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On This Day... Personal Memories


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone remember Summer with Des, the film about Euro 96 with Neil Morrissey and Rachel something. Will have to dig out the video

Rachel Weisz.

Aye, I'm in it!

Look out for the close up of the kid with the Scotland flag painted on his face before the Scotland-England match.


Was well weird, I was just watching the film then, was WTF, that's me. (It was a clip that was shown on the day of the game).

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France 98 opening ceremony.


Pasted from my Fb:

As the World Cup approaches, I'm reminded that 16 years ago today (wow) I was at the Stade de France in Paris with John Macdonald to support Scotland v Brazil in France 98 opening ceremony (I'll never forget the date). John Collins slotting it in will always be up there with the best of memories, and the increasing belief that we were going to hold on, well into the second half.


After the cruel deflection that led to Brazil's second and winner, I remember standing in the toilets waiting for my dad, looking depressed. A fellow and more wise Scotland fan patted me and said "Get used to that feeling, son, supporting Scotland". I doubt he anticipated that 16 years later, France 98 would still be Scotland's last WC. Anyway, glad I made it to that one - cheers John Collins and John Dad.





Fantastic day that I remember very well, I was 8 at the time. Paris was absolutely packed with Scots and we hung around the stadium for hours before. I was in full Scotland fan regalia - kilt, flags, tartan scarves, hats, and being 8, loads of people thought I was dead cute. I remember getting filmed for Brazillian tv, French people wanting their pic with me, Americans etc. to the point I got really sick of it. I then remember getting searched to go in and them not knowing if I was a boy or a girl. I remember the players coming out on the pitch before in their kilts and me waving, really wanting to get a wave back from Colin Hendry, and convinced I was, despite the distance. Brazil were of course world champions at the time, and especially since I was young, they just had this mythical status. THEY'RE BRAZIL. I just couldn't believe I was seeing Scotland score against them (at our end too), and we hung on til in the 70s, conceding such a flukey own goal. I was so gutted but proud and hopeful, we looked good. (A point against Norway in Bordeaux, which I was also at decent and couldn't believe being back home and watching lose 3-0 to Morocco in a massive game, back at the Rugby Club in Newcastle). [/splurge]

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  • 4 months later...

Jesus :lol:


The boat there was tremendous. All night we tried to get the DJ to play the hokey cokey (he obviously knew what would happen if he did) he kept refusing, so about 200 Geordies took it upon themselves to sing the Shola song whilst perfroming the hokey cokey on the ferry dancefloor. Carnage :lol:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus :lol:


The boat there was tremendous. All night we tried to get the DJ to play the hokey cokey (he obviously knew what would happen if he did) he kept refusing, so about 200 Geordies took it upon themselves to sing the Shola song whilst perfroming the hokey cokey on the ferry dancefloor. Carnage :lol:


theres some videos on youtube of this i think


was the greatest away trip of my life. remember being right behind timmys goal and wondering why he wasnt diving for their second goal, seemed to trundle past him and he went down slower than harper.


then got up and started loads of swear words at himself

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