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Fabrice Muamba retires from professional football


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Just imagine if he manages to regain most of his faculties, how he'd feel when seeing back all the support and well wishes he and his family and friends have received from the football world and beyond. It would be utterly overwhelming, he'd be crying with joy for days. :)


Fingers crossed.

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AP being...Alan Pardew?


FFS i was just about to say this  :lol: anyways fantastic news if true, also i hear players are asking for regular heart checks as a result of this.


It's not a nice thing to have happened but the game may have actually learnt something from this terrible turn of events.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Great news. Him being an athlete and super fit might have helped him win this fight, that and the incredible efforts of the doctors.

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Gave him a million to one chance of surviving this when I saw it, so to get to this stage 48hrs later is spectacular IMO. Again the rescue team and all medical staff involved are pretty much fuking fantastic and they fight he has shown nothing short of inspiring.


A this rate He'll be playing for England next season :)

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What makes it more extraordinary is that he couldn't even speak French before Saturday.


Seriously though, cracking news and looks good. :)

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Fantastic if true!


Mackem players have signed a shirt and put it outside the Reebok  :thup:


He'll need toilet paper for when he gets better so great gesture from the Mackems :thup:


Delighted at the new update, gives the impression that he is not brain damaged which was a major worry.

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I wouldn't be happy yet. Not after seeing Antonio Puerta walking away from the pitch after his first episode. Not after seeing people die in hospitals quickly after they "recovered". Still, this is the most encouraging news one could expect to hear after the images of him laying unconscious on the WHL pitch flashed around the world Saturday. Depending on what his condition was, he still may need heart transplant or any other number of operations to ensure he can lead a fruitful life. The journey is only starting. My prayers remain with him and those closest.

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