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Questions to put to Pardew


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Guest bimpy474

Serious one to put forward:



Are there any plans to convert Santon into a winger?


Just what we need another winger who can't cross. Our crossing :(

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Alan, you said that the squad we went into this season with was good enough to challenge for the Champions League.  How s*** are the players we brought in during January if we are now challenging top 10 if we bring in a couple of new faces?


Alan, you complained earlier this season that players were tired after playing in Europe, even though you were fielding virtually 2 teams a week, were you seriously expecting people to believe you?


Alan, before Christmas you complained that the team had no continuity because of Europe, how can that be the case when less than a month earlier you were saying the players were tired because they were playing in both competitions?


Alan, how do you know what is going to go wrong during a game, before a game?  I only ask because you use the same excuses before and after.


Alan, one of our fellow supporters knew you were coming to the club a month before you arrived, even though you have denied being lined up before Hughton was sacked, would you see the same thing happening to you as being poetic justice?


Alan, you claim that we have good players and the fact that most are internationals seems to back that up, does that mean you're s****?


Alan, how would you describe your style of management?  Is it s***, negative, pre-historic, clueless, cowardly, mind numbingly boring, all of the above?

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Question 1:  Has either you or any of your coaching staff sat Cisse down and explained to him what the offside rule is?

and in relation to question 1

Question 2:  How do you not have a game plan that involves providing your no.1 goal threat with service which plays to his strengths considering he's been playing as lone striker for most of the games this calendar year?

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Alan, you said that the squad we went into this season with was good enough to challenge for the Champions League.  How s*** are the players we brought in during January if we are now challenging top 10 if we bring in a couple of new faces?


Alan, you complained earlier this season that players were tired after playing in Europe, even though you were fielding virtually 2 teams a week, were you seriously expecting people to believe you?


Alan, before Christmas you complained that the team had no continuity because of Europe, how can that be the case when less than a month earlier you were saying the players were tired because they were playing in both competitions?


Alan, how do you know what is going to go wrong during a game, before a game?  I only ask because you use the same excuses before and after.


Alan, one of our fellow supporters knew you were coming to the club a month before you arrived, even though you have denied being lined up before Hughton was sacked, would you see the same thing happening to you as being poetic justice?


Alan, you claim that we have good players and the fact that most are internationals seems to back that up, does that mean you're s****?


Alan, how would you describe your style of management?  Is it s***, negative, pre-historic, clueless, cowardly, mind numbingly boring, all of the above?


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Serious one to put forward:



Are there any plans to convert Santon into a winger?


why on earth would you??  His delivery and final ball is just as bad if not worse than Jonas.  He bombs forward great but gets 30 yards from the opposition goal and never (well has a couple of times) finds a B&W shirt.

I don't understand why people think its a good idea.

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Serious one to put forward:



Are there any plans to convert Santon into a winger?


why on earth would you??  His delivery and final ball is just as bad if not worse than Jonas.  He bombs forward great but gets 30 yards from the opposition goal and never (well has a couple of times) finds a B&W shirt.

I don't understand why people think its a good idea.


I don't either, but the comparison to Jonas isn't fair. Santon has 3 assists since Jonas' last.

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1) Why, given the quality of our offensive players, do we persist with worrying about what the opposition might do to us rather than making them worry about what we might do to them, especially given both the spectacular lack of success playing that way this season and how dreadful it is for supporters to watch?


2) Why do we rely on scoring goals from exceptional individual play and never commit more than 3 or 4 men to our attacks, when the only time this has ever worked in the past was with a forward triumverate of Ba on the left, Cisse central and Ben Arfa on the right, a setup that you spectacularly failed to recreate even once this season and a plan that you have persisted with even with the prolonged or permanent absence of 2/3s of that strike force?


3) Who is responsible for our players not being able to manage to start 30 games a season without being tired when Chelsea's seem to be managing 40-50, and what are you planning to do about this going forward?


4) Given that you play such a negative, containing game and put next to no focus on applying persistent pressure on the opposition, how do you intend to convince our more attack minded players that their footballing future lies with Newcastle United?


5) Why is Cabaye being deployed as a defensive midfielder next to Tiote when he is infinitely more effective further up the pitch?


6) Irrespective of when in the match it happens, every time we go a goal up we then seem to spend the rest of the game attempting to hold on to what we have rather than ever try to get a couple more. Why do you think this is the best approach?


7) I've noticed repeatedly that whenever we come out of a match with an unsatisfactory result, you talk in the press conferences afterwards about how we need to be more disciplined and have better shape, but you never mention that we should be attacking better or creating more chances. Why do you never consider the attacking deficiencies within our play when analysing our defeats?


