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Alan Pardew


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Don't really post much anymore but going to weigh in with one about Pardew because I honestly can't stand the man as our manager any longer.


Over the summer I didn't complain about our transfer policy as much as most on here and it turns out that I was wrong really. We definitely should have got a centre-half in and if we don't get one in in this window along with a striker then it's a farce. I am an advocate of spending sensibly but we are are in the s*** right now and we absolutely need quality players in who can make a difference. It's the financially sensible thing to do otherwise we're looking at a serious relegation fight.


Those points aside, how the f*** are we even in a relegation fight? It's absolutely disgraceful how we've ended up in this position, irrespective of our summer signings. We had Ba and Cisse fit throughout the first half of the season along with Krul, Santon, Anita, Tiote (yes, he's been utter s**** but I think in a different manager's hands, he would have been forced to do his main job, winning the ball back, not trying to be a f***ing deep-lying playmaker) and Marveaux (should have been played a lot more). Apart from that, Ben Arfa and Cabaye have both played 10+ games. Those players alone should mean that we are sitting in 10th/11th with a hope of 8th in the second half of the season with returning players.


Instead, we played atrocious football for the first 15 league games where we completely ignored passing it along the ground. We have had close to no movement, we break incredibly slowly, we pass it out to the wings and then wait around for people to move forward but no one does and then Jonas or Obertan deliver in a p*ss-weak ball that is cleared straight away. So many of our players (not just Williamson) absolutely launched it only for the opposing team's centre-halves to head it down to one of their players. This tactic must have had less than a 10% success rate of us retaining the ball and yet we continued to do it. Our set pieces have been abominable and have shown no signs of creation.


I complained a lot about Pardew last season, even when a lot were getting behind him but I completely changed my mind during that six-game winning run but the reality is, we did well last season because Ba and Cisse scored wonder goals again and again, Krul was incredible and our defence was solid. I will give Pardew credit for the defensive solidity but that has disappeared now to the extent that I've gone back to that awful dread everytime the opposing team wins a corner. Because he's set us up as a defensive unit and obviously doesn't work on coaching a pass-and-move game which plays to a number of our player's strengths, we're now in a position where the players don't have the confidence to play to their own strengths or even try to. So we can't play ourselves out of trouble.


We invite so much pressure almost every game and teams always get in behind us yet we almost never get in behind other teams or create the same chances. fundamentally, this is down to Pardew. Yes, we've been unlucky with injuries, yes, we need a couple more players, but our playing style is the reason we're in the s***. Give us Martinez, Adkins, Lambert, Benitez, Villas Boas, Ferguson, Laudrup, Mcdermott, Mancini, Rodgers, Moyes, Jol, Wenger, O'Neill, even that that fat c*** allardyce would have got better football out of these players. The only manager I think could have messed things up as bad would be Pulis, but only a footballing front, he would have got better results.


I'm fuming and have went on many digressions above but I hope my fury is in some way intelligible.


Just sack this t*** off now, I think you could do a f***ing pot luck pick from the championship and the majority of managers from there would do a better job than this clown. The best reward from this transfer window would be him going and us getting a proper replacement but we know it's not going to happen.


Right, I'll disappear into the shadows once more


:clap: thank you for saying what i want to say but can't put the words together in a meaningful way, fantastic post.



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I hope he is being more positive with the players because everything he says in the media these days is very negative.  I get that he is probably sending messages to the board but it is a sharp contrast to the other struggling clubs whose managers are being much more positive in th press and in the way they are playing.  Fans of those clubs also seem to be confident of survival whereas here the negativity is increasing as each day passes.  And Pardew is unwittingly encouraging it.


We have got one of the best first teams outside the elite clubs - comfortablty top 10.  OK the quality of the squad overall and its depth are questionable but the players should be picking up more points than they are.  Pardew just doesn't seem to understand how to get out of a rut.  At all his previous clubs, once things have started to go wrong, he has not managed to turn it around (allthough maybe he wasn't given enough time).  The board may have failed him in the Summer with their transfer dealings but he should still have been able to get the players to put on some good team performances and picked up more points.


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Don't really post much anymore but going to weigh in with one about Pardew because I honestly can't stand the man as our manager any longer.


Over the summer I didn't complain about our transfer policy as much as most on here and it turns out that I was wrong really. We definitely should have got a centre-half in and if we don't get one in in this window along with a striker then it's a farce. I am an advocate of spending sensibly but we are are in the s*** right now and we absolutely need quality players in who can make a difference. It's the financially sensible thing to do otherwise we're looking at a serious relegation fight.


