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What should this squad be capable of?

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All managers being equal, our first 11 is top 8, we have some real quality still in our starting lineup. Add a quality centre back and left back and we'd be set. Squad is another matter.

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All managers being equal, our first 11 is top 8, we have some real quality still in our starting lineup. Add a quality centre back and left back and we'd be set. Squad is another matter.

O0 Agree


Exciting forward options and even if our defense is the weakest part, we still have a touch of quality in there. Frustraing as hell that two/three more signings would really improve us immeasurably.


Cant see anything but finishing behind Chelsea, Man City, Arsenal, Man Utd, Spurs, Swansea, Everton, Liverpool and maybe Southampton if they get there arse into gear.

We should be 'challenging' for 8th in reality as things stand imo.



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I think we're a defender away from having a really enjoyable season. And hen we pick up an injury or two we're fucked.


Absolute insanity when you think about it, £50mil or something like that spent and we're still frighteningly fragile at the back.

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It's a shame we're only one red-card or knock away from having to play Taylor or Williamson like. Cover at right-back or a first-choice centre-back could have made things so much better. As it stands if anything happens to Janmaat, half of the defence suffers (Mbemba right-back, one of those two CBs in).

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This squad is approaching the capabilities of what we had by the start of 2013/14 (the starting XI at Aston Villa that autumn has been discussed here many times, it was full of potential). That squad was then actively and conciously dismantled by Alan Pardew and his idea of football. I feel this summer has gone some way to repair his damage.


This time is different as the main change, what makes me look forward to games, is the fact that we have an actual person as manager. This club is, historically, relatively easy to galvanize, there is this powerful momentum always waiting to be activated. fucking Alan Pardew did it for a short while, Glenn Roeder too. I therefore believe Steve McClaren won't need to dig deep in order to find the necessary ideas, especially as he doesn't seem to hate technically gifted players and love long-balls and Mike Williamson.


We're capable of top eight this year and should expect to close in on Everton, Swansea and Spurs with continued investment - squad wise.

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Still think this squad's going to struggle. Our defence will be exposed for what it is when we push up to try and win games.


This. I can't see many goals in the team either. The biggest concern is the tough fixture starts to dilute all the positivity of the new signings. The West Ham game is huge but not sure I can see them losing their opening three home games.

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Still think this squad's going to struggle. Our defence will be exposed for what it is when we push up to try and win games.


This. I can't see many goals in the team either. The biggest concern is the tough fixture starts to dilute all the positivity of the new signings. The West Ham game is huge but not sure I can see them losing their opening three home games.

Hm. I'm also of the opinion that the defence is in a bit of a false position right now because the entire team is protecting them at the expense of attacking.


The difference is I think once we start attacking and a combination of Thauvin, Perez, De Jong, Mitrovic, Wijnaldum and Cisse start going for it and form an understanding there's more than enough to badly hurt most teams in the division so I don't see it simply going from not scoring not conceding to not scoring and conceding.

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After the shambles of last season it is hard to say really.  I think all of the new players add something to the squad but overall the squad is not strong enough for top 8 at the moment.


Our first 11-14 players should be able to achieve top 10 but any injuries to key players and we might struggle.


If we can improve our over style, be harder to beat and hit top 10 this year I will be VERY happy.  We have a few players out of contract next summer so assuming we replace them with better players then top 8 next season might be achievable - that said, all the clubs we are in theory competing with have spent this summer so who knows. Should be interesting to see how it all pans out.


I do think we need to get some wins on the board ASAP though to start building momentum.  For me, we need to change the starting 11 to do this.


Next three games, I would go with:



Janmaat  Mbemba Colo Haidara


      Sissoko  Wijnaldum

    Thavin    Cisse    Perez

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The following all out of contract next summer.









Hard to justify any of the above getting new contracts.  The combined contracts of all of them whilst not excessive still adds up so should free up some money and space in the squad to improve.


The players in bold definitely need upgrading.  That and an additional striker, LB and cover for RB and we have a much stronger squad.

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Think we've got a squad with some very good players in it, but some glaring deficiencies that will stop us getting close to the top 8.  One of the bigger issues that I think we really need to deal with in the next transfer window(s) is the make up of the two central midfielders.  Ultimately I don't think either Anita or Colback are good enough.

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Think we've got a squad with some very good players in it, but some glaring deficiencies that will stop us getting close to the top 8.  One of the bigger issues that I think we really need to deal with in the next transfer window(s) is the make up of the two central midfielders.  Ultimately I don't think either Anita or Colback are good enough.


Our midfield does lack balance. Would be getting a CM in in January. Gini and Sissoko are good box-to-box players but there's a lack of someone who knows what they're doing defensively that has any real physicality. Anita's positioning & in-game reading is good but the idea of him being the main defensive cover to Coloccini doesn't sound great to me.

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Still think this squad's going to struggle. Our defence will be exposed for what it is when we push up to try and win games.


Got to agree with that, also Anita and Colback as the central midfielders means we are always naturally going to sit deep. We have so many midfielders but none of the combinations we've tried so far strikes the right balance.

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Still think this squad's going to struggle. Our defence will be exposed for what it is when we push up to try and win games.


Got to agree with that, also Anita and Colback as the central midfielders means we are always naturally going to sit deep. We have so many midfielders but none of the combinations we've tried so far strikes the right balance.

Agree completely, until we find something more imposing (both offensively and defensively) than Anita and Colback we will find it hard. Any defensive injuries/suspensions and we are knackered...

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