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i realise it's an everton thing towards liverpool but "outraged by everything, ashamed by nothing" is very apt for them.


Sums it up perfectly. The gibbons on RTG are trying desperately to make this into some sort of siege mentality, when really it's just shock that the world has suddenly noticed them and finds them abhorrent.


The list of journalists/newspapers/media outlets/tv programmes/unions/spokesmen/clergymen/politicians etc that they are now habitually telling to 'f*ck off' grows daily. Eventually they must click and think 'Hang on...maybe they have a point'


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Arsenal's win today puts Chelsea out of the top 4, so they'll be looking to give this lot a solid paddling tomorrow...

unless not being in the top 4 is all a part of as the chelsea "fans" put it "the interim ones"  grand plan to avoid the CL places to fuck over Chelsea because he hates the club

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Arsenal's win today puts Chelsea out of the top 4, so they'll be looking to give this lot a solid paddling tomorrow...

unless not being in the top 4 is all a part of as the chelsea "fans" put it "the interim ones"  grand plan to avoid the CL places to fuck over Chelsea because he hates the club


They really are a bunch of vile, screaming Tarquins.


In most clubs, even ones I hate, I can see the odd redeeming feature. There is not a single redeeming feature about Chelsea. Not one.

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Arsenal's win today puts Chelsea out of the top 4, so they'll be looking to give this lot a solid paddling tomorrow...

unless not being in the top 4 is all a part of as the chelsea "fans" put it "the interim ones"  grand plan to avoid the CL places to f*** over Chelsea because he hates the club


They really are a bunch of vile, screaming Tarquins.


In most clubs, even ones I hate, I can see the odd redeeming feature. There is not a single redeeming feature about Chelsea. Not one.


The Physio :sweetjesus:

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Guest bimpy474

Arsenal's win today puts Chelsea out of the top 4, so they'll be looking to give this lot a solid paddling tomorrow...

unless not being in the top 4 is all a part of as the chelsea "fans" put it "the interim ones"  grand plan to avoid the CL places to f*** over Chelsea because he hates the club


They really are a bunch of vile, screaming Tarquins.


In most clubs, even ones I hate, I can see the odd redeeming feature. There is not a single redeeming feature about Chelsea. Not one.


The Physio :sweetjesus:


If she had tits like Derek Wright.

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