Those points aside, how the f*** are we even in a relegation fight? It's absolutely disgraceful how we've ended up in this position, irrespective of our summer signings. We had Ba and Cisse fit throughout the first half of the season along with Krul, Santon, Anita, Tiote (yes, he's been utter s**** but I think in a different manager's hands, he would have been forced to do his main job, winning the ball back, not trying to be a f***ing deep-lying playmaker) and Marveaux (should have been played a lot more). Apart from that, Ben Arfa and Cabaye have both played 10+ games. Those players alone should mean that we are sitting in 10th/11th with a hope of 8th in the second half of the season with returning players.


Instead, we played atrocious football for the first 15 league games where we completely ignored passing it along the ground. We have had close to no movement, we break incredibly slowly, we pass it out to the wings and then wait around for people to move forward but no one does and then Jonas or Obertan deliver in a p*ss-weak ball that is cleared straight away. So many of our players (not just Williamson) absolutely launched it only for the opposing team's centre-halves to head it down to one of their players. This tactic must have had less than a 10% success rate of us retaining the ball and yet we continued to do it. Our set pieces have been abominable and have shown no signs of creation.


I complained a lot about Pardew last season, even when a lot were getting behind him but I completely changed my mind during that six-game winning run but the reality is, we did well last season because Ba and Cisse scored wonder goals again and again, Krul was incredible and our defence was solid. I will give Pardew credit for the defensive solidity but that has disappeared now to the extent that I've gone back to that awful dread everytime the opposing team wins a corner. Because he's set us up as a defensive unit and obviously doesn't work on coaching a pass-and-move game which plays to a number of our player's strengths, we're now in a position where the players don't have the confidence to play to their own strengths or even try to. So we can't play ourselves out of trouble.


We invite so much pressure almost every game and teams always get in behind us yet we almost never get in behind other teams or create the same chances. fundamentally, this is down to Pardew. Yes, we've been unlucky with injuries, yes, we need a couple more players, but our playing style is the reason we're in the s***. Give us Martinez, Adkins, Lambert, Benitez, Villas Boas, Ferguson, Laudrup, Mcdermott, Mancini, Rodgers, Moyes, Jol, Wenger, O'Neill, even that that fat c*** allardyce would have got better football out of these players. The only manager I think could have messed things up as bad would be Pulis, but only a footballing front, he would have got better results.


I'm fuming and have went on many digressions above but I hope my fury is in some way intelligible.


Just sack this t*** off now, I think you could do a f***ing pot luck pick from the championship and the majority of managers from there would do a better job than this clown. The best reward from this transfer window would be him going and us getting a proper replacement but we know it's not going to happen.


Right, I'll disappear into the shadows once more


Very hard hitting, but a lot of what you say rings true.


I agree - brilliant post from gbandit, he's right on the button with everything he says.

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Don't really post much anymore but going to weigh in with one about Pardew because I honestly can't stand the man as our manager any longer.


Over the summer I didn't complain about our transfer policy as much as most on here and it turns out that I was wrong really. We definitely should have got a centre-half in and if we don't get one in in this window along with a striker then it's a farce. I am an advocate of spending sensibly but we are are in the s*** right now and we absolutely need quality players in who can make a difference. It's the financially sensible thing to do otherwise we're looking at a serious relegation fight.


Those points aside, how the f*** are we even in a relegation fight? It's absolutely disgraceful how we've ended up in this position, irrespective of our summer signings. We had Ba and Cisse fit throughout the first half of the season along with Krul, Santon, Anita, Tiote (yes, he's been utter s**** but I think in a different manager's hands, he would have been forced to do his main job, winning the ball back, not trying to be a f***ing deep-lying playmaker) and Marveaux (should have been played a lot more). Apart from that, Ben Arfa and Cabaye have both played 10+ games. Those players alone should mean that we are sitting in 10th/11th with a hope of 8th in the second half of the season with returning players.


Instead, we played atrocious football for the first 15 league games where we completely ignored passing it along the ground. We have had close to no movement, we break incredibly slowly, we pass it out to the wings and then wait around for people to move forward but no one does and then Jonas or Obertan deliver in a p*ss-weak ball that is cleared straight away. So many of our players (not just Williamson) absolutely launched it only for the opposing team's centre-halves to head it down to one of their players. This tactic must have had less than a 10% success rate of us retaining the ball and yet we continued to do it. Our set pieces have been abominable and have shown no signs of creation.


