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Mike Ashley

Christmas Tree

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Reckon it's Ashley response and retaliation to those Rafa's soundbites? To piss him off and to claim that Rafa has the final say on all transfers, including those that have failed to break through?

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so upshot is - Ashley's primary goal is to stay in the PL and that's it. No push for Europe or cups, or any real progression. It's about staying on the gravy train, with minimum investment  inorder to promote Sports Direct, from which the club gains no financial benefit.


We may have a world-class manager, but nothing has changed and nothing will until Ashley sells up.


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One thing other club owners have is an actual eye on things like momentum, fostering goodwill, a finger on the pulse of fans' mood. Ashley has, from day one, sought to not only not give a fuck about his fucked up decisions and when he makes them, but seems to relish in fucking us over at crucial moments. Did this interview have to happen 2 days before our opening fucking game of the season? Way to constantly hit the self-destruct button. Fucking hell. You fat fucking fuck.

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Guest firetotheworks

Literally everyone else is 'It's Newcastle United!' and he says the same thing but means the exact opposite. I'm absolutely desperate for someone to come along and buy us like.


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Could this be "someone take it off my hands remarks".


It's quite obvious he wants to sell it, trouble is he wants a ridiculous amount for it. I genuinely hope it happens mind, the long term and short term health of the club depends on it.


If he really wanted to sell he wouldn't be asking a ridiculous amount for it.

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