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Hatem Ben Arfa


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Fucking hell, the drama queens on here are unreal. It's only been 4 weeks since he was playing in the European champinships. He wont be that unfit. A couple of weeks hard training and a couple of run outs and he'll be fine.


Hope you're right. Pardew disagrees like.


The way some people hang on Pardew's every word and take it literally is ridiculous like. :laugh:

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Fucking hell, the drama queens on here are unreal. It's only been 4 weeks since he was playing in the European champinships. He wont be that unfit. A couple of weeks hard training and a couple of run outs and he'll be fine.


Agree with that.

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Fucking hell, the drama queens on here are unreal. It's only been 4 weeks since he was playing in the European champinships. He wont be that unfit. A couple of weeks hard training and a couple of run outs and he'll be fine.


Hope you're right. Pardew disagrees like.


The way some people hang on Pardew's every word and take it literally is ridiculous like. :laugh:



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Guest BooBoo

No way he can start without any sort of preseason. Bad for the team to give him preferential treatment, aside from any fitness or sharpness issues.




Poor from the club to allow him such an extended break. Obertan to start v Spurs. :facepalm:

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No way he can start without any sort of preseason. Bad for the team to give him preferential treatment, aside from any fitness or sharpness issues.


By that logic, Cabaye wont start either. He was training or playing at the Euros, he will be fine.

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we have a worrying lack of creativity without HBA!! If he gets injured or Pards decides not to play him again next season we could really struggle to create.


Obertan is just shockingly poor at times. Sammy i like alot but still has to prove he can create against the cream of the premiership yet.


Jonas was fairly creative at one point but has become more and more defensive. Santon looks fairly good going forward in flashes sometimes, although still a question mark over him defensively imo


That's why i was fairly keen on getting a Hoilett type of player in who can create on the left of the forward 433. Hope we still do but looking more and more unlikely.


The other thought is if we do get Carroll and i think we will if not in this window then next especially if Ba refuses to sign a new contract. Pardew could well revert to hoof it long to Carroll with Cisse or ba playing off him.

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Lets not forget we've been missing Cabaye, HBA and you could include Marveaux in the list of players that can unlock a defence. Its no surprise we've not been so creative in pre season given the fact theyve played probably 90 minutes between them.

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Having Cisse and Ba in the team means we are always in with a shout of winning any game. Having HBA and Cabaye gives us a much better opportunity to win games.


Pards will be desperate to get them back into the fold but we can't rush them, Cabaye in particular has had long season.

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It's still pre-season and we are playing very mixed 11's, it's hardly a surprise and definitely nothing to worry about. Have we lost the players who created the chances last season? No, we haven't.

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It's still pre-season and we are playing very mixed 11's, it's hardly a surprise and definitely nothing to worry about. Have we lost the players who created the chances last season? No, we haven't.


Exactly, it means very little we still have all players from last season plus more and it seems we are keeping the ball better now.


It is absolutely nothing to be concerned about and when we beat Spurs on the opening day all this will be forgotten.


Not even sure why people are concerned to begin with, last pre-season was a lot worse than this one and look how that turned out.

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Don't see any issues with HBA for the start of the season,  him and Cabaye's fitness levels would have still being pretty good after playing in the Euros and he could easily play 60-75 mins on Tuesday followed by 90 minutes against Cardiff next Saturday coupled with another 2 weeks training and he'll be ok for the start of the season.

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Don't see any issues with HBA for the start of the season,  him and Cabaye's fitness levels would have still being pretty good after playing in the Euros


thought the same


think pardews comments were just a kick up the arse

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Don't see any issues with HBA for the start of the season,  him and Cabaye's fitness levels would have still being pretty good after playing in the Euros and he could easily play 60-75 mins on Tuesday followed by 90 minutes against Cardiff next Saturday coupled with another 2 weeks training and he'll be ok for the start of the season.


My thoughts exactly. While ideal if we had them together on the pitch at the same time more often in preseason, no need to rush them along for a friendly. Roll on spurs and I'm sure we'll see them in the 11.

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