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Papiss Cissé

Guest kingdawson

Happy Cisse has left?  

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  1. 1. Happy Cisse has left?

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You can still play an expansive game and have a target man.


I've no sympathy for Papiss or Hatem not getting into the side when they legitimately offer less than the alternatives currently.


HBA offering less, :lol:




Currently, as CD states. I don't think that is such a preposterous statement considering our recent results which coincide with him being dropped in favour of Sissoko, Gouffran and Remy as our wide options?


Yes exactly this. Currently.


We've not had either in the side during our current good run in form and we haven't looked noticeably better when they've come off the bench.


I'd rather Hatem than Shola tbh.


I don't subscribe to the theory that we need a big man up there to perform.... surely the Man Utd game proved that?


Although it would be great to have a big man who can actually score granted.


We had someone whose biggest attribute is recycling possession and keeping the momentum going. Any player coming into the side will need to do a similar thing.

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Not denying its important i have said many times that i want a big man in January who can score.


But its not vital for week in week out and i'm not convinced that we would have lost to Southampton if Ben Arfa started instead of Shola.


Especially with Anita starting considering how intelligent he is.

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Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change a starting eleven that has won 5 out of the last 6. I'm just saying, along with many, that failure to include our best player into the first 11 is a failure of imagination from management. And it could very well come to bite us in the arse when we continually keep coming out in the second half a team ready to be beaten. We have never gone in for the kill under Pardew, something players like HBA are pretty much made for, it's always the heavy-petting of an influential uncle that puts other teams to sleep, and we hustle hard to keep them quiet in the second half.

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Saw some quotes from Pardew saying how it won't be cheap if teams want to take Cisse. Kinda get the feeling he's starting the motion of phasing him out. I know he's saying he doesn't want to sell him but I think that's just to make sure it doesn't seem like we want to give him away. Any decent offer and I think they will accept.

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Saw some quotes from Pardew saying how it won't be cheap if teams want to take Cisse. Kinda get the feeling he's starting the motion of phasing him out. I know he's saying he doesn't want to sell him but I think that's just to make sure it doesn't seem like we want to give him away. Any decent offer and I think they will accept.


no point in keeping someone whose prod is zero, move them on can't afford to carry players.

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Guest BenArfa10

I would have been completely exasperated if we'd sold Cisse at one point but it has gotten so bad with him that I'd be happy for it to happen just to inject some fresh life into our forward line. If we do decide to sell him I dare say a team like West Ham would be willing to buy as they are always available when wanting to shift an under-performing player for lots of money. I wouldn't be surprised if they did come in for him, I mean they don't have any strikers at the moment (Cole and Maiga don't count) so I think we'd get £15m for him from them.


The problem is that he is just completely anonymous, he comes into games (whether starting in early season or off the bench now) and does absolutely nothing, you don't even realise he's on the pitch. Not only that (and this is what annoys me most about him) he just doesn't seem to want to work as hard as all the other players. If we need to fund incomings by selling in January then Cisse has to be the man to go. Maybe we can do a p/ex with QPR and get Remy permanently that way.

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Playing off the last man requires some sort of intelligence and trying to beat the offside trap. He doesn't do this at all, he just runs as soon as we look to be breaking and more often than not he is caught miles offside because he doesn't look across the line or attempt to time his runs.


Maybe if we were pushing forward rather than looking to break (at home) he would be more useful? With more player in the opposition half it would be less easy for the opposition defenders to step up and play the offside game.


I just think we need to stop making excuses for him tbh.


Remy and Gouffran have both managed to break behind or anticipate saves/deflections etc.. The Cisse defence got old a long time ago now, we are verging on blaming the position of the moon or how Capricorns always struggle to score during this month.


Remy and Gouffran are better at playing on the break without doubt. But when either one has been asked to play up front as the central striker they haven't exactly pulled up any trees either tbf.


When was this?


Remy started one game as a striker in the premier, can't remember which one exactly, but there were quite a few comments after the game that he looked far more effective on the left. Gouffran started a game in the Carling Cup as striker against Oxford I think it was and he was anonymous and got subbed.


So one game each vs 18 months of bad form, and you have decided based on this that they haven't exactly pulled up any trees either..? :lol:


I'm glad someone asked, one game ffs! :lol:

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I don't think there's any way we'll get £15m for him.  Unless they sack Allardyce and appoint Dalglish maybe.


Its very unlikely, I'd be amazed if we did, but I suppose West Ham's owners are insane and Allardyce isn't exactly one to care about club funds so you never know.  I mean £17m for Andy Carroll in the state him and Liverpool were is was quite incredible.

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It's time to get rid, he's never going to get back to the heights of his first 6 months here or anywhere close to that. I'm sure there would be a buying in Germany or Turkey for him, I'd take anything around £5m.

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I don't think there's any way we'll get £15m for him.  Unless they sack Allardyce and appoint Dalglish maybe.


Its very unlikely, I'd be amazed if we did, but I suppose West Ham's owners are insane and Allardyce isn't exactly one to care about club funds so you never know.  I mean £17m for Andy Carroll in the state him and Liverpool were is was quite incredible.


£15m for Cisse now would be worse than £35 for Carroll at the time imo. How on earth he could warrant such a sum now I don't understand, he doesn't contribute anything at all, an hardly has for a long time now.


Would be happy if we got £6-7

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£15m for Cisse now would be worse than £35 for Carroll at the time imo. How on earth he could warrant such a sum now I don't understand, he doesn't contribute anything at all, an hardly has for a long time now.


Would be happy if we got £6-7


I wouldn't.

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The only place I think we'd have a slim chance of selling him would be to a German team, as they know him well from his time over there...

If any manager watched his playing time of recent they would be very hard  pushed to offer anything over 5 million, he really is that poor... As Ron quoted earlier his touch and perpetual offsides are ridiculous atm.

Maybee a swap and  some cash for Luuk de Jong (is that his name?), seems to be having a similar mare???

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