full-time manager and won promotion at the first-time of asking and then going on to hammer sides like Villa and the mackems as well as winning away to Arsenal, he'd be hailed as the next big thing.


At this point in time, I think finishing 6th, given our players and form, and of course the radge league, is more than achievable and is something we must strive to achieve. So yes it would be a big achievement but not more so than winning promotion and getting to a good solid position in the league under Hughton. I remember back in the summer of that year many were tipping us to either get relegated to the league below or to struggle to win promotion. The fact we f***ing walked the league and got into a string position in the top-flight speaks volumes of the the kind of achievement under Hughton.

hughton had by far the best side/squad in the division and it just about managed itself.
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Extremely harsh on the bloke. I was glad when he was sacked tbh. But i'll always be extremely grateful for what he achieved with a dressing room that had litterally no morale. Leyton Orient ring any bells?

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Extremely harsh on the bloke. I was glad when he was sacked tbh. But i'll always be extremely grateful for what he achieved with a dressing room that had litterally no morale. Leyton Orient ring any bells?

orient when the players turned themselves round and locked hughton out of the dressing room while they did it.


don't get me wrong, he or whoever made the right moves in the market in the january to bring us up and he done quite well in the premiership but a lot of it was already there.

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