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Dogawful Officiating


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How anyone wouldn't want VAR is absolutely beyond me.  Video help and technology for refs is used at the highest level in almost every other ball sport and it has been wildly successful.


Add the fact that it would be an overwhelming positive thing for us, as we are always on the wrong end of bent decisions and the case for VAR is clear.


I bet the anti-VAR melts are the same ones who didn't want goal line technology bringing in...

I don’t not want it, I just don’t think it will change much, it will just highlight how much of an agenda that FA have and generally how shit the referee’s are, no matter if they are on the pitch or in the TV van.


The routes of the problems are at the FA, and in the training and recruitment of officials.


Right so if that’s highlighted why is that a bad thing??? Very strange post


It also would right the many wrong decisions we seem to get against us


It also would cut out the dirty shit that goes on unnoticed


How anyone thinks this is a bad thing is beyond me like

It won’t though. They have literally came up with a kip put to not ban Salah for diving. They have literally said that it was a penalty when it wasn’t. They have done this a day after the incident. You think a 3pm KO where that situation happens next year is going to change anything? The penalty will still be given, Salah will still not be banned, and because it has been reviewed by VAR the TV companies later on won’t even show replays etc because VAR has already confirmed it to be a penalty.
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How anyone wouldn't want VAR is absolutely beyond me.  Video help and technology for refs is used at the highest level in almost every other ball sport and it has been wildly successful.


Add the fact that it would be an overwhelming positive thing for us, as we are always on the wrong end of bent decisions and the case for VAR is clear.


I bet the anti-VAR melts are the same ones who didn't want goal line technology bringing in...

I don’t not want it, I just don’t think it will change much, it will just highlight how much of an agenda that FA have and generally how shit the referee’s are, no matter if they are on the pitch or in the TV van.


The routes of the problems are at the FA, and in the training and recruitment of officials.


Right so if that’s highlighted why is that a bad thing??? Very strange post


It also would right the many wrong decisions we seem to get against us


It also would cut out the dirty shit that goes on unnoticed


How anyone thinks this is a bad thing is beyond me like

It won’t though. They have literally came up with a kip put to not ban Salah for diving. They have literally said that it was a penalty when it wasn’t. They have done this a day after the incident. You think a 3pm KO where that situation happens next year is going to change anything? The penalty will still be given, Salah will still not be banned, and because it has been reviewed by VAR the TV companies later on won’t even show replays etc because VAR has already confirmed it to be a penalty.


Absolute rubbish don’t know where to start with that so I won’t


Only thing I agree with is the Salah point but I’m guessing that pen would have been ruled out using var and that the fact they can’t ban him now is because it would go against the refs ruling yesterday, as there was a tiny bit of contact ( which wouldn’t have been the same under var)

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We can, and must have situations where there can be a foul by the defender AND an overreaction worthy of a suspension by the forward.


This is a very good point. There are situations where it is agreed that the incident isn't necessarily a dive or a foul so can the opposite not also be true?


Fwiw, I think yesterday's incident fits this- putting my tin hat on because I'll get pelters, Dummett reached out on purpose and grabbed Salah by the shoulder and gives him a tug-albeit a slight one- back. Anywhere else on the pitch it's a clear foul and it was a daft thing to do in the box. However that in no way justifies Salahs reaction which was as clear an attempt to exaggerate the effect of contact- which I believe is one of the FAs definitions of simulation?-as you'll ever see. In fact the reaction was so over the top I'd say it comes close to bringing the game into disrepute.


I don't see why it can't be a penalty but still a punishment for simulation and I'm sure there are other instances most weeks which would fit this description as well.

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Guest neesy111

Has to come from the authorities as well.  I see plenty of situations where a player has to go down before the ref has to make a decision especially in the box.  Refs are absolutly spineless at making decisions.

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Guest firetotheworks

We could shift the responsibility by saying something like an attacker has to “make a reasonable effort to continue play” or something like that. I’d be in favour, but can’t ever see it.


It's already happened as part of the FA's make up the rules as you go rules. Niasse got a retrospective ban from the FA for more or less exactly what Salah did and the FA said “The arching of the back & collapsing of both legs, were simply not consistent with the amount of force exerted upon him by Dann & in exaggerating the effect of the contact made, Niasse deceived the ref & this led to a penalty being awarded”. That being the case I'd argue that Salah's is way worse than Niasse's, but as always it's irrelevant, because the real reason is because the FA are a corrupt shit-show.

