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Atromitos 1 - 1 Newcastle United - 23/08/12 - Post-match reaction from page 38


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Guest Roy the Irish Magpie

Was at the stadium, agree with general consensus about the game, not great but did the business. However, after the game outside a few NUFC fans abused Obertan quite violently, calling him shite etc. he looked devastated tbh. Of course he was poor, but is that really helpful? Cisse and cabaye were class, stayed with the fans to have photos despite Greek police trying to move them on


Shit "supporters". Better footballer than they are fans.

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Guest BooBoo

Pards reckons he's the kind of player that takes criticism very badly. Fair enough have a pop on here but at the match, get behind the lads in the shirt. Completely moronic behaviour.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Pards reckons he's the kind of player that takes criticism very badly. Fair enough have a pop on here but at the match, get behind the lads in the shirt. Completely moronic behaviour.


Agreed. He's awful IMO but he needs our support as much as anyone while he wears our shirt. I actually thought he played well in parts, he beat his man once or twice, linked up play well at times and put in some tasty crosses. When he was bad though he was bad.

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I feel sorry for him really.  :undecided:


Fuck, he is crap, but i am sure he does his best ffs.

If Pardew plays him, blame him.


Problem with Obertan is that he have a lot of skill, but not the mentality or football intelligence to make it happen.

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Exactly, and he won't have any clue that the majority of the fans don't condone that behaviour. The same fans also had a go at a club official for telling them to shut up, going on about how they spent so much so should be able to tell the players what they think. Shame. But apart from about five fans the rest were great, well behaved and supported the team really well. Pards came out after the game and tossed about five players' shirts to the fans (Y)

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Was at the stadium, agree with general consensus about the game, not great but did the business. However, after the game outside a few NUFC fans abused Obertan quite violently, calling him shite etc. he looked devastated tbh. Of course he was poor, but is that really helpful? Cisse and cabaye were class, stayed with the fans to have photos despite Greek police trying to move them on


Fucking ridiculous, no doubt Jack Flash will see this as acceptable mind..

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Guest BooBoo

Why would you travel all that way to abuse a player?


Disgrace, they haven't got a clue about football.


The second line applies to a hell of a lot of our match going fans tbh. Too many charvers and scrotes just going for the piss up.

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Pards reckons he's the kind of player that takes criticism very badly. Fair enough have a pop on here but at the match, get behind the lads in the shirt. Completely moronic behaviour.


Even watching today I was thinking he'd have a much better chance of producing if he had more belief in himself. This isn't going to help.

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Completely not on, yes he's not very good but that sort of s*** is never going to help him.


He does look like the type of character who struggles with confidence so get behind him ffs and maybe just maybe he might make something of himself.



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Was at the stadium, agree with general consensus about the game, not great but did the business. However, after the game outside a few NUFC fans abused Obertan quite violently, calling him shite etc. he looked devastated tbh. Of course he was poor, but is that really helpful? Cisse and cabaye were class, stayed with the fans to have photos despite Greek police trying to move them on

Utter dickheads.  :facepalm:

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Was at the stadium, agree with general consensus about the game, not great but did the business. However, after the game outside a few NUFC fans abused Obertan quite violently, calling him s**** etc. he looked devastated tbh. Of course he was poor, but is that really helpful? Cisse and cabaye were class, stayed with the fans to have photos despite Greek police trying to move them on


Whilst i'm not an Obertan fan and he was typically very poor first half i thought he was far better second half and must have run down the wing beating his man and put over 4 or 5 decent first time crosses over.


I did have high hopes for Marveaux, who looked pretty good in flashes last year. Thought he was completely anonymous tonight and on that showing Obertan deserves to be on the bench ahead of him on Saturday again.


Really worries me if Ben arfa gets injured, he's our only really creative player/winger. Against spurs he was our only player who looked capable of creating anything and hurting them. If he gets injured then who on the right? Marveaux looked very poor today and i'm not surprised he wasn't on the bench if he's been like that in training, i like Sammy but can he create against top premiership teams?


Debuchy our number one priority transfer wise, but i'd love it if we did manage to sign Adam Johnson and Carroll too.


Harper 6 Hardly put a foot wrong, experienced and dependable

Tavernier 5 At fault for their goal. Looked good at times too though. Mixed bag, may get better with experience. Needs another loan ideally.

Perch 6 Pretty decent again

Williamson 6 Decent

Raylor 7 would have got a six but his free kicks are incredible

Obertan 5.5 bad first half better second

Anita 7 Really thought he played well. Made himself availiable to play ball out through the back and he definately helped us keep the ball much better.

Bigi 6 mixed bag looked good at times but gave the ball away very cheaply on several occaisions

Marveaux 5 Very poor anonymous

Gosling 5 tried but very poor

Cisse 5 had a few half decent moments but generally lethargic


Jonas 6 Good

Campbell 7 looks a real prospect very lively

Amafilato 6 Some good moves wish he started 

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Was at the stadium, agree with general consensus about the game, not great but did the business. However, after the game outside a few NUFC fans abused Obertan quite violently, calling him shite etc. he looked devastated tbh. Of course he was poor, but is that really helpful? Cisse and cabaye were class, stayed with the fans to have photos despite Greek police trying to move them on

Utter dickheads.  :facepalm:


Feel genuinely bad for him. Scum like that shouldn't be called 'fans'.

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Was at the stadium, agree with general consensus about the game, not great but did the business. However, after the game outside a few NUFC fans abused Obertan quite violently, calling him s**** etc. he looked devastated tbh. Of course he was poor, but is that really helpful? Cisse and cabaye were class, stayed with the fans to have photos despite Greek police trying to move them on



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