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Alan Pardew


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I just think a manager who first steered a team with Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Best & Ranger as his four strikers to within minutes of a top 10 finish, as well as taking it to the last day for a top 3 finish last season, deserves a lot more leeway than what he's getting by some.


You're 100% right mate. The willingness of everyone to read the most negative possible spin on everything is, quite frankly, embarrassing at times.


And vice-versa.

Your patter is lifting.


How's my "banter" and "craic" looking?

Your banter is awful and your craic is horrific. Merry Christmas. And Dave, I can't lift to save my life.

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thats a pretty simplistic way to look at it, and dismiss all the other factors like travel, disruption to training etc.


Travel, we played at home as often as we played away and two of the away trips resulted in flights of 2 hours or less.  The disruption to training should be minimal if he re-schedules days off.


Before Pardew arrived we played in Europe and didn't use it as an excuse, we managed the situations instead of looking to use it as a way of deflecting the attention away from poor performance.


We’ve rarely had a massive squad of quality and we’ve had seasons with as many games as this in the past without looking for excuses.  We’ve been hearing since September or October that the players are tired and it’s more of the same bullshit.


Nail on the head

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Guest tollemache

Easy to empathise with a manager who looks for excuses in our situation, not only to cover his arse but to take pressure off the players. It's exactly what I'd do, unless I felt the players weren't trying and needed a big boot up the bottom

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Guest NewBoyPeetah

Europe is a massive distraction, I can't see how anyone can deny that. Instead of spending a week preparing for the next PL game we're spending half of it preparing for a European match.

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Europe is a massive distraction, I can't see how anyone can deny that. Instead of spending a week preparing for the next PL game we're spending half of it preparing for a European match.


Comes with the territory i'm afraid and i'd much rather have our team competing regularly in European competition than not.


If Pardew is a manager who cannot deal with having his club in Europe than quite simply he is not cut out to manage a club of that calibre.

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Europe is a massive distraction, I can't see how anyone can deny that. Instead of spending a week preparing for the next PL game we're spending half of it preparing for a European match.


Well it's not a massive distraction  at the moment is it? We're still struggling to create chances against any team we're playing. Some of it are because of the players, but this is a side effect of the management. Jonas, Williamson and Simpson aren't to blame because they keep getting games. This is mainly due to management, squad size and blindness towards contribution to our play. The excuses are getting beyond boring and are now simply laughable, disrespectful towards fans and working against our troubles. Nothing are going to happen before Pardew addresses the main issues.

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Newcastle's Jonás Gutiérrez: 'Alan Pardew is a bit like Diego ... shit at managing'

The Guardian-7 minutes ago

In a corner of Newcastle United's training ground canteen four players sit playing cards, seemingly oblivious to the world around them. For Jonás Gutiérrez




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thats a pretty simplistic way to look at it, and dismiss all the other factors like travel, disruption to training etc.


Travel, we played at home as often as we played away and two of the away trips resulted in flights of 2 hours or less.  The disruption to training should be minimal if he re-schedules days off.


Before Pardew arrived we played in Europe and didn't use it as an excuse, we managed the situations instead of looking to use it as a way of deflecting the attention away from poor performance.


We’ve rarely had a massive squad of quality and we’ve had seasons with as many games as this in the past without looking for excuses.  We’ve been hearing since September or October that the players are tired and it’s more of the same bullshit.


Nail on the head


To be fair, pretty much the exact thing happened the last time we were in Europe.


Injury crises, shit form, lethargic performances. I remember losing to Sheff Utd 1-0 at St James Park to a Danny Weber(:lol:) goal two days after we played in Turkey or something.

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Macdonald said: “I’m just telling it as I see it and it’s like a slow-motion car crash before my eyes.


“There’s no communication on the pitch. Players aren’t looking out for each other. There’s no team spirit.


“Okay, people who disagree will say Newcastle played well against Man City. Yes, they did and got beaten 3-1.


“You can play all the best football you want and still get relegated. If Newcastle don’t snap themselves out of this dreadful situation my worry is that they will get relegated.


“They must put arguments aside and go about the job in a professional way. Put the club and the supporters first and not their squabbles.


“Newcastle have Man United, Arsenal and Everton coming up – three of the top six. If they don’t buck up their ideas by the time January comes around they’ll be looking to bring in players.


“But they are not going to get the quality they need because players will look at the league table and say, ‘I’m not joining you, you’re going down’.