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We could shift the responsibility by saying something like an attacker has to “make a reasonable effort to continue play” or something like that. I’d be in favour, but can’t ever see it.


It's already happened as part of the FA's make up the rules as you go rules. Niasse got a retrospective ban from the FA for more or less exactly what Salah did and the FA said “The arching of the back & collapsing of both legs, were simply not consistent with the amount of force exerted upon him by Dann & in exaggerating the effect of the contact made, Niasse deceived the ref & this led to a penalty being awarded”. That being the case I'd argue that Salah's is way worse than Niasse's, but as always it's irrelevant, because the real reason is because the FA are a corrupt shit-show.

Point exactly.
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This conclusion:


he Commission unanimously agree that the nature of the contact made by Scott Dan was minimal in nature and would not have thrown Mr Niasse off balance and knock him down in the way that Mr Niasse portrayed it to have done.


15. To the minds of the Commission members the movements of Mr Niasse’s body, in particular the arching of the back and the collapsing of both legs, were simply not consistent with the amount of force exerted upon him by Mr Dann and in exaggerating the effect of the contact made between himself and Mr Dann, Mr Niasse deceived the referee and this led to a penalty being awarded by the referee.


I mean is that not the same as yesterday?


Could pretty much change the names from dann and niasse to dummett and salah.

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This conclusion:


he Commission unanimously agree that the nature of the contact made by Scott Dan was minimal in nature and would not have thrown Mr Niasse off balance and knock him down in the way that Mr Niasse portrayed it to have done.


15. To the minds of the Commission members the movements of Mr Niasse’s body, in particular the arching of the back and the collapsing of both legs, were simply not consistent with the amount of force exerted upon him by Mr Dann and in exaggerating the effect of the contact made between himself and Mr Dann, Mr Niasse deceived the referee and this led to a penalty being awarded by the referee.


I mean is that not the same as yesterday?


Could pretty much change the names from dann and niasse to dummett and salah.




The FA are always going to protect one of their key faces of the season.  Salah getting a ban won't help those global TV audiences.

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If it was written well and had the facts checked before inclusion wouldn't F365 publish a fans piece on our record with pens/reds/decisions in general?


There's enough there even without NUFC bias to make it an interesting read - the length of time since the last red, the penalty vs Burton (?) in the Championship, going full seasons without a penalty etc. These are statistical anomalies and just pure comical officiating which are the things that seem to make their pages.


I'm no good at writing stuff like this but we have a few budding scribes on here don't we?

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I agree that the FA are ridiculously and blatantly corrupt, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't use VAR. Things have to change, and more transparency with decisions is one of those things.


Anything that helps stop referees following the FA's agenda is a good thing.


Aye, what makes it more ridiculous is the MLS, the Belgian and Netherlands leagues have VARS among others, yet the richest league in the world doesn't, utterly farcical.

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Var, for me, will help but there is something rotten in the fa for the last few years that will continue.  At least with var human error is less of an excuse.  The decision made need to be captured and analysed.  If the bias still exists it should be easier to highlight.

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Var, for me, will help but there is something rotten in the fa for the last few years that will continue.  At least with var human error is less of an excuse.  The decision made need to be captured and analysed.  If the bias still exists it should be easier to highlight.


Exactly.  More transparency is what we need.  I like the Rugby system where the Refs are mic'ed up and the TV audience van hear exactly what is said.  I also think that the clubs should be able to send observers to the disciplinary proceedings.


This latest farce is beyond parody.  Literally nothing the FA could do could surprise me any more.  They might as well give out a 'big club bonus' of 30 points at the start of the season, just to make sure the 'right' clubs qualify for Europe.

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Var, for me, will help but there is something rotten in the fa for the last few years that will continue.  At least with var human error is less of an excuse.  The decision made need to be captured and analysed.  If the bias still exists it should be easier to highlight.


So Salah collapses under Dummett’s touch and the penalty is awarded. But wait, the crackle comes over the headphones - you need to have a look at that ref.


Very well.


Yup, still a pen.


Now, let’s throw to Graeme Souness and Jamie Carragher to discuss the VAR referee’s decision here at Anfield...

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Var, for me, will help but there is something rotten in the fa for the last few years that will continue.  At least with var human error is less of an excuse.  The decision made need to be captured and analysed.  If the bias still exists it should be easier to highlight.


I also think that the clubs should be able to send observers to the disciplinary proceedings.



Good idea this like. Just no transparency or accountability to the process at all.

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