I complained a lot about Pardew last season, even when a lot were getting behind him but I completely changed my mind during that six-game winning run but the reality is, we did well last season because Ba and Cisse scored wonder goals again and again, Krul was incredible and our defence was solid. I will give Pardew credit for the defensive solidity but that has disappeared now to the extent that I've gone back to that awful dread everytime the opposing team wins a corner. Because he's set us up as a defensive unit and obviously doesn't work on coaching a pass-and-move game which plays to a number of our player's strengths, we're now in a position where the players don't have the confidence to play to their own strengths or even try to. So we can't play ourselves out of trouble.


We invite so much pressure almost every game and teams always get in behind us yet we almost never get in behind other teams or create the same chances. fundamentally, this is down to Pardew. Yes, we've been unlucky with injuries, yes, we need a couple more players, but our playing style is the reason we're in the s***. Give us Martinez, Adkins, Lambert, Benitez, Villas Boas, Ferguson, Laudrup, Mcdermott, Mancini, Rodgers, Moyes, Jol, Wenger, O'Neill, even that that fat c*** allardyce would have got better football out of these players. The only manager I think could have messed things up as bad would be Pulis, but only a footballing front, he would have got better results.


I'm fuming and have went on many digressions above but I hope my fury is in some way intelligible.


Just sack this t*** off now, I think you could do a f***ing pot luck pick from the championship and the majority of managers from there would do a better job than this clown. The best reward from this transfer window would be him going and us getting a proper replacement but we know it's not going to happen.


Right, I'll disappear into the shadows once more


I agree with all this to be honest. I was actually thinking earlier that if pulis was in charge, yes we'd still play s**** football, but he knows how to make it work and his team plays as a team. Pardew can't even make the crap football work and the players look more like individuals out there than they ever have.


The very fact that we are thinking that Pulis is an improvement shows how far expectations have fallen among fans and how Ashley and Llambias have made the club a shadow of what it shoud be.

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Says he loves French players in the same article so if Ashley's wallet is prised open it looks like we will be shopping in Ligue 1 again.


France have won the WC ONCE - just like England...how have they performed in Int Competiton since 1998..?

They have SOME good players but as for making them the yardstick for footballers ? Don't buy it.


Think Germany, Argentina and Brazil for consistently top sides - look how Hamman and Podolski have done in their PL stints as well as many of the Argies who came here. Holland also produces good players but they are a small country so lose them quickly.


The reason there are not more Germans in the Pl is that the Bundesliga is a good league and they are pretty well paid too.


England could produce at least as many good players as France if they had a proper coaching set-up for kids and young players...the will simply isn't there in the country to do it.

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gbandit nailed it, warning signs were there last year when we played awful, awful football for long periods but ba, cisse and hba dug us out of a lot of games with their brilliance...it was never, never going to last and seemingly the only person who didn't know that was pardew


posted something similar yesterday but the connection crashed...start of the season he had the players and chose an awful approach, what games we won were invariably won through skill again rather than the way we play...when did we last play anyone off the park?


he's been dealt a better hand than most managers in this league and has made a total pigs ear of it, but as has been said now he's convincing everyone he has/had the impossible job and unfortunately some people are buying it


my only hope is he walks after we struggle against reading and villa in an apparent protest at not being backed in january...i'd be confident a better manager could get us out of trouble with the squad as it is now

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Guest tollemache

Says he loves French players in the same article so if Ashley's wallet is prised open it looks like we will be shopping in Ligue 1 again.


France have won the WC ONCE - just like England...how have they performed in Int Competiton since 1998..?

They have SOME good players but as for making them the yardstick for footballers ? Don't buy it.


Think Germany, Argentina and Brazil for consistently top sides - look how Hamman and Podolski have done in their PL stints as well as many of the Argies who came here. Holland also produces good players but they are a small country so lose them quickly.


The reason there are not more Germans in the Pl is that the Bundesliga is a good league and they are pretty well paid too.


England could produce at least as many good players as France if they had a proper coaching set-up for kids and young players...the will simply isn't there in the country to do it.


France aren't the yardstick for good footballers but Ligue 1 is a great place to shop if you want good footballers for sensible money because the wages are so much lower.

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Great stuff from .com


In the bleak mid-season


Much like his team's performances this season, Alan Pardew's latest press comments on Thursday did little to improve the prevailing mood round these parts.