It’s like a disease eating away at the club and it’s spreading like wildfire.


“It’s a nightmare. Excuses are being made without people pin-pointing what’s really gone wrong.


It seems to me as if there’s a battle going on between the French and Spanish - speaking players.


“I’m seeing things on the pitch which don’t add up. I saw Gutierrez come in from wide left into centre midfield  and stand by Cabaye as if he was man-to-man marking.


Cabaye gestured to get back to the left and Gutierrez ignored him. So Cabaye just shrugged his shoulders and went out to play on the left.


“That was the first indication that something was seriously wrong.


“I’m just seeing people not getting on.


“You don’t have to like each other. But you go out on that pitch and treat everyone the same.


“When you have a dressing room situation, the first things to suffer are results and performances. And Newcastle’s have been dreadful.


“One or two players are looking around thinking, ‘What the hell is going on?’


“Ben Arfa looks like he’s getting sick and tired of it all. He’s not joining either camp but is obviously upset with the situation.


“The divide is complicated but it’s cutting the cake into slices. It’s totally damaging.


“The manager has got to sit down with the players and get it sorted. But he’s got one hell of a situation on his hands.


“How do you mend it? You need people wanting to work together. Just one look at the table tells you how serious it is. It’s there for all to see.”


Some interesting stuff , am I putting that on the wrong topic ?  ???


Spoke to someone in my local this evening who knows Steve Harper. Harper basically told him similar to MacDonald's quotes above - French and Spanish speakers not getting on, and Ba just does whatever the f*** he wants.


Also reckoned the French in our sqaud were really unhappy that Debuchy didn't arrive.

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In a corner of Newcastle United's training ground canteen four players sit playing cards, seemingly oblivious to the world around them. For Jonás Gutiérrez, Fabricio Coloccini, Xisco and Davide Santon shuffling, dealing and trumping forms a regular post-lunch ritual, a chance to temporarily forget about the team's poor form and share a few jokes in Spanish.


"Davide's Italian but our languages are not so different and we understand each other," says Gutiérrez in near flawless English. "It's not like French – we have a lot of French speakers in our dressing room but I don't really understand a word. It doesn't matter though because I talk to most of the lads in English – except Xisco; he only speaks Spanish."


That's from the Jonas article.  Kind of goes with what MacDonald was saying.

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Europe is a massive distraction, I can't see how anyone can deny that. Instead of spending a week preparing for the next PL game we're spending half of it preparing for a European match.


How did we ever win the Fairs Cup in 1969 and still stay out of trouble..??

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Europe is a massive distraction, I can't see how anyone can deny that. Instead of spending a week preparing for the next PL game we're spending half of it preparing for a European match.


Comes with the territory i'm afraid and i'd much rather have our team competing regularly in European competition than not.


If Pardew is a manager who cannot deal with having his club in Europe than quite simply he is not cut out to manage a club of that calibre.


Nail on head - KK and SBR both managed it.


To be fair to Pardew though, its not only his ability to handle the situation that is in question, its also the so-called Board...failed to strengthen the squad for more games.

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If those quotes are genuine then Supermac should be ashamed of himself TBH. As if he really knows anything about what goes on. These days he makes a living whinging about Newcastle and has done for years. Can't stand the bloke.


Just because Macdonald has made his mouth go in the past doesn't mean he is always wrong...are you saying he should keep his mouth shut because he's wrong- questionable in my view - or just because you don't think anyone should rock the boat by telling the truth..? There is CLEARLY a major problem at SJP and I have no doubt that many of the players aren't happy. The manager's job is to sort it out and that is not happening.


If Given has also made similar claims about dissention in the squad it seems there is more chance of Macdonald being right than wrong - hiding a problem never solves it , all that happens is that it festers below the surface.

For what its worth I think that the French guys WERE disappointed about Debuchy, esp Cabaye, but more for footballing reasons than nationality and that has been proven correct so far. ALL the talented players are probably fed up with the hoof style of play and Ba is unsettled and probably a law unto himself...Pardew just has to take it because he is not confident about getting a suitable replacement...just as we aren't confident in Ashley's ability to obtain a suitable replacement for Pardew.......


All a recipe for stasis...i.e. nothing getting done to improve things generally.


Facts are that the way the club is being run is open to question apart from the fact that we have little OPEN debt.

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