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Lee Clark is bookies fav 4/1


Christ. :lol:


What are Ant & Dec? 5/1?


Poyet's Brighton are nothing special. I've seen them plenty and they're not exactly easy on the eye.


Must have just been us who made them look good then. They played us off the park in the cup tie.


I know, I was there. Both years.


We were absolutely abysmal both times and they were nothing more than functional.


I disagree mate, they were well organised in defence and they had good movement off the ball when they had possession. I don't think that comes by accident. They seemed light years ahead of us in organisation. I realise a lot of people don't like Poyet because of his time at Leeds with Wise, but that doesn't mean we have to pretend he doesn't know what he's doing.


My Accountant has a box at Brighton. I'm at the Amex pretty much monthly. Their set up (full backs advanced), all distribution through the diagonal and kickers at CB/CM  would get nowhere in the Premiership. They'd get rinsed.


You have to look more at the performances we put in on both of those days and give the result/Brighton performance some context.


I agree that they are organised but their movement is nothing special, nor is their style of play.


I'd not want Poyet. That said, he'd not come anyway after we upset his little dwarf of a best mate, so all good.


Isn't that down to having Championship standard players? In any case I only put him forward if we continue with the policy of paying peanuts for a manager which kind of limits who we go for. If we are prepared to pay big money then I'll be happy to see Rafa here. I wouldn't have said that a couple of weeks ago, but defensive or not, at least he knows how to set up a passing team with some recognisable shape.

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Lee Clark is bookies fav 4/1


Christ. :lol:


What are Ant & Dec? 5/1?


Poyet's Brighton are nothing special. I've seen them plenty and they're not exactly easy on the eye.


Must have just been us who made them look good then. They played us off the park in the cup tie.


I know, I was there. Both years.


We were absolutely abysmal both times and they were nothing more than functional.


I disagree mate, they were well organised in defence and they had good movement off the ball when they had possession. I don't think that comes by accident. They seemed light years ahead of us in organisation. I realise a lot of people don't like Poyet because of his time at Leeds with Wise, but that doesn't mean we have to pretend he doesn't know what he's doing.


My Accountant has a box at Brighton. I'm at the Amex pretty much monthly. Their set up (full backs advanced), all distribution through the diagonal and kickers at CB/CM  would get nowhere in the Premiership. They'd get rinsed.


You have to look more at the performances we put in on both of those days and give the result/Brighton performance some context.


I agree that they are organised but their movement is nothing special, nor is their style of play.


I'd not want Poyet. That said, he'd not come anyway after we upset his little dwarf of a best mate, so all good.


Isn't that down to having Championship standard players? In any case I only put him forward if we continue with the policy of paying peanuts for a manager which kind of limits who we go for. If we are prepared to pay big money then I'll be happy to see Rafa here. I wouldn't have said that a couple of weeks ago, but defensive or not, at least he knows how to set up a passing team with some recognisable shape.


I don't know.............You may have a point as I can't recall many teams coming up playing great football recently (ourselves included). I suppose Southampton/Reading were playing decent stuff but not exactly Brazil 1970.


As for Rafa. Never going to happen due to £££'s, but as you say, at least the team would know their roles and what each other was supposed to be doing which would be a 100% improvement on where we are now.

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Just watch Sociedad's highlights from yesterday, your minds will be made up and you will be all dreamy.


Dreams are no good at this point bimpy, we need some realism here. He's not coming so quit it.

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Guest bimpy474

Just watch Sociedad's highlights from yesterday, your minds will be made up and you will be all dreamy.


Dreams are no good at this point bimpy, we need some realism here. He's not coming so quit it.


Neither is Rafa, or Blanc, Martinez or Ketsbaia. Do will all quit it then ?


Be a bit boring in "who would you go for it" thread if we follow your instruction not to :lol:

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We don't need realism. We need divine intervention.




Comes with Jotenko's seal of approval too. :thup:

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I would take a punt on Martinez, not convinced on the field but he always comes across as very intelligent and positive.


If that's the criteria being used then so does this guy:



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Guest Geordiecunny

If history has taught me anything about being a Newcastle fan it's that sacking managers is rarely the solution to our problems. We've rarely given anyone time but, that said, we've even more rarely had a manager who seems as though they would have benefitted from having more time. Hughton deserved more time (in fact he didn't really do anything wrong) and, as such, I can hardly feel bad for Pardew if he doesn't get much time.


Two things make me think he'll stay, perhaps even if we go down.


One is our transfer policy and financial restrictions. Pardew is there primarily because he'll accept these without kicking up a fuss with the press. Very few English managers- from a country where our system isn't the norm- would accept that state of affairs. Can't imagine a 'Arry the Fish Face type manager accepting players coming in on the cheap, let alone ones he hasn't chosen himself.


