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Alan Pardew


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For me we lack a good box to box midfield man, someone who get past his forwards into the box and gets his share of goals. Until we get such a player i think the long ball is what we will stick too.



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For me we lack a good box to box midfield man, someone who get past his forwards into the box and gets his share of goals. Until we get such a player i think the long ball is what we will stick too.




Yes just like him

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Last season people moaned about Simpson, because in a talented, attacking team, he is the Achilles heel. Id kill for Simpson to be the problem again.


Tactically, we are nothing short of clueless. We have players that play in the modern style and Pardew has them playing a game that was and always will be shit. If he wants to play that way, Andy Carroll will be perfect, but I think we all know that style will be painful to watch and we wont progress at all. Im starting to have major doubts about his footballing intelligence.


was about to say, '80's player playing an '80's game as a manager with players from 2012

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For me we lack a good box to box midfield man, someone who get past his forwards into the box and gets his share of goals. Until we get such a player i think the long ball is what we will stick too.


That's the thing, though. The long ball crap we've been playing actually highlights, not negates, the need for a box-to-box player.

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For me we lack a good box to box midfield man, someone who get past his forwards into the box and gets his share of goals. Until we get such a player i think the long ball is what we will stick too.


That's the thing, though. The long ball crap we've been playing actually highlights, not negates, the need for a box-to-box player.


exactly, how often did we have a midfielder pushing on yesterday looking to either win the second ball or get onto a knockdown that should be bread and butter if you're playing long ball?    aimless, directionless floatball man

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Guest neesy111

For me we lack a good box to box midfield man, someone who get past his forwards into the box and gets his share of goals. Until we get such a player i think the long ball is what we will stick too.


That's the thing, though. The long ball crap we've been playing actually highlights, not negates, the need for a box-to-box player.


exactly, how often did we have a midfielder pushing on yesterday looking to either win the second ball or get onto a knockdown that should be bread and butter if you're playing long ball?    aimless, directionless floatball man


We never ever have enough bodies in the box when attacking.  Cabaye must get into the box at most 5 times a match these days, not good enough imo.

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Aye the lack of picking up second balls was painfully evident yesterday, it's either a pin point delivery which lands at a striker (whether a cross or a long ball) or the other team win possession very easily.


what's particularly annoying is they won the second ball every time at our end as well, whenever our defence won a header or shanked a clearance it landed to one of their midfield who were pressing


what the fuck were they doing for 90 minutes?

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For me we lack a good box to box midfield man, someone who get past his forwards into the box and gets his share of goals. Until we get such a player i think the long ball is what we will stick too.


That's the thing, though. The long ball crap we've been playing actually highlights, not negates, the need for a box-to-box player.


exactly, how often did we have a midfielder pushing on yesterday looking to either win the second ball or get onto a knockdown that should be bread and butter if you're playing long ball?    aimless, directionless floatball man


Our midfield yesterday was completely anonymous, literally didn't even perform any of their roles well. They're always so deep, Cabaye and Anita were often together and when one did occasionally push up, it was Anita?! There was such a massive gap there and neither of our strikers filled that space at all, meaning we had no central presence and could only either hoof it after some passing around the back or just predictably go to the wing. It was depressingly bad yesterday and Pardew simply isn't adapting to what he has available.

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I liked Mike's idea yesterday about the Williamson free kick routine, it needs it's own song that is sung every time it happens. I don't think Pardew can hear me standing up and screaming 's****' in Level 4 so I need some help.


That shit doesn't work

That shit doesn't worrrrrrrrk

Crossing to Willo

That shit doesn't work




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The Williamson free kick is a joke, yesterday was the first time I heard discontent from the masses about it. It doesn't give me a lot of hope for Pardew to adapt and change any time soon, when he can't even recognise that our only free kick routine doesn't work and is absolutely rubbish in theory too. It's such a waste of a ball in the box, just get it in the danger zone with pace where something could happen.