8) What portion of coaching time is spent on attacking play vs defensive play, and how well do you think this is working?


9) "Attack is the best form of defence". Discuss.


10) For all the times that we've needed something on the pitch and Shola Ameobi has been the answer, what the merry fuck did you think the question was?

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I'd like to know if he actually believes he's made many mistakes this season, and if he's going to review anything about his own philosophies going forward with the experiences he's had. If we're taking his word at face value, we're 16th in the league with four games to go because of Europe and bad injuries. Well one of those is supposed to be the aim of the club and the other is by Pardew's own words purely down to luck. We won't be in Europe next year but why's he so sure our luck will be dramatically different?


It's unfair to state that we finished 5th merely because we weren't in Europe and were lucky with injuries, so why is the opposite fair?

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You should all get your mums to call the radio with questions like "are you still liking living in Newcastle" then when the radio puts you through take the phone and ask one of these questions, as it is the only way these will be fielded.

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I'd like to know if he actually believes he's made many mistakes this season, and if he's going to review anything about his own philosophies going forward with the experiences he's had. If we're taking his word at face value, we're 16th in the league with four games to go because of Europe and bad injuries. Well one of those is supposed to be the aim of the club and the other is by Pardew's own words purely down to luck. We won't be in Europe next year but why's he so sure our luck will be dramatically different?

I think he'll realise some of his mistakes but I have very little chance in him rectifying them. We still cannot take a corner after him declaring half a year ago that he was looking into it, I think expecting him to impose an entire new ethos on the whole side is probably a touch beyond his capabilities.


I also know you know this, but I just fancied writing it anyway :lol:

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10) For all the times that we've needed something on the pitch and Shola Ameobi has been the answer, what the merry f*** did you think the question was?


:lol: Love this.



Yeah, I got bored of forced civility by number 10. I'll add a couple more though:


11) In your first full season with us we finished 5th last year with a team largely recruited by the excellent Graham Carr. What part did you play in them achieving this and how do you feel your coaching and tactics have improved those players this campaign, now that you've had time to get them to play the way you want them to?


12) You said in the press that the reaction to the Sunderland result was hysterical. What would have been a proportionate response to the turgid, cowardly, horrid display that our team full of international players put out at home to our local rivals?


13) Modern football regularly requires teams at all levels to play two games a week. Why do you feel that Newcastle United are uniquely not equiped to do this and who do you think is to blame for that?


14) You've said that you'll accept any finishing position this season just to get over the line. As manager of Newcastle United, what finishing position would you feel is low enough to count as gross managerial incompetence given the strength of our squad and those of the other teams in the league?


15) Given the size of this club and the strength of the playing staff, what should Newcastle fans realistically expect this team to be able to achieve in the league?

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I'd like to know if he actually believes he's made many mistakes this season, and if he's going to review anything about his own philosophies going forward with the experiences he's had. If we're taking his word at face value, we're 16th in the league with four games to go because of Europe and bad injuries. Well one of those is supposed to be the aim of the club and the other is by Pardew's own words purely down to luck. We won't be in Europe next year but why's he so sure our luck will be dramatically different?

I think he'll realise some of his mistakes but I have very little chance in him rectifying them. We still cannot take a corner after him declaring half a year ago that he was looking into it, I think expecting him to impose an entire new ethos on the whole side is probably a touch beyond his capabilities.


I also know you know this, but I just fancied writing it anyway :lol:


Ultimately that's what it boils down to; the people who still have faith in him must believe that he knows he's made mistakes and that he'll learn from them. This season has been an unmitigated disaster aside from a decent run in a competition he's blamed most of our woes on. :lol: I find his comments about the EL and injuries fairly patronising, and I don't think they do him any favours. He's effectively saying that we were fortunate last year and our fate year on year rests with lady luck. If he has half a brain he must realise how daft that sounds.


I'd be interested in knowing his thoughts on it, because considering the list of excuses he's drawn from this season, 'I messed up again' is hugely absent. The Reading game is the only one I can think of. Ironically just before he was bailed out with £20m of signings.

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16) Rate your own performance as manager of Newcastle United this season on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best.


17) Given the opportunity to play through this season again, what things that were within your control would you do differently?

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However, Pardew is confident the plague of injuries is the result of misfortune rather than anything the club is doing wrong.


He said: 'We have got a good medical team here. In all seasons, there are one or two [injuries] perhaps you could have prevented by holding them back, and maybe that’s something we will look at.'


If we're unlucky next year: bottom half again. Oh well, maybe next time.

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