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Pardew's Group of Lads


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Reading threads like these can really depress me. it's amazing how many Toon fans are waiting for us to implode just so they can say " i told you so". Enjoy the moment you fuckwits, in the current  financial climate we seem so to be one of the clubs on the right track. we hit the ground running, we're beating sides around us,  we done the makems in the retards hell hole. A good squad, a good moral, and good results. Instead of trying to predict the future( you mystic meg retards) enjoy the present.


Chicken licken is not yet predictin that the sky is fallin


Agreed, mate.


There's some posters on here that have gone quiet and are seemingly waiting for us to f*** up so they can lay the boot into Pardew or whoever else is on their agenda. However, I'm very much enjoying this forum at the moment because for the most part people are being positive and upbeat - even Crumpy was happy the other day.


Name and shame! O0


Dunno if I fall into this bracket (though I could hardly be described as going quiet :blush:) but from my perspective it's definitely not a case of hoping for us to f*** up, just that given the past I pretty much expect it. Things are looking pretty positive at present and I'd be delighted to get through much more of the season in this vein so that I can start to feel a bit more confident, but knowing what we do it just feels like we're walking on thin ice. I guess I would say I am cautiously optimistic, but the season has barely started. We'll see. :thup:


Nah not you. I tend to think you're balanced and sensible with everything you post - cautiously optimistic while also cautious that disaster is round the corner. I try to be the same really and just look at things as I see it. I just think there's many on here that are so stuck in their ways in terms of being anti-Pardew and/or anti-Ashley that they won't give credit where it's due and simply refuse to enjoy the positives.


Yet these people will be the first to lay the boot in the moment things turn for the worse. At some point this season we WILL lose a few games on the trot as is the case with any club that's not Barcelona or Man United.


For me personally, I just think that things could be FAR worse. I look at some of the massive clubs stuck in a rut in the lower divisions and realise we could be a lot worse off. Even in terms of ownership I certainly wouldn't be swapping Ashley for that mob taking Blackburn down. FFS I know it's very early but as it stands we're the 4th best team in the country. We're unbeaten, have one of the best defences in Europe and are still in the cup. Yeah sooner or later we'll slip down the league but generally I think we'll be alright this season. I read other forums of clubs in far worse positions than us and none of them had the negativity levels that we did during pre-season, it's bizarre IMO.





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Reading threads like these can really depress me. it's amazing how many Toon fans are waiting for us to implode just so they can say " i told you so". Enjoy the moment you fuckwits, in the current  financial climate we seem so to be one of the clubs on the right track. we hit the ground running, we're beating sides around us,  we done the makems in the retards hell hole. A good squad, a good moral, and good results. Instead of trying to predict the future( you mystic meg retards) enjoy the present.


Chicken licken is not yet predictin that the sky is fallin

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Whilst I see what certain people are saying about it being early in the season I'd say we've been saying the same thing since Pardew took over, it has to be to his and the players credit that since he took over nearly a year ago we haven't really had a run of poor results.


The odd one or two here or there but fingers crossed no big post Christmas Bruce style slump.

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This is exactly the type of team I hoped we'd try to build after relegation.


midfield is the first thing we need to get sorted, out with the rubbish, in with young, hungry players with pace and a modicum of footballing ability


We're going to finish 4th if Ben Arfa's gets up to speed, I can feel it.


:thup:  I like that idea.

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Very nice to see positivity, long may it continue.


It's noticeable that working out of the area, other fans are complimenting us. Last few weeks I've had numerous comments praising Pardew and the job he's done so far.

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Very nice to see positivity, long may it continue.


It's noticeable that working out of the area, other fans are complimenting us. Last few weeks I've had numerous comments praising Pardew and the job he's done so far.

overheard blackburn fans last week talking between each other post game.


"norwich would have put up more fight than us"


"tough to say, they (meaning us) were much better than I was expecting"

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Very nice to see positivity, long may it continue.


It's noticeable that working out of the area, other fans are complimenting us. Last few weeks I've had numerous comments praising Pardew and the job he's done so far.


So you don't think we'll


finish rock bottom.


anymore, then?  O0

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While the team spirit was very good under Hughton I do wonder if a lot of the players credited with it started to believe their own hype in the end as to the importance of themselves in the set up.


