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Hatem Ben Arfa


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May well be against the bigger teams he'll make way because in Pardle's eyes he can't be trusted but against the 10 men behind the ball merchants at home he still has to be a starter for me.

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Its horrible as a fan to hear the team and find out Benny is on the bench, as its such a privilege to watch him play. That said its a team game and right now he looks so out of sorts and like a long wolf when he dies play. Not sure if we can carry on blaming the rest of the team for not moving or giving him an option, he is ball greedy and seems to think more about him being great instead of him helping the team be great

I have 100% faith he will be fine and learn to be part of the team more than he is now, must be so tough to man manage a player like him.

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Hatem Bench Arfa again.


Pardew really is something else. Two years on from preferring Obertan to HBA for half a season and here we are again. Unbelievable.

Much as I think Obertan is gash, we were getting results during that period and there wasn't any reason to change it.


HBA would have been clear and scored if he'd been put clear like Obertan was today mind, not leave the ball behind.

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just over 18 months to go on his current deal and he's suddenly not in the team.


There was a bit in the papers about him being offered a new contract in January, and then again at the start of this season - looks like nothing has happened yet though.

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Ben Arfa is the most gifted player in our squad by a mile, but he's not made it count enough to stay in the side. Remy isn't as skillful but he makes better decisions and executes them faster so he ends up being far more effective as a team player.

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Ben Arfa is the most gifted player in our squad by a mile, but he's not made it count enough to stay in the side. Remy isn't as skillful but he makes better decisions and executes them faster so he ends up being far more effective as a team player.


This - on the button. Remy has more pace off the mark too, HBA relies on feet trickery to beat the first defender...and the second,,,and the third...!

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Ben Arfa holding onto the ball too long is fine when he's using it well and terrorising defences, but he hasn't been, so it's been very annoying to see him dispossessed or refuse to play a simple ball.


I've still got a lot of time for him. Ben Arfa in the right frame of mind and making the right decisions is by far and away the most dangerous player at the club and our biggest asset. And I have every faith he will get back to that level and add consistency to his game. One positive has been the niggly injuries have disappeared, so he's available for selection more often than not. I'm not sure the weight gain has been a decision made by the club or Ben Arfa has lost control a little.

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Ben Arfa holding onto the ball too long is fine when he's using it well and terrorising defences, but he hasn't been, so it's been very annoying to see him dispossessed or refuse to play a simple ball.


I've still got a lot of time for him. Ben Arfa in the right frame of mind and making the right decisions is by far and away the most dangerous player at the club and our biggest asset. And I have every faith he will get back to that level and add consistency to his game. One positive has been the niggly injuries have disappeared, so he's available for selection more often than not. I'm not sure the weight gain has been a decision made by the club or Ben Arfa has lost control a little.


I think it must have something to do with the genius of our manager playing him centrally where he doesn't get enough time on the ball. He always dwells, but it's less costly outside, and his ability to cut inside and shoot or outside and cross is something we're lacking with Sissoko on that side. We need to just go back to a 4-3-3 at the moment with Remy and Benny on each side of Gouff.

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Pardew’s masterplan was based, initially at least, on sheer energy-sapping hard work, and no-one personified that more than 27-year-old Gouffran.


Pardew said: “When you look at sides like Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich, you say to yourself okay, your wide players nowadays need to work.


“They need to work really, really hard at the top level and you have to put him in that category. My goodness me, he worked his socks off. He couldn’t move at the end when I subbed him, he literally couldn’t even walk out. It’s that kind of commitment, I think, our fans love. We are a working-class city and they love flair but what they really, really want to see is that hard working grind and a day’s work. My goodness me, he did a day’s work today and more.”


Some words for Ben Arfa there. Before anyone complains, if the players at the top teams can do the defensive work so can Ben Arfa.

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Pardew’s masterplan was based, initially at least, on sheer energy-sapping hard work, and no-one personified that more than 27-year-old Gouffran.


Pardew said: “When you look at sides like Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich, you say to yourself okay, your wide players nowadays need to work.


“They need to work really, really hard at the top level and you have to put him in that category. My goodness me, he worked his socks off. He couldn’t move at the end when I subbed him, he literally couldn’t even walk out. It’s that kind of commitment, I think, our fans love. We are a working-class city and they love flair but what they really, really want to see is that hard working grind and a day’s work. My goodness me, he did a day’s work today and more.”


Some words for Ben Arfa there. Before anyone complains, if the players at the top teams can do the defensive work so can Ben Arfa.


Yeah without a doubt, Robben like a different player at Bayern. Think it was Sewelly i had telling me he wouldn't cut it with Pep because he doesn't work for the team or something along those lines. His work rate has been much improved for Bayern.

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I thought Robben wouldn't succeed under Pep as well but not just his work rate.... he never passes :lol:


But fair play to him i was wrong and he's been a star this season.


On Ben Arfa yes he does need to work harder.... i'm not really talking about Gouffran-like here but pressing the ball and forcing opponents into mistakes would be a start.


Its not like he's not capable of it either as he did it during the end of the season we finished 5th to great effect.


But still Pardew has to figure something out because we can't have our most talented player on the bench every week,

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More than the work he has to figure out how to be more effective at attacking. When to pass and when to run. He doesn't think 'how can i get the team attackking here' he thinks 'what can i do on my own' far too much of the time. Actually negates his impact.

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Guest icemanblue

More than the work he has to figure out how to be more effective at attacking. When to pass and when to run. He doesn't think 'how can i get the team attackking here' he thinks 'what can i do on my own' far too much of the time. Actually negates his impact.


Agree with this.

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