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I was always suspicious about Pardew's record as a manager because his sides have always started off well and then, as others have said, they fade away and he ends up being sacked. Obviously, I hoped that this wouldn't happen this time but it looks as if it is and although he has some mitigating circumstances after the lack of squad strengthening in the summer, there is little doubt that he is not getting the best out of the players we currently have. He persists with the 4-4-2 formation which clearly doesn't suit either Ba or Cisse, the latter being especially affected by the system...neither of these players are anywhere near being decent target men, and even if we had one, the m/f is always too far away to offer support to forwards when the ball is hoofed forwards as it usually is.

The lack of ability to retain possession is bordering on criminal and other teams have now well and truly sussed how we play and are countering it easily. When we were winning games last season it was easy for fans to overlook the flaws in our general play in the hope that summer signings would address that - we now know it hasn't and the scales are starting to fall from the eyes of many fans who were prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. The fact that those who say they have lost faith with the manager is DOUBLE the figure who say its too soon to tell shows you that.....

We are picking up bad suspensions after players commit silly and serious fouls - it is hard to avoid the feeling that some of this is happening due to frustration among the better players, both with the way they are being asked to perform and the lack of summer reinforcements. Pardew has obviously had them onside over the last 2 seasons but it looks as if they are either seeing through him as a

tactician or that they, like many fans, see him as a Board apologist.


Good managers get great performances out of ordinary players...KK did this as did SBR...poor managers make good players look ordinary or less talented than they actually are - I reckon the number of fans who are willing to put Pardew in the former category has diminished drastically this season, but there is little chance of his being replaced, Apart from the fact that Ashley would not want to pay any compensation, who else would take the job ? Would anyone on here put a brass farthing on Jol, say, leaving Fulham to work for Ashley and Llambias ? I wouldn't.....


Unless we end up in a relegation spot by Christmas - not completely unlikely at this rate - Pardew is here for the foreseeable future.

Percentage football will rule, at least until the season's end, but whether many fans will renew STs after a season of this stuff is another matter ; Ashley fired Allardyce because he 'wasn't being entertained'...is he now, I wonder ?

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Guest pintofscottsellers

I liked Mike's idea yesterday about the Williamson free kick routine, it needs it's own song that is sung every time it happens. I don't think Pardew can hear me standing up and screaming 's****' in Level 4 so I need some help.


That s*** doesn't work

That s*** doesn't worrrrrrrrk

Crossing to Willo

That s*** doesn't work






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For me we lack a good box to box midfield man, someone who get past his forwards into the box and gets his share of goals. Until we get such a player i think the long ball is what we will stick too.


That's the thing, though. The long ball crap we've been playing actually highlights, not negates, the need for a box-to-box player.


exactly, how often did we have a midfielder pushing on yesterday looking to either win the second ball or get onto a knockdown that should be bread and butter if you're playing long ball?    aimless, directionless floatball man


We never ever have enough bodies in the box when attacking.  Cabaye must get into the box at most 5 times a match these days, not good enough imo.


This was the same last season as well but the results papered over a lot of cracks. The midfielders are obviously instructed to stay in their own half and protect the defence so we get the huge gap between midfield and forwards which results in long ball as an outlet, Cisse looking crap and Shola being thrown on so Pardew's rubbish tactics look better. Then Otter will pipe up here about how Shola looked better than the £10m Cisse.


Defensively we look very well organised, which is fine when we don't have possession. When we do though we look utterly clueless because everyone is shit scared of making a run into the opposition half in case we lose the ball, which then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy due to the lack of options.

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I was always suspicious about Pardew's record as a manager because his sides have always started off well and then, as others have said, they fade away and he ends up being sacked. Obviously, I hoped that this wouldn't happen this time but it looks as if it is and although he has some mitigating circumstances after the lack of squad strengthening in the summer, there is little doubt that he is not getting the best out of the players we currently have. He persists with the 4-4-2 formation which clearly doesn't suit either Ba or Cisse, the latter being especially affected by the system...neither of these players are anywhere near being decent target men, and even if we had one, the m/f is always too far away to offer support to forwards when the ball is hoofed forwards as it usually is.