I think because the fans make heroes here of anyone who performs well it's easy for fairly ordinary players to start getting ahead of themselves. The "Ryan Taylor over the wall" chants for example. At most big clubs his presence on the pitch wouldn't be tolerated yet here we're singing songs about him. Nolan came from Bolton reserves and after scoring a few goals was demanding a 5 year contract. Easy to get above yourself in this atmosphere.

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While the team spirit was very good under Hughton I do wonder if a lot of the players credited with it started to believe their own hype in the end as to the importance of themselves in the set up.


I think because the fans make heroes here of anyone who performs well it's easy for fairly ordinary players to start getting ahead of themselves. The "Ryan Taylor over the wall" chants for example. At most big clubs his presence on the pitch wouldn't be tolerated yet here we're singing songs about him. Nolan came from Bolton reserves and after scoring a few goals was demanding a 5 year contract. Easy to get above yourself in this atmosphere.


I agree with your point, but I don't think Ryan Taylor is a good example at all. It's not his fault he's shit, and there's no evidence at all to suggest he's getting above himself.

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While the team spirit was very good under Hughton I do wonder if a lot of the players credited with it started to believe their own hype in the end as to the importance of themselves in the set up.


I think because the fans make heroes here of anyone who performs well it's easy for fairly ordinary players to start getting ahead of themselves. The "Ryan Taylor over the wall" chants for example. At most big clubs his presence on the pitch wouldn't be tolerated yet here we're singing songs about him. Nolan came from Bolton reserves and after scoring a few goals was demanding a 5 year contract. Easy to get above yourself in this atmosphere.


Nolan was a fixture in Bolton's first team for the best part of six or seven years. :lol:


The comment about Ryan Taylor is daft as well. Most people acknowledge that he's shite, but he's given us a moment of brilliance that really matters to look back upon.

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While the team spirit was very good under Hughton I do wonder if a lot of the players credited with it started to believe their own hype in the end as to the importance of themselves in the set up.


I think because the fans make heroes here of anyone who performs well it's easy for fairly ordinary players to start getting ahead of themselves. The "Ryan Taylor over the wall" chants for example. At most big clubs his presence on the pitch wouldn't be tolerated yet here we're singing songs about him. Nolan came from Bolton reserves and after scoring a few goals was demanding a 5 year contract. Easy to get above yourself in this atmosphere.


Nolan was a fixture in Bolton's first team for the best part of six or seven years. :lol:


The comment about Ryan Taylor is daft as well. Most people acknowledge that he's shite, but he's given us a moment of brilliance that really matters to look back upon.


Nolan was a fixture for 6-7 years but he was in the reserves when we bought him and quite a bit heavier than his Bolton heyday. I should qualify, I don't think Ryan Taylor is getting above himself, it was just an example of a crap player with a song. The point I was making is at a club like this with supportive supporters it's possible for a player to get caught up in the hype. I italicised the "possible" this time to avoid litigation :lol:



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October/November is the test, we have 3 games that we only managed to get draws out of last season, and 1 where we got battered. Then we have a month where we play Man United and City as well as Everton. If at the end of November our only defeats have been against the two Manchester clubs then I'll start getting properly excited.


Realistically if we get 10-15 points from the next months we'll be doing alright.

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October/November is the test, we have 3 games that we only managed to get draws out of last season, and 1 where we got battered. Then we have a month where we play Man United and City as well as Everton. If at the end of November our only defeats have been against the two Manchester clubs then I'll start getting properly excited.


Realistically if we get 10-15 points from the next months we'll be doing alright.




I, for one, am looking forward to Spurs at St. James'. Should be a good test, could go either way and I am optimistic that we'll give Spurs a good game.

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November scares me a lot how on earth we have to play the two manchster teams in a row and both away.


It's got to happen some time, zero points has to be the expectation from those games. The key thing is to pick up points in the games where we should as we have done so far.

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  • 11 months later...

As down as a few might be about lack of signings. Still think it's nice that we still have all the "lads".  Ben Arfa, Demba, Cisse, Colo, Cabaye, tiote, Jonas etc.


Even you Shola get over here you big clumsy man and join in the group hug. :D

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