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Guest zicomartin

Helena Costa.


It will be all fun & games and laughs with the lads in the showers after the game, until she drops the soap...




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I would be wary of Laudrup, Swansea basically did a Pardew after he won the cup and doesn't he have a history of falling out with the players? Why was Ki loaned to the Mackems?


Not sold on him at the moment and I'm not in the 'anyone but Pardew' group either, it would be nice to get a genuinely quality manager in rather than someone because they might be a bit better than the last bloke who wasn't good enough.

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I would be wary of Laudrup, Swansea basically did a Pardew after he won the cup and doesn't he have a history of falling out with the players? Why was Ki loaned to the Mackems?

Not sold on him at the moment and I'm not in the 'anyone but Pardew' group either, it would be nice to get a genuinely quality manager in rather than someone because they might be a bit better than the last bloke who wasn't good enough.


He might not be all that good - the mackems only started winning games once they dropped him.

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Yesterday I heard an interview on the radio with a Swansea journalist talking about the appointment of Gary Monk and the contrast with Laudrup. 


He said that the Chairman had been really irritated that Laudrup constantly talked down Swansea and saying how the Premier League was made up of 3 leagues and the club was doing as well as they should within their "own" league.  The Chairman had made some veiled criticism of this attitude is his programme notes post Laudrup's departure by saying that the club should never restrict itself in terms of ambition but to always try to do the best that it can.


What a contrast to our board.


On that basis, Laudrup might be a good fit for Ashley but he would alienate the fans soon enough!!



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I think Laudrup has the makings of an outstanding manager, but he does seem a bit big headed. He wants to manage a big club so I don't think he'd be impressed with a chairman who thinks finishing 10th deserves a bonus.

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Yesterday I heard an interview on the radio with a Swansea journalist talking about the appointment of Gary Monk and the contrast with Laudrup. 


He said that the Chairman had been really irritated that Laudrup constantly talked down Swansea and saying how the Premier League was made up of 3 leagues and the club was doing as well as they should within their "own" league.  The Chairman had made some veiled criticism of this attitude is his programme notes post Laudrup's departure by saying that the club should never restrict itself in terms of ambition but to always try to do the best that it can.


What a contrast to our board.


On that basis, Laudrup might be a good fit for Ashley but he would alienate the fans soon enough!!




What sort of alternate reality is this? :lol:

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Redknapp would give Ben Arfa complete freedom on the pitch


For sure. He let D'Alessandro do his thing for goodness sake. And Van Der Vaart who literally didn't know there was another half of the pitch behind him.

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Redknapp? The same Redknapp who couldn't QPR promoted automatically with the most stacked Championship squad since like ever? No thanks.


I know people desperate for someone other than Pardew but i'd much rather get someone of genuine quality in than be stuck with someone we will be angry about a year down the line.

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