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The other games today - 2011/12


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I don't have a dislike of Barcelona, but I'm not that Partizan that I don't enjoy other British teams doing well in Europe, was genuinely hard to not be caught in two minds about the result!

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WHY THE f***


did people on here, that call themselves Newcastle fans, want Chelsea to win tonight man?  They're within 90 minutes of f***ing us off for a Champions League spot man.


Its by no means certain they won't do similar in the final as they did tonight.


Complete f***ing idiots. Completely agree. I feel sick to the stomach.






People saying "They won't win it man" just can't see it. They said the same about coming the Nou Camp tonight.


It's a one off game and Chelsea are getting more than the rub of the green atm. They've just beaten Barcelona 3-2 on agg after being down to 10 men and 2-1 down at Barcelona man :lol:


I was fairly ballsy after the first leg, but tonight I was all filthy Barca. Though I'm not quite sick to the stomach yet. We'll see what happens in the league first, we could end up third. Also, I fancy tomorrow's winner over Chelsea any day.

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Stop crying you mugs :D


Chelsea will be missing: Ivan, Terry, Raul M, Ramires and possibly Cahill and John Obi.




Doesn't that just mean they're more likely to be playing against us, making it harder to get fourth in the first place?


They would be playing regardless?  Except a few of the injured folk on the list. 


One eye off the league ofc.

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WHY THE f***


did people on here, that call themselves Newcastle fans, want Chelsea to win tonight man?  They're within 90 minutes of f***ing us off for a Champions League spot man.


Its by no means certain they won't do similar in the final as they did tonight.


Complete f***ing idiots. Completely agree. I feel sick to the stomach.






People saying "They won't win it man" just can't see it. They said the same about coming the Nou Camp tonight.


It's a one off game and Chelsea are getting more than the rub of the green atm. They've just beaten Barcelona 3-2 on agg after being down to 10 men and 2-1 down at Barcelona man :lol:


2-0 down. But, aye.

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I am honestly aghast that there are Newcastle fans who enjoyed watching that and were even close to being in two minds about it. Really completely and utterly puzzled.


I think many underestimate what can happen in a one-off game. It's bad news that they're 90 minutes away from potentially winning the CL.

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Was supporting Bayern in the other match but I'm supporting Real now. Surely Real would beat Chelsea. What the fuck was that tonight? I was watching it in a pub in Chelsea, I screamed "come on" when Busquets scored and several people looked round, I was the only one. Cannot believe they couldn't put Chelsea away, so many of their passes just square and square and square. Messi had a really poor game by his standards but at least he tried to move the ball forward. Pisstake, absolute pisstake

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Guest VaVaVoom

I am honestly aghast that there are Newcastle fans who enjoyed watching that and were even close to being in two minds about it. Really completely and utterly puzzled.


From a football pov i enjoyed it but i was willing Barca to get that 3rd goal.


Messi is shit :lol:

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By the sounds of it Chelsea winning tonight gets them a place in next years Champions League, still one more game to play.


Would rather they lost tonight like, but they now have 2 finals to focus on, we pop along next Wednesday night and pinch 3 points tbh.

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