The lack of ability to retain possession is bordering on criminal and other teams have now well and truly sussed how we play and are countering it easily. When we were winning games last season it was easy for fans to overlook the flaws in our general play in the hope that summer signings would address that - we now know it hasn't and the scales are starting to fall from the eyes of many fans who were prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. The fact that those who say they have lost faith with the manager is DOUBLE the figure who say its too soon to tell shows you that.....

We are picking up bad suspensions after players commit silly and serious fouls - it is hard to avoid the feeling that some of this is happening due to frustration among the better players, both with the way they are being asked to perform and the lack of summer reinforcements. Pardew has obviously had them onside over the last 2 seasons but it looks as if they are either seeing through him as a

tactician or that they, like many fans, see him as a Board apologist.


Good managers get great performances out of ordinary players...KK did this as did SBR...poor managers make good players look ordinary or less talented than they actually are - I reckon the number of fans who are willing to put Pardew in the former category has diminished drastically this season, but there is little chance of his being replaced, Apart from the fact that Ashley would not want to pay any compensation, who else would take the job ? Would anyone on here put a brass farthing on Jol, say, leaving Fulham to work for Ashley and Llambias ? I wouldn't.....


Unless we end up in a relegation spot by Christmas - not completely unlikely at this rate - Pardew is here for the foreseeable future.

Percentage football will rule, at least until the season's end, but whether many fans will renew STs after a season of this stuff is another matter ; Ashley fired Allardyce because he 'wasn't being entertained'...is he now, I wonder ?


Sums it up fairly. Even if Ashley isn't being entertained there is no way he's going back down that road again. I'm quite sure he views at all rather differently to how he did then too. The romantic notions he might have had for the football club were quickly gone after his numerous mistakes that cost him money and reputation.

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Guest Dontooner

Ashley is here for the money and fame, just hopes he eventually get things to fall in place. He got the scouting network working, the wage structure, just get a good coach like Martin Jol and we would be fine.

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Playing devil's advocate, maybe the apparent focus (in training) on being defensively solid rather than fluid going forward is related to the large number of forced changes to our back 5, be it through injuries or suspensions? In 11 Premiership matches we have had to make 14 changes in personnel between games:


Spurs (h):  Krul, Simpson, Perch, S.Taylor, Santon

Chelsea (a): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 1 change

Villa (h): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Everton (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => 3 changes

Norwich (h): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Reading (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Man U (h): Harper, Santon, Williamson, Perch, Ferguson => 3 changes

Mackems (a): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => 3 changes

West Brom (h): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => no changes

Liverpool (a): Krul, Anita, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 2 changes

West Ham (h): Krul, Simspon, S.Taylor, Williamson, Santon => 2 changes


Mind, this is excluding forced in-game changes and also ignoring the stop-start season our midfield enforcer Tiote has had so far.


For the first half of last season we saw the huge benefit of having a fairly stable back 5 that saw us unbeaten in 17 (?)- this year so far seems to be the opposite. We're also heavily relying on the likes of Williamson (7 starts) , Harper (4 starts) and Perch (4 starts (in defence)) because of a lack of squad depth (of the required quality).


This might go some way towards explaining our preoccupation with being solid first and foremost?

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I liked Mike's idea yesterday about the Williamson free kick routine, it needs it's own song that is sung every time it happens. I don't think Pardew can hear me standing up and screaming 's****' in Level 4 so I need some help.


That s*** doesn't work

That s*** doesn't worrrrrrrrk

Crossing to Willo

That s*** doesn't work







That definitely works :lol:

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Playing devil's advocate, maybe the apparent focus (in training) on being defensively solid rather than fluid going forward is related to the large number of forced changes to our back 5, be it through injuries or suspensions? In 11 Premiership matches we have had to make 14 changes in personnel between games:


Spurs (h):  Krul, Simpson, Perch, S.Taylor, Santon

Chelsea (a): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 1 change

Villa (h): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Everton (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => 3 changes

Norwich (h): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Reading (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Man U (h): Harper, Santon, Williamson, Perch, Ferguson => 3 changes

Mackems (a): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => 3 changes

West Brom (h): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => no changes

Liverpool (a): Krul, Anita, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 2 changes

West Ham (h): Krul, Simspon, S.Taylor, Williamson, Santon => 2 changes


Mind, this is excluding forced in-game changes and also ignoring the stop-start season our midfield enforcer Tiote has had so far.