Noticeably less strident than earlier in the month when it came to the subject of incoming transfers, a cynical interpretation would be that he was trying to dampen expectation post-Remy:


"It was a little strange (that Remy went to QPR) as we had obviously put a lot of work in and made the club (Marseille) an offer that was accepted, a good offer.


"We made a fantastic offer to the player and then he didn't arrive. This club is on a financial footing that is strong, but we're still not going to pay silly money.


"We're going to pay what is correct and that is what we offered. We made a fantastic offer, a fantastic Premiership offer to that player - trust me.


"I don't really want to criticise the player. The player makes the decision and he stands by it. I don't really have anything else to say on it.


"We're going to sit down next week and hopefully iron out the issues and come to the conclusion that Colo stays and obviously that's what I hope for as a manager.


"It's obvious that there is a problem there in his life - the best way of dealing with it sometimes is to be on a football pitch and play your best football and he certainly did that last week.


"Players play through unbelievable situations. I can think of a player at Southampton who got a man of the match award whose cousin had died two days previously in a stabbing. I had a player at West Ham who had gambling problems and another with big gambling and drinking troubles, but both found sanctuary on the pitch and played well.


"I think we shouldn’t be lost to the fact that we could be relegated. Better teams than the one I manage have gone down before. We definitely need a player or two in this window to make sure of our Premier League status. We’re under a little bit of pressure.


"I think it’s important the club goes forward in the right manner and we don’t make any knee jerk decisions, but we’ve also got to be conscious of where we are in the division and we are in a precarious position that we hope to strengthen on Saturday with a positive result.


"Our full accompaniment of players hasn’t been enough for a club of this size and we have been tested by injuries and suspensions, as well as the loss of Demba Ba.


"Some of the teams I’ve put out, in my opinion, haven’t been strong enough for Newcastle. We’re such a well-run club, financially. But we know that we’re going to need to invest in our team. We know that other clubs will.


"I don’t say think we have one of the weakest squads, but our squad is too weak. I’m being realistic. I’m not trying to say we’re a great team, that we’re going to cruise through the second half of the season because in my experience that won’t happen.


"We’re going to have to battle down there and it’s about time we realised we’re going to have to battle. The job for us is to make sure we're strong enough in the second half of the season."


The manager also contributed some patronising waffle for the official site, but refrained from repeating his earlier ludicrous comments about the SJP crowd having a part to play in convincing Colo to stay at the club and honour his contract. That didn't work with Demba Ba did it?


"I think our fans have been particularly faithful and loyal to us because we've had a tough spell with things going against us.


"I think now we've just got to find a way, that's what we're going to have to do. Our game plan that we had last year and the way we played a little bit might need to change to just make sure that we continue being a stable Premiership side and then look to next year to start going back to attacking the top of the league.


"I think that's really where we're at and I think our fans recognise that. For us, it's now about getting the right complement of players and making sure we're strong and put some excitement on that football pitch between now and the end of the year.


"Because in the first half of the season I don't think it's been good enough - and I'm the manager saying that.


"This weekend we've got some horrendous weather coming in and I think it's an important game for the fans to turn up and be strong for us. They've been brilliant all year.


"The snow's coming but we've got probably the best workforce at the ground to clear it and a good relationship with the council and we're doing everything to make sure it's definitely going to be on.


"I think some games will get called off this weekend but I think ours will definitely be on and I'm hoping we go and make our fans happy which will be a nice change."


That's despite ticket prices, ridiculous kickoffs, reduced away allocations, rotten performances, transfer market misadventures and broken promises. Still faithful and loyal, yes but starting to openly question just what is happening on Barrack Road - and not getting answers.


Despite presiding over what is statistically our worse league campaign at this point since 1988/89, the manager remains free from public criticism - despite attempts of numerous national newspapers to suggest otherwise.


That's a reflection of what he achieved personally last season, sympathy with his current plight and a certain belief that we shouldn't repeat previous misadventures of the Owen, Viduka, Luque, Boumsong and Xisco variety.


Pardew can count himself remarkably fortunate that his team's dreadful run has yet to provoke fans into abusing either him, his players or his employers. Far from being fickle and impatient as routinely portrayed by others, the stoicism of our following is both a benefit and a curse.


However that patience and goodwill will evaporate should the inactivity of last summer be repeated in the remaining days of January. As the man said, we're keeping our side of the bargain - 100,000 people watching successive home defeats at the hands of West Ham and Swansea.


Don't mistake an absence of bedsheet protests and abuse for a lack of concern as to our current plight. The jury is out until this window closes and then he'll be judged on whatever team he's able to field. Bemoaning his lot in February as he's done since August will no longer be acceptable - failing to get deals "over the line" becomes Pardew's failure, regardless of the context and detail.


Bland platitudes about great support will count for nowt if results don't pick up in the next few games, as will trying to pass off the return of injured players with that old chestnut about being like a new signing. 


At the risk of repeating ourselves, when our first-choice XI took the field earlier this season, their performances were still under-par, but obscured by the goal grabbing ability of the now-departed Demba Ba. That particular get out of gaol card is now longer in the manager's deck.


And similarly to blame the young players for not stepping up is a simplistic approach - yes, we continue to lack quality at youth and reserve level, but unless a club has a golden generation of prospects, then expecting to prosper with more than one in the side is unrealistic.


A further influx of Abeids, Amalfitanos and Bigirimanas would be evidence that we're prepared to reduce the wage bill to a level that would render the side not only incapable of reproducing last season's finishing position, but even remaining in this division.


We seem intent on proving the old adage that if you stand still you go backwards. For Nile Ranger to be in an NE postcode, never mind on the bench is symbolic of the drift we've suffered and if the most infamous comment of Pardew's reign is the one about not selling Andy Carroll, then his "no way back for Nile" line is on the podium.


If we go to Spurs with the same holes in the same areas that 52,000 of the "faithful and loyal" can see now, then fans are entitled to consider their position - and Pardew should similarly take a long hard look at himself. 


Here endeth the lesson.


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Guest Dontooner

Some people see things early and some just see themselves.

The Majority of the World has always worked this way.

Its sad but a undeniable fact


Just hope the board is not putting all their eggs in Pardew's little basket of magic.

Seen too many people in my life to not know what is a Con Man, he is a master of one as he knows how to lower people expectations and actually make you feel for him.


Life goes on but as a Newcastle fan it really hurts to be lied to time to time again...





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Guest hydeous

Will still give him till the end of the season, but we really need to get someone in who can use the talent we have better than it's been used this last two seasons.

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The thing is that you can say what you like about him losing it (I'm putting my personal feelings aside for a sec), but the fact that most of his media quotes are made to try to influence Ashley and Llambias is just so transparent it's untrue.  Not sure how anyone can deny that tbh, it's totally obvious.


So basically he signed up under the agreement he'd be their puppet and now things aren't going too well he's getting desperate and trying to save his own skin/reputation.


I imagine we'd see this pattern under every manager they appointed. If we appointed a decent one though the periods of time when he felt he had to deflect blame would be shorter, not half a season.

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I hope he is being more positive with the players because everything he says in the media these days is very negative.  I get that he is probably sending messages to the board but it is a sharp contrast to the other struggling clubs whose managers are being much more positive in th press and in the way they are playing.  Fans of those clubs also seem to be confident of survival whereas here the negativity is increasing as each day passes.  And Pardew is unwittingly encouraging it.


We have got one of the best first teams outside the elite clubs - comfortablty top 10.  OK the quality of the squad overall and its depth are questionable but the players should be picking up more points than they are.  Pardew just doesn't seem to understand how to get out of a rut.  At all his previous clubs, once things have started to go wrong, he has not managed to turn it around (allthough maybe he wasn't given enough time).  The board may have failed him in the Summer with their transfer dealings but he should still have been able to get the players to put on some good team performances and picked up more points.


Agree with every word.

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Guest hydeous

Will still give him till the end of the season, but we really need to get someone in who can use the talent we have better than it's been used this last two seasons.


You what? :lol:


I know we ended up 5th, but apart from a very short spell of games (esp vs Stoke at SJP) we really never dominated a game. Good defensively, great on the counter attack, magic from Ba, Cisse, Ben Arfa got us wins. We were never tactically spectacular. Pards is a decent manager who did well here last year. My opinion is that a manager with some flair (attacking nous?) will make this team great.

Oh and if you were laughing at the grammar, sorry. Was typing 'this season' when I decided to put in the 'last two'.  :blush:

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The skysports piece someone posted with quotes from him "I don't think Cabaye is ready if I'm honest..............." Something s**** about how the game might evolve and we'll bring him in. Christ


That's from before the Norwich game you dafty. :lol:


Ah right, lol lol WHy the f*** did someone post it just now then??????


In reference to your post about players coming back being like new signings. Come on man. :lol:




                                                                            To Norwich


Haha, christ massive confusion, didn't read any of that properly. Apologies!

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If this was Shakespear we're comfortably into the third act and everything is in place.


Talk of the exiled prince: Keegan. The anti-hero: Pardew. The dark lord and his apprentice: Ashley and Dekka. The strange creature that sits in the rafters and pays lip service: Beardsley. The tormented princess: Collo's wife. The flawed hero: Collo. The joker: Shola.

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If this was Shakespear we're comfortably into the third act and everything is in place.


Talk of the exiled prince: Keegan. The anti-hero: Pardew. The dark lord and his apprentice: Ashley and Dekka. The strange creature that sits in the rafters and pays lip service: Beardsley. The tormented princess: Collo's wife. The flawed hero: Collo. The joker: Shola.


Is it a comedy or a tragedy though? If the latter everyone dies at the end!

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Will still give him till the end of the season, but we really need to get someone in who can use the talent we have better than it's been used this last two seasons.


You what? :lol:


I know we ended up 5th, but apart from a very short spell of games (esp vs Stoke at SJP) we really never dominated a game. Good defensively, great on the counter attack, magic from Ba, Cisse, Ben Arfa got us wins. We were never tactically spectacular. Pards is a decent manager who did well here last year. My opinion is that a manager with some flair (attacking nous?) will make this team great.

Oh and if you were laughing at the grammar, sorry. Was typing 'this season' when I decided to put in the 'last two'.  :blush:


Nowt to do with the grammar, bud. Just think Pardew got the best out of the squad last season. The main reason we didn't often control games is the problems in midfield that have been highlighted this season thanks to the defence and fowards not playing to their potential.

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If this was Shakespear we're comfortably into the third act and everything is in place.


Talk of the exiled prince: Keegan. The anti-hero: Pardew. The dark lord and his apprentice: Ashley and Dekka. The strange creature that sits in the rafters and pays lip service: Beardsley. The tormented princess: Collo's wife. The flawed hero: Collo. The joker: Shola.


Is it a comedy or a tragedy though? If the latter everyone dies at the end!


Tragi-comedy. ;)

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I hope he is being more positive with the players because everything he says in the media these days is very negative.  I get that he is probably sending messages to the board but it is a sharp contrast to the other struggling clubs whose managers are being much more positive in th press and in the way they are playing.  Fans of those clubs also seem to be confident of survival whereas here the negativity is increasing as each day passes.  And Pardew is unwittingly encouraging it.


We have got one of the best first teams outside the elite clubs - comfortablty top 10.  OK the quality of the squad overall and its depth are questionable but the players should be picking up more points than they are.  Pardew just doesn't seem to understand how to get out of a rut.  At all his previous clubs, once things have started to go wrong, he has not managed to turn it around (allthough maybe he wasn't given enough time).  The board may have failed him in the Summer with their transfer dealings but he should still have been able to get the players to put on some good team performances and picked up more points.


Agree with every word.


Yeah, he's sounding desperate, when he should be trying to spread confidence.


I saw him quoted as saying that he didn't have any other strikers of the calibre of Cisse, and I wondered what Shola would have thought when he said that. Whatever your opinion of his ability, Shola has just given up his last opportunity of playing in an international tournament, in order to help out his club. Then he reads that.

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I hope he is being more positive with the players because everything he says in the media these days is very negative.  I get that he is probably sending messages to the board but it is a sharp contrast to the other struggling clubs whose managers are being much more positive in th press and in the way they are playing.  Fans of those clubs also seem to be confident of survival whereas here the negativity is increasing as each day passes.  And Pardew is unwittingly encouraging it.


We have got one of the best first teams outside the elite clubs - comfortablty top 10.  OK the quality of the squad overall and its depth are questionable but the players should be picking up more points than they are.  Pardew just doesn't seem to understand how to get out of a rut.  At all his previous clubs, once things have started to go wrong, he has not managed to turn it around (allthough maybe he wasn't given enough time).  The board may have failed him in the Summer with their transfer dealings but he should still have been able to get the players to put on some good team performances and picked up more points.


Agree with every word.


Yeah, he's sounding desperate, when he should be trying to spread confidence.


I saw him quoted as saying that he didn't have any other strikers of the calibre of Cisse, and I wondered what Shola would have thought when he said that. Whatever your opinion of his ability, Shola has just given up his last opportunity of playing in an international tournament, in order to help out his club. Then he reads that.


The comments are so far off those from the end of last season. Where he claimed Shola was by far his favorite player in the squad. When things are going well, Pards blows roses up everyones arses. When the shit hits the fan, hes a negative prick.

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