Two is because of what happened last season. Bad managers, the logic would go, don't get clubs like ours to finish 5th above the European champions. Not sure if I necessarily agree as I think his team selections and tactics have consistently been poor this season.


IF we do decide to get rid I'd hate the idea of us appointing a manager who has already proven themselves to be a mediocre PL manager- the Hugheses and Curbishleys of this world. Even Martinez gets huge credit for consistently doing well in the last 10 games and never gets stick for doing badly in the first 28.


I'd like a youthful, ambitious and possibly foreign appointment and I'd like them to get next season- staying up dependent- to try things out and develop a style and a mentality in the club. A bit of a pass in the way Rodgers has this season at Liverpool.

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Guest Howaythetoon

If history has taught me anything about being a Newcastle fan it's that sacking managers is rarely the solution to our problems.


The reason why we have had to sack/replace so many managers is because throughout our history we have 9/10 appointed the wrong man. In all of our time as a Premier League club for example we have only ever appointed one good manager, Sir Bobby. The rest for whatever reason have turned out to be rubbish or not up to the job. That's a shocking state of affairs when you consider the huge potential of the club and some of the players and sides we have been able to field over the years.


We go and spend 50m and the manager is... Souness!


We go and bring in skilful, technical and pacey players and the manager is... Pardew!


We bring in a DOF and look to Youtube and dodgy agents for players and the manager is... KK!


We have consistently got it wrong and insanely so.


Now Hughton, even if we finished mid-table for a few seasons, he would have been someone I would have been happy to be our manager because A) I liked him, B) respected him and C) because he had us playing decent enough football, going into games looking to pick up points and generally getting good performances from the players. He showed enough with better players and more backing maybe that we could achieve perhaps more than mid-table with him.


People go on about Moyes and the time he has had despite some poor seasons and yeah they are right but Moyes was a young manager with a decent enough track record before he joined Everton, he was progressive and was clearly learning and developing. It was obvious Everton were going to learn and develop alongside him which they have since done. Plus he was hamstrung in many ways financially. Furthermore, you're almost on a hiding to nothing when you near neighbours are Liverpool. We are a one city club and sometimes people forget that.


Pardew has shown throughout his career that he's at best an extremely average manager. Unlike Moyes though, he's getting the cream of France signed for him and other top players and yet even during a season in which we finished 5th, we were still outplayed in the main by most that we played.


This season has been a disgrace, an utter disgrace and Pardew is mainly responsible for that. To be teetering on the edfge of relegation, with this squad, with the backing in terms of players signed, with all of that good will from the stands and no real media intrusion or pressure, is an absolute disgrace, especially following last season.


Btw, Hughton was our Moyes. We fucked up big time there. Just like we did with Souness and now Pardew.


Oddly enough, appointing such a shitty manager will not be the worst thing but actually keeping him. How many wrongs can we make?!


Its all about Ashley for me though and how he sees the club and sadly for us, he sees us as an advertising tool for his company and something he can have a bit of fun with at the weekend, win lose or draw. He doesn't have any aspirations for the club like he does for his business. In fact, if somoene came in and offered him every single penny he has invested into the club back, he'd snap their fucking hands off.


Who is daft enough though, and rich enough.


That's what we have to put up with until he dies or something.


He'll never appoint his Sir Bobby because the man doesn't have a fucking clue. Ironically, Sir Bobby's escapades in Italy way back in 1990 pretty much created your Mike Ashleys of this world/our game.


Which club do you follow Mike?




Fuck off!


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Manuel Pellegini, a Chilean manager, his current club is spanish side Malaga.. He is also former manager of Real Madrid and Villarreal. Best option for NUFC. NUFC > Malaga (bigger not better)...so its realistic..if MA want him.

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Guest Geordiecunny

If history has taught me anything about being a Newcastle fan it's that sacking managers is rarely the solution to our problems.


The reason why we have had to sack/replace so many managers is because throughout our history we have 9/10 appointed the wrong man.



So we might quite easily appoint someone worse than Pardew.


I'm torn over the whole thing.

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If history has taught me anything about being a Newcastle fan it's that sacking managers is rarely the solution to our problems.


The reason why we have had to sack/replace so many managers is because throughout our history we have 9/10 appointed the wrong man.



So we might quite easily appoint someone worse than Pardew.



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Guest Geordiecunny

If history has taught me anything about being a Newcastle fan it's that sacking managers is rarely the solution to our problems.


The reason why we have had to sack/replace so many managers is because throughout our history we have 9/10 appointed the wrong man.



So we might quite easily appoint someone worse than Pardew.




He appointed Kinnear. He won't necessarily pick someone better than Pardew.

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