For the first half of last season we saw the huge benefit of having a fairly stable back 5 that saw us unbeaten in 17 (?)- this year so far seems to be the opposite. We're also heavily relying on the likes of Williamson (7 starts) , Harper (4 starts) and Perch (4 starts (in defence)) because of a lack of squad depth (of the required quality).


This might go some way towards explaining our preoccupation with being solid first and foremost?


It was little different for most of last season though.

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Playing devil's advocate, maybe the apparent focus (in training) on being defensively solid rather than fluid going forward is related to the large number of forced changes to our back 5, be it through injuries or suspensions? In 11 Premiership matches we have had to make 14 changes in personnel between games:


Spurs (h):  Krul, Simpson, Perch, S.Taylor, Santon

Chelsea (a): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 1 change

Villa (h): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Everton (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => 3 changes

Norwich (h): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Reading (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Man U (h): Harper, Santon, Williamson, Perch, Ferguson => 3 changes

Mackems (a): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => 3 changes

West Brom (h): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => no changes

Liverpool (a): Krul, Anita, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 2 changes

West Ham (h): Krul, Simspon, S.Taylor, Williamson, Santon => 2 changes


Mind, this is excluding forced in-game changes and also ignoring the stop-start season our midfield enforcer Tiote has had so far.


For the first half of last season we saw the huge benefit of having a fairly stable back 5 that saw us unbeaten in 17 (?)- this year so far seems to be the opposite. We're also heavily relying on the likes of Williamson (7 starts) , Harper (4 starts) and Perch (4 starts (in defence)) because of a lack of squad depth (of the required quality).


This might go some way towards explaining our preoccupation with being solid first and foremost?


It was little different for most of last season though.


It was massively different. We started the first 10 matches with the same back 5 last season IIRC.

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Playing devil's advocate, maybe the apparent focus (in training) on being defensively solid rather than fluid going forward is related to the large number of forced changes to our back 5, be it through injuries or suspensions? In 11 Premiership matches we have had to make 14 changes in personnel between games:


Spurs (h):  Krul, Simpson, Perch, S.Taylor, Santon

Chelsea (a): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 1 change

Villa (h): Krul, Simpson, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Everton (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => 3 changes

Norwich (h): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Reading (a): Harper, Perch, Williamson, S.Taylor, Santon => no changes

Man U (h): Harper, Santon, Williamson, Perch, Ferguson => 3 changes

Mackems (a): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => 3 changes

West Brom (h): Krul, Simpson, Williamson, Coloccini, Santon => no changes

Liverpool (a): Krul, Anita, Coloccini, S.Taylor, Santon => 2 changes

West Ham (h): Krul, Simspon, S.Taylor, Williamson, Santon => 2 changes


Mind, this is excluding forced in-game changes and also ignoring the stop-start season our midfield enforcer Tiote has had so far.


For the first half of last season we saw the huge benefit of having a fairly stable back 5 that saw us unbeaten in 17 (?)- this year so far seems to be the opposite. We're also heavily relying on the likes of Williamson (7 starts) , Harper (4 starts) and Perch (4 starts (in defence)) because of a lack of squad depth (of the required quality).


This might go some way towards explaining our preoccupation with being solid first and foremost?


It was little different for most of last season though.


It was massively different. We started the first 10 matches with the same back 5 last season IIRC.


I'm talking about the conservative approach, clinging onto 1-0 leads at home, worrying about the other team instead of preparing our own game, having to change a disastrous system after 20 minutes, total inability to retain possession, kicking it long and staying rigid with nobody moving out of position. It was early last season that Pardew told us we do defensive work four days out of five.


I could find you 100 posts from last season identical to ones from yesterday with no effort whatsoever. It's got jack all to do with how many changes we make.

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