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Hatem Ben Arfa


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The Ligue 1 Show ‏@TheLigue1Show

Hatem Ben Arfa on this week's show: "If PSG make me an offer at end of the season I’ll give it due consideration" #NUFC


And who could honestly blame him?

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This summer is pivotal really in terms of the club showing what they're about. If we stay up and it's clear there's no ambition as we all quite rightly think/suspect then there'll be departures or at the very least a fairly disillusioned camp which is probably something we've already seen this season.


Who would begrudge a huge talent like HBA looking at his options if it's clear that there's zero ambition to push the club on "again" next season?

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If he leaves this summer it will be my lowest ebb (I'm not entirely sure what ebb means)


When the tide goes back towards the sea.


Anyway Hatems going nowhere, not this year, he obviously loves it hear.  But of course if we finish in the bottom half this season and then have another shit season the year after I can see him going.

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On a more serious note, fuck me, such poor quality out there in these positions today. Maybe not ideal, but personally i would have started Bigi ahead of both of them and moved Anita/Marveaux there, baffling!

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We desperately need this kid back - Physioroom have his return date as the 21st Feb, which would have him back for Southampton match - we have a few "winnable" matches around then, would be great to have him back for them.

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