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Literally, who do they think they're kidding?  Is there a single person anyone's seen in any form of communications, anywhere, who has reacted positively to this statement?


Have to say though, delighted by how rattled they are by this.  Some chants or banners referencing the claims made in the doc, especially at games live on Sky, being seen by the foreign fans that Ashley thinks he's courting with his ads, would send them pure raging I imagine.

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I think it's mental that the club have such an antagonistic PR strategy. Absolutely crazy.


I don't see how it can be true that the club are better off when they used to have club shops and now they have Sports Direct stores. I guess that could be beneficial in the current scenario where merchandise sales are probably through the floor and selling absolutely any old tat is more profitable. But even then, it's far from the full story.

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Methinks Mr Ashley would've lawyered up toot suite had C4 actually said anything that was untrue.



What and have the REAL club accounts scrutinized ... not a fukin chance ... be like Gary Glitter handing in his computer to PC world  :lol:

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"The problem is what the natural conclusion of that approach is: Mike Ashley. That's right, the point you reach if you stretch the Premier League-or-dust logic as far as it will go is what is happening at Newcastle. Newcastle are the vision of what football becomes when being in a competition -- rather than actually trying to win trophies or achieve stuff -- is all that matters. It is minimum expenditure and minimum effort for maximum reward."






Completely correct and fans of every club should be very concerned about this happening en mass.

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Inaccurate media reporting by Channel 4 'Dispatches' - the media mislead again

In reference to our statement last night (Monday, 27th April) regarding the Channel 4 'Dispatches' programme, The Secrets of Sports Direct, Newcastle United would like to clarify the facts for the benefit of supporters.

Last night's programme made a wholly inaccurate claim regarding the retail relationship between the Club and Sports Direct.

In the Club's view, the broadcaster deliberately misled Newcastle United supporters and provided yet another example of erroneous media reporting which only serves to further antagonise fans.


In January 2014, in the minutes of its Fans Forum which are published online, the Club confirmed how the retail relationship with Sports Direct works.

For the purpose of clarity, we can reconfirm that 100 per cent of the income from goods bought in the Club's official stores and on its website are received by the Club and not Sports Direct, as the 'Dispatches' programme claimed.

The only money paid by the Club to Sports Direct is for the stock (at cost price), plus a handling fee. This represents far better value than the costs the Club historically incurred in relation to purchasing, storage and distribution.

In fact, the change to our retail operating structure introduced in February 2013, which saw us partner with Sports Direct, increased the profit margin by over 50 per cent. This benefits the Club hugely.

In simple terms, the Club receives more money as a result of this relationship.

Channel 4 failed to contact the Club in order to clarify any facts in relation to our retail operation.

Given that this information was already in the public domain, and had been for over 15 months, we find it incredible that the makers of an investigative current affairs programme chose to air information which was so obviously factually incorrect.


:lol: :lol:



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They're either staggeringly oblivious of their behaviour or are deliberately this odious. Cunts.


Love how the announcement is just casually followed up by our reserves getting an arseraping off Derby County too.

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They're either staggeringly oblivious of their behaviour or are deliberately this odious. Cunts.


The latter. It's all too planned for them to be oblivious.


Waiting for the open letter signed by 500 small football clubs praising Ashley's football economics.

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Categoric denial and clarification of an allegation all done within 19 hours of the show finishing. Yet they refuse point blank to communicate with the fans on any footballing matter. Pretty obvious what they give a fuck about and what they don't, the fucking arseholes.

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To put things into perspective, #nufc have banned more journalists and denied more things this season than any club in history of PL.


:lol: I'd like to see the Opta stats on "denying things"

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Deliberately antagonising fans? Like C4 went out of their way to make a program about SDs dodgy trading practices just to mislead NUFC supporters about their club?


They can't wait for this season to end.

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@hwallop  ·  5h 5 hours ago

Woop! #SecretsofSportsDirect last night got just over 2m viewers, a 2yr high for @C4Dispatches


Whatever you think of the programme itself, it's excellent exposure. :thup:

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Guest jimmyc84

There was something in the documentary about getting the sack from Sports Direct if you've had 5 'strikes'.  There must be a banner somewhere referencing the fact that those in charge of NUFC have now had seven..?


It'd be amazing to see loads of anti SD banners everywhere.  Large banners criticising the (lack of) employment rights and zero hours contracts would be amazing.  And would show some solidarity with those workers as well.

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Categoric denial and clarification of an allegation all done within 19 hours of the show finishing. Yet they refuse point blank to communicate with the fans on any footballing matter. Pretty obvious what they give a fuck about and what they don't, the fucking arseholes.



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There was something in the documentary about getting the sack from Sports Direct if you've had 5 'strikes'.  There must be a banner somewhere referencing the fact that those in charge of NUFC have now had seven..?


It'd be amazing to see loads of anti SD banners everywhere.  Large banners criticising the (lack of) employment rights and zero hours contracts would be amazing.  And would show some solidarity with those workers as well.


Great idea but you can't even get an A4 sheet out without it being confiscated.

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I've just seen one of our "fans" on another website commenting that we shouldn't be protesting outside SD shops because the poor 0 hour contract staff will get fired for not hitting their targets!


Someone from the club, no doubt!

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I've just seen one of our "fans" on another website commenting that we shouldn't be protesting outside SD shops because the poor 0 hour contract staff will get fired for not hitting their targets!



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