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The other games today - 2012/13


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Lukaku would have fitted it well with chelsea this year holding it up and laying it off to hazard and mata.


People have seen too little of Lukaku. He has no hold up play for his strength man, he had so much space today and that helped him. His first touch is terrible and lets him down everytime.

Thought he was good against us just his finishing let him down but his overall game was impressive, won alot of headers and held the ball up well at times.

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Tim Howard is a regular candidate for should do better on goals. f***ed up against us n all. 


Not exaggerating when I say there's only been 2 games this season where he hasn't cost us a goal with a mistake.


Easily the worst keeper in the league on current form. Unfortunately, Moyes loves him.

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Watching the highlights of the Wigan game, think Pardew could take a few notes from the way they attack. Technically worse players than ours, yet they look much more dangerous at times with the way they commit defenders by actually making off the ball runs and not being so static.

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Who and what is Oviedo and how long have Everton had Hitzelsperger? Get nervous when teams play random players.


I wasn't aware they had either too, makes me worried too, you think Everton are screwed when Fellaini goes and then it'll turn out Oveido